Hufflepuff in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 2 New York Temple

Facing Richard who looked worried, Gu Zhongyan calmed himself down, shook his head vigorously, and tried to keep himself awake.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired. Just take a rest and you'll be fine."

"Really?" Richard glanced at him suspiciously, "Brother, this is not your first time. Are you really okay? Do you want to see a doctor?"

After lightly hitting Richard on the shoulder, Gu Zhongyan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know what's going on. It'll be fine."

"Okay then." Richard said, "But if you're still like this in two days, you must see a doctor, OK?"

"OK, I promise." Gu Zhongyan nodded vigorously.

This situation will not last long, because he has already thought about how to solve this problem.

On weekends, the early morning sun shines over the skyscrapers dotting Manhattan.

Gu Zhongyan, who was rarely sober, walked through the busy streets and stood in front of an ancient and magnificent building.

This building looks unremarkable. From the outside, it is just a very ordinary three-story structure. The exterior of the walls is somewhat mottled, the doors and windows are closed, and there is a logo on the top of the house that looks like a flower gardener's State Grid.

This is 177A Brick Street. For Marvel fans, it has another name, the New York Temple.

This is the base camp of the Sorcerer Supreme and one of the holy places in the Marvel Wizarding World.

The magic power that could not be restored forced Gu Zhongyan to take the risk and come here to find a way to restore the magic power.

Although it was built in the center of bustling Manhattan, no one among the people passing by on the street noticed this building.

Gu Zhongyan knew that this was because the New York Temple was cast with a magic similar to Muggle expulsion, so that people without magic could not perceive it. Even if they noticed it accidentally, they would quickly forget it because of the magic.

However, the shielding magic here is obviously more profound than the Muggle expulsion spell in the Harry Potter world. It vaguely touches the level of dimensional space, and seems to be separated from the normal world.

Although he has lost his magic power, he was once one of the most powerful wizards in the Harry Potter world. Gu Zhongyan can sense the powerful power contained in this temple.

Pulling himself together, Gu Zhongyan breathed a long sigh of relief and walked to the temple door. Just as he was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, he heard a creak and the two wooden doors slowly opened inwards.

In the ancient and mysterious hall, there are various murals and vases full of history and mystery. A bald woman in simple clothes is sitting in the living room with her back to Gu Zhongyan.

She slowly poured a glass of water from the teapot, "Forgive me for preparing English black tea on my own initiative. I hope it will suit your taste."

Gu Zhongyan had some expectations for the appearance of the Ancient One. As the guardian of the earth and one of the most powerful supreme wizards, the Ancient One has the powerful power to peer into the multiverse and predict the future.

Predicting his own appearance is not something incomprehensible.

But when she said the words "English black tea", Gu Zhongyan's heart couldn't help but beat hard.

After all, as far as Ancient One is concerned, compared with those demon gods from extraterrestrial dimensions, there may not be much difference between him and those demon gods except for power and intention.

Especially from Gu Yi, he felt an unprecedented powerful magic power.

That was an existence that he couldn't compare to in the past. The difference between the two was like the difference between a creek and the sea.

Just by sitting there, Gu Zhongyan could sense the restlessness of the magic elements around him, which made him feel at a loss as he lost his magic power at this moment.

Soon, Gu Zhongyan calmed down and told himself that if Gu Yi really wanted to harm him, he might not have waited until he came to the temple and would have been eliminated as early as the moment he traveled through time.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the tension in his heart, Gu Zhongyan walked to the opposite side of Gu Yi and said, "Master, this time I..."

"No hurry, sit down first. Can I call you Sean? Although I know you are older than you look, but I think I should be a little older, right?" Gu Yi joked. road.

Gu Zhongyan was stunned, nodded hesitantly, and sat down opposite Gu Yi.

Seeing this, Gu Yi handed him a cup of black tea, "Try it and see. My craftsmanship should not have deteriorated."

Taking the tea cup, Gu Zhongyan took a sip silently. The fragrant black tea flowed down his throat with a slight heat, and the warmth came out from his stomach, making his body that had been tense during this period instantly relax.

"Thank you, it tastes good." Gu Zhongyan said.

The smile on Gu Yi's face widened a bit, "After all, this is the result after 56 experiments. It's really not an easy thing to meet your taste."

Gu Zhongyan raised his eyebrows slightly. It seemed that as he thought, Gu Yi had already observed him on the timeline more than once.

"Sean, I know your reason for coming, but unfortunately, your future does not lie in Kama Taj, and my magic is not suitable for you."

Seeing Gu Yi's serious eyes, Gu Zhongyan's heart sank suddenly. He was about to speak, but was interrupted by Gu Yi raising his hand.

"Although Kama Taj's magic is not suitable for you, it does not mean that your appearance today is meaningless. There is an old saying among flower growers, saying that the stone from the mountain can attack jade."

"Kama Taj's magic is not suitable for you, but it can give you some reference points so that you can find your own magic path. If you are willing, I can give you some Kama Taj's magic books."


"But what?" Gu Zhongyan asked hurriedly.

"Do you know the significance of Kama Taj's existence?" Ancient Yi asked.

As she spoke, she tapped her fingers, and the golden light intertwined in the air and condensed into a slowly rotating earth.

"This is the Earth we live on. In the multi-dimensional space, the Earth plays an important role. Therefore, since ancient times, demons from various dimensions have tried to invade and devour this place."

"For this reason, the supreme mages of all generations established Kama Taj and built temples at three magic nodes on the earth to resist the erosion of extraterrestrial dimensions."

Following Gu Yi's words, three complex magic circles quickly spread out with London, New York and Hong Kong as the centers, forming an extremely powerful barrier.

Even with Gu Chongyan's magical attainments, he was unable to understand even one percent of the mystery of this complex magic array.

"The Supreme Mage is the guardian of the three major temples, and the magic of Kama Taj exists for this purpose."

"I can give you Karma Taj's magic book as a reference, but this is not a unilateral gift, but a transaction."

"In exchange, I hope that when the time is right in the future, you can help me, or do Kama Taj a favor."

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