Pure Blood Glory at Hogwarts

Chapter 47 Contract Cancellation

Although the arrival of the Lance family has been as low-key as possible.But because it was a relatively formal meeting after all, and it was such a big event as the termination of the contract, the scene was still a big deal.

At the very least, when the tall, ancient, and elegant Thestral carriage landed on the ground, the students inevitably showed expressions of surprise.

"Those horses that pull the cart...are they horses?"

Harry looked at those skinny, black bodies pulling the cart with some doubts, and there were pairs of huge bat wings.

"Pull the cart? Didn't these carts fly here by themselves?"

Seamus Finnigan looked at Harry strangely, and then looked carefully at the carriage.

"That's a Thestral, which is a relatively common magical animal that pulls a carriage." Ron explained, "It is said that only those who have faced death can see the Thestral."

As he spoke, he looked at Harry.

Harry felt a little depressed for a moment.

Seamus patted Harry on the shoulder with a look of surprise.

"You can see! Cool!"

Children are like this, there is something special, especially when it is associated with some obscure words like 'death' and 'fate'.Always feel inexplicably cool.

"I'd rather not see it."

Harry said a little disappointed.

The disappointed tone made Seamus not know what to say.

"Harry, oh, I'm not..."

"Okay, stop talking, Seamus."

Hermione looked helplessly at the overwhelmed Seamus.Taylor ignored Harry's distress, she was staring at the two people who came out of the carriage.

"It's from the Lance family."

She whispered to Hermione, "It should be for Luke."

Hermione frowned instantly.

"Want to report to Luke?"

Taylor shook his head: "Luke should be prepared."

The person who reappeared below also proved Taylor's words.

Luke greeted him amidst the attention of the students.The clothes he was wearing today were also very formal, but compared to the two members of the Lance family, he still seemed less concerned.

"Warm Lance."

Worm bowed to Luke first and said.Lake behind him also saluted.Although he, or they have dissatisfaction with the Gunter family in one way or another.But during the actual ceremony, even the Gaunts spat in their faces.They also have to smile.

That's why he must terminate the contract.

There is no initiative at all.This is not an equal contract at all, even the contract of retainers is not that harsh.But this contract was signed during the heyday of the Gunter family.At that time, I wanted to use Gaunt's tiger skin as a banner.Such conditions must be accepted.

Luke looked solemn, and returned the same courtesy.

This made Worm, who was looking at him from the corner of his eye in front of him, a little dazed.

This kind of Gunter who can treat them with leapfrog etiquette has not been seen for many years.

"Luke Gaunt."

After exchanging names, the three of them straightened up.

Just as Worm was about to say hello, Luke spoke directly.

"There's no need for too many pleasantries. You also know what your behavior today means."

Luke said coldly: "Of course, since you are here, you must know the consequences yourself."

After speaking, Luke walked directly towards the castle.It looks quite cold and arrogant.

Such a gesture brought Lake, who was a little annoyed and surprised just now, back to the past.

The arrogant, arrogant, and incompetent Gunter family impressed him the most.

Worm in front of him looked at Luke's back, and the sadness on his face faded by three points.

It's fine if we can talk.

Thinking of this, he followed Luke with a brisk pace.

Professor McGonagall gave up his office.

Although not so formal, there is no need for Hogwarts to provide a necessary meeting place for a student and a not-so-powerful pure-blood nobleman.

But today's witnesses are still very good.

Luke paused as soon as he approached the office.Then he forcibly suppressed the surprise in his heart, and saluted Dumbledore with a natural expression.

"Professor Dumbledore."

The two Lances behind him even showed surprise on their faces.

You know, Dumbledore's attitude towards pure-blood nobles is not very good.

After all, back then, a large part of them were actually on the opposite side of Dumbledore.

Then after the Dark Lord died, they were severely educated.

And now, is the heir of the Gaunt family actually having a good relationship with Dumbledore?Could this be a harbinger of pure blood regaining control of the center of power?Does it mean that Dumbledore intends to ease the relationship with the pure-blood family?Or is he planning to win over a group of pure blood families to strengthen the pure blood forces that favor him?

For a moment, Worm thought of many, many things.However, all the turbulent waves were hidden under the calm expression.

"As soon as possible, Mr. Lance, forgive the lack of energy of an old man. After the contract is terminated, you can talk slowly." Dumbledore had a gentle smile on his face, "Mr. Gaunt, I can talk about your class today." You are allowed to take leave of absence, but please remember to make up your homework."

"No problem, Professor."

Luke responded quickly.

Then he looked at Worm.

Worm didn't hesitate too much.He took out a piece of parchment directly from the box held by Lake.

"Hold the corner, please, Mr. Gaunt."

With that, Worm handed Luke a corner of the parchment, and he held the other corner himself.

Although Luke didn't have anything to read, the sentences such as "Eternal surrender, no disobedience" and "Anything you need, you can do anything" really made people flustered.

Such a contract cannot be described as harsh.Of course, there must still be loopholes.

"Amazing contract magic." Dumbledore couldn't help admiring, "It's even older than the 'Curse of Fidelity'."

"But it's not as reliable as it, Professor." Luke shook his head and said, "There are loopholes in the contract."

"……you're right."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Luke seemed to see a flash of disappointment on his face.

"Now, tear it open, Mr. Gaunt."

Worm drew Luke's attention back.

Luke tugged obediently.

He felt the tingling in his fingers.Then, bloody flames ignited from the ground of the contract.

Gradually, this ancient contract turned into ashes.

Worm and Lake felt a big piece of relief suddenly on their bodies.

And Luke was a little dazed, feeling like he had taken a bath.

But before he recovered, he heard Worm's voice.

"Next, let's talk about honor. Mr. Gaunt."

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