After 300 years of retreat, the system is activated?

Chapter 235 Losing to the Xu Family Controlling the Puppet

Shuimei was dissatisfied with them in the first place, and now she injured his father, so today's grudge must be settled.

"It seems that the eight major families are not as good as you, and they are not satisfied with theirs."

As soon as Shuimei was about to make a move, Luo Jiuge stopped him. Shuimei alone was not their opponent. She had promised to ensure their safety before, and the Shui family was still leaderless.

The Xu family laughed out loud when they heard this. It doesn't look like this person knows the prestige of the top ten families back then. If they really want to hear it, they can tell them.

The Huang family and the Shui family were never willing to be involved in this dispute. They each found a place to expand their current family on their own, and they were unwilling to bring up the matter back then.

The senior officials of the Huang family came forward to make peace, why should everyone be unhappy because of this incident.

"I know that the Huang family and the Ning family are not convinced, and I also know the secrets of the year, but when is this, can't everyone let go of the previous hatred?"

This is said lightly, back then they were not willing to fight for the first place, so if they were really capable, so what if they let him.

"It's not that the Han family injured my disciple in the middle of the night. My patriarch Tian was just a little guy back then, but now he is a stable member of the eight major families. It's just that he wants to stand on his own. Human beings are all selfish guys."

Luo Jiuge listened to their quarrel and there was no result. It seemed that he could only wait for the matter to be over and make a long-term plan.

"Since there is nothing to talk about, then forget it. As long as you are willing to surrender, I can let go. If you don't want to, I will naturally have a way."

The Xu family is just talking big words. Although he is very good, he is still far behind. It will take some time to beat them.

Seeing that the two sides were confronting each other, Shuimei asked Xunsi to help take care of the Patriarch. If she had to fight to the death, she would just give her life.

"Are you really going to die? Luo Jiuge must have a way. You have to trust him."

"I trust him very much, but they hurt my people and my father. I have to avenge myself. Don't worry, I will be fine."

While they were talking, Shuimei activated a hidden formation, and she was spotted by Patriarch Liu who was resting on the side for a long time. There is no way to beat him with this little skill and cultivation.

"You little girl, you still want to kill me? You can't even touch my finger with this formation, you really can't measure yourself!"

Patriarch Liu stood up enduring the severe pain, and the disciples behind her rushed over immediately, but with only [-]% of her strength, her body was already backlashed by the aura in the formation.

The veins were also severely damaged, a huge shock wave pushed her far away, she landed on the ground and rolled several times before stopping, a mouthful of blood gushed out directly, and she gradually fell into a coma looking at the person in front of her.

The head of the Liu family didn't express her intention, and approached directly to kill Shuimei.

Luo Jiuge teleported in front of her, palm down to force out the aura buried in the desert, the magic circle almost killed her.

It has been said before that Shuimei is not an opponent of these, but she just doesn't want to believe it.

"What benefits can you get from saving them like this? There is only one possibility to stay in this place where no shit is possible. There is only one possibility and that is to pass by and go to Dekeshi Qinglian Pond?"

Patriarch Xu's guess was also completely correct, he didn't continue to speak, even if he didn't speak, he could still know something.

"They should have promised you something. You can enter Qinglian Pond from here. Don't listen to them lying to you. These people are just looking for someone who can protect them."

It's really stupid now, he has to count the money after selling him, what a stubborn and ignorant person.

"So? You want to tell me the truth of the matter, and let me find it myself without meddling in your business?"

Luo Jiuge hugged Shuimei and put it aside. Shui Miao came here with injuries as soon as she knew that Shui's family was in trouble.

Seeing that his family members were all injured, he had to deal with him even though he endured the pain!

"Let go of me quickly, do you believe us or him? I am a bit annoying, but when have I hurt them, occupied our place, and even poached the wall!"

Many disciples of the Shui family knew that they must survive in the realm of chaos, and would eventually be swallowed up by other families. They were all taken in by the Liu family. How could Shui Miao not know.

What Luo Jiuge disliked the most was that these people betrayed the family. He looked at the old man Tianji and understood what to do.

He activated the magic circle, and a huge life card appeared in front of everyone. There were too many people in the Liu family on the opposite side, so they could only use a magic circle to draw out their life cards.

The Xu family immediately realized that they were leaving with their disciples. They wanted to take Patriarch Liu with them, but Luo Jiuge separated the two of them with a palm, and Patriarch Liu was hit hard by him again.

The fate cards of these people were all drawn out by the old man Tianji, and now they are like walking dead, standing in front of Luo Jiuge waiting for his demolition.

He really didn't want to use this method to force them to obey him, but now there was no other way.

"You despicable villain, you actually used this method to change them all back quickly."

The Xu family kept trying to wake Patriarch Liu up, but he just couldn't listen to anything now.

Luo Jiuge just used their method to deal with himself. The life cards of these people have been completely drawn out. If they want to recover, they must put the life cards back.

"You said what it would be like if you fought against each other. It's very exciting."

The Xu family watched his thugs wave lightly, those people looked at the person in front of them with boring eyes, and opened a huge magic circle to trap the Xu family and others inside.

"Let it go to me, Luo Ling, I won't let you go so easily!"

Seeing all this, other families stood behind Luo Jiuge one after another. The patriarchs all knew who was the most powerful. If the Liu family had been suppressing before, they had no choice but to follow him.

They have already been very dissatisfied with everything he has done, but now they are no longer afraid of the Liu family. He has become Luo Jiuge's puppet, and will be the Shui family's puppet in the future.

"I am a good person. I will definitely do what I promise to others. It seems that you can't fight me alone. There are so many small families that are more than enough to deal with one of you."

Master Liu stood aside and didn't speak. Shui Miao was afraid that all the anger would be cast on him, so of course he wouldn't kill him but it would make him worse off.

"You think the Liu family is the only one? If the Ning family knew about it, they wouldn't let you leave alive."

"It's really pitiful that you have been making wedding dresses for others."

Patriarch Xu knew that it was not suitable to stay in this place for a long time. One of the three major forces had already lost, so he had to report it to the others as soon as possible.

Shui Miao watched the main Xu family leave, and wanted someone to catch up with him and catch him back together, but Luo Jiuge stopped him, just to let him go back and report the news.

He wanted to see how powerful these three snobs were.

"How much do you know about the background of the three major snobbery? Knowing yourself and the enemy will win every battle. I need to know them first to know how to deal with them."

Shui Wa didn't know much, if his father knew the most, after all, he had personally experienced the great war back then, and they became the patriarchs of Xin after they came to the realm of chaos.

But he doesn't want to expand his main city, and other families will also come here in the future, and there is nothing wrong with everyone living in this place peacefully.

All of this also started with the defeat of the Liu family and the eight major families. Here, he became the king and continued to expand the main city. Even if he strengthened his respective formations, he had no intention of stopping to expand.

Only then did the main city of the Liu family come into existence, but it is not known that the desert here can still deteriorate from its original appearance.

Master Liu is just daydreaming. If he really has such ability, why would he feel insecure about expanding Asia and Europe.

"You should know the eight major families back then, right?" Luo Jiuge set his sights on the senior members of the Huang family, but he just shook his head and knew very little. Many families back then had support and support.

The Huang family was one of the opposition. Naturally, they couldn't continue to be with the big family. They could merge with the later Black Crow Mountain and build their own main city at the foot of the mountain.

Some other families have gone to live in other states, but here is not as prosperous as the original hundred families.

"Later, I learned that the Liu family was injured because they were secretly shot by two other families. That's all I know, and I don't know much about the rest."

"It's normal for the head of the family to quit together if they had a good relationship before. But the Xu family is worship to them."

Luo Jiuge also had a general understanding. Just as they were about to take these people away, they were stopped by other families before. They all knew that he was the thunderous Luo Jiuge.

"I don't know if you have time to go to my main city. I have always wanted to have the opportunity to meet you. I know if you want to know more about the Eight Great Families."

The Feng family was the first to stand up. They saw how powerful he was just now. Although these people obeyed his orders, it was because they had no choice but to help him otherwise.

The Thunder Sword faction also bears the brunt. Although he doesn't know the stories of the eight major families, he can let them find a good place to rest. As long as their faction can gather spiritual energy, now is really a good time for them to recuperate.

Both important members of the Shui family have been seriously injured, and Xun Si doesn't like it very much. It wouldn't be a bad thing if they were in the Thunder Sword Sect, but he still can't trust these people.

"You can rest well with us, and we also volunteer to be your subordinates. I wonder if you are willing to take in us little sects?"

Cihang Jingzhai has always wanted to find a chance to get to know each other, but she didn't expect that there would be a chance so soon, and naturally she wanted it for nothing.

"I have heard your needs, but the Liu family is already under my command. There are still many good things in the main city that I haven't seen. I will go find you when the Liu family is dealt with."

The other families heard that they would leave here soon, only the disciples of the Shui family were there, and now only Shui Miao could help him.

"The Liu family has been oppressing other families for so long, so he must have taken many magic weapons. You just have to find them all, and return all the rest left by your family to others."

Shui Miao couldn't believe that so many things had to be returned. Since they wanted to help them gain a firm foothold in the chaotic domain, they had to keep annexing them. If they went back, they would definitely be laughed at.

"I think it's a bit inappropriate to do this thing. Since it has already belonged to us, there is no reason to return it."

Luo Jiuge shook his head helplessly. If he wanted to be like the Liu family, he could do so, but the consequences could be imagined.

"Your Shui family is the weakest one. If I leave your possessions, I still don't have the strength to suppress them."

"There will be even more powerful families last night. If you are willing to be friends with them, maybe they will listen to you. This is what a big family should do."

Shui Miao understood what he meant and asked the disciple to return all the treasures.

They can still remember one of their kindness, which is a good way.

Xunsi took the two of them back for treatment, but the Shui family still had some aura, and the recovery time would be faster.

The disciples of the Shui family soon discovered a different space. The Void Giant Crocodile's investigation was a secret place established by the Liu family. Generally, there must be many treasures in this kind of place.

The giant void crocodile quickly tore through an entrance in the different space, and Luo Jiuge took the rest of the people in together. The space was large enough, and he could feel the spiritual energy not far away attracting them.

Luo Jiuge followed the giant crocodile in front of him to a cable bridge. There was a hole in front of it, and the inside began to shine. This should be the place where they store their treasures.

"This place is really beautiful. Isn't this the Consonance Ball? I heard that it can release aura infinitely. This should be the place you have been sensing."

Shui Miao recognized at a glance what these were for.

There are also many valuable medicinal materials stored here. These should be the treasures that the disciples of the Liu family have found in various places. He can do without other things. These things are needed.

"I will help you become the master of the domain of chaos. Everything here belongs to me, and no one will dare to bully you in the future."

Shui Miao thinks that this is not a good deal. They had already agreed to go to Qinglian Pond before, but now they want to take all these things away.

"I've already agreed. It's in exchange for a green lotus pond. What's the difference between now and before? You want to lie to me like the Liu family? Let's just say you're not a good person."

Luo Jiuge stretched his index finger across the air, and he immediately closed his mouth and could not speak.

"I said to help you educate the Liu family, but I didn't let you become kings, and I didn't say to keep you safe. If you give me all the useful treasures in the future, I can promise you all of these, how about it?"

"If you really want to say who this thing belongs to, after all, I defeated the Liu family, so this thing should be given to me."

Shui Miao looked at him and nodded, and then let him speak, as long as it can keep Shui's family safe in the future.

Anyway, this is also his credit, and what Luo Jiuge said has some truth.

He immediately sent the consonant ball directly to Xun Si.

Luo Jiuge took a lot of natural materials and treasures back, but a man not far away watched them leave Liu's house, and his fist couldn't help but tighten a little.

"The Patriarch has been captured by Luo Ling, the only way you can do now is to rescue them! You are the only son of the Patriarch."

The disciple behind him looked at everything and did not dare to act rashly. After all, he is the descendant of Patriarch Liu, and he will still be the patriarch in the future.

"I won't let them go. Go to the Xu family first to find out some information. I won't have any other family that can't deal with him."

Thinking about getting the consonance ball and putting her own spirit stone on it, Shuimei has already repaired it before, and now it can be revived as long as it is injected with spirit energy.

After absorbing the spiritual energy, the spirit stone rejuvenates the previous upgrade. Shuimei's body is full of minor injuries, and she hasn't woken up now because the fall is a bit serious, and she has recovered after the treatment of the spirit stone.

It's just that it takes time for the Shui family to wake up, and his fire is not an ordinary fire, and it's no small feat to be able to swallow all the disciples directly.

Now that this is the case, why not take advantage of the opportunity now and think about it to speed up his recovery, but he also wants all the lotus seeds before, and part of their previous agreement has been completed.

Shuimei has always been by his side to protect him, she is afraid that she will feel a little uncomfortable, and she will be terribly nervous.

Thinking that with the spirit stone, they can return to their previous state as soon as possible, and they can continue to the next place. Those families probably won't attack so soon.

"I have already called other families. I think the eight major families will come back soon, and you can catch up on the old days."

"This is Patriarch Liu's fate card. It's useless for me to take them with me. At most, it's just a burden. You can threaten them."

Luo Jiuge might use him as a backstop when he went to the position, so why should his previous efforts be ruined because of this one person.

"You want to give me all the initiative? That's not possible. You also know that my father and Shui Miao both hate Patriarch Liu to the bone. This person will definitely not be able to survive."

Shuimei had no way to stop them, and she had no right to speak.

The senior members of the Huang family saw Shuimei as they saw the current head of the Han family. In the whole family, she was the only one who was the most sober. Others were either killing or plundering. Only she knew how to carry forward the Han family.

"I believe you must have a way. Killing the head of the Liu family and your Shui family will follow the old path of the Liu family. If you want to convince others with virtue, you must set an example."

She listened to everything Luo Jiuge said, and the first thing the Patriarch woke up was to tell him what to do with the two families next.

Liu Wei found Patriarch Xu, who was already lying on the bed at the time of this matter, and the battle just now was almost due to beating, let alone confronting them, he didn't even have a chance to make a move.

"I always thought he was Luo Jiuge, but I still doubt why he didn't reveal his identity at Shuijia. I think there must be a reason."

The Xu family told Liu Wei everything that happened before, his father was so humiliated, his heart was full of anger, and he wanted to teach him a lesson.

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