Pure Blood Glory at Hogwarts

Chapter 88 Counterattack

The battle on the field is still stalemate.

Although Nott's team seems to be missing one person at this time, but there is no big disadvantage.

"Oliver Knott is amazing." Luke admired, "Every decision and command he makes can achieve the greatest effect."

This Nott is a natural commander, if placed in the Muggle world, of course he is a hot genius.

It's a pity... There are too few people in the wizarding world, and it is impossible to implement militarized management.A profession similar to a policeman, like Auror, is already the most professional combatant.

But even so, if he commanded the team, he would be able to perform well in small-scale beheading battles.

What makes Luke feel a little regretful is that there is a high probability that this person cannot be used by him.

"It's very powerful, but it's a pity that no one would like to work under him."

Gemma looked at Nott's team, the Chaser who was with him, and the Seeker who had to help defend.They are all in a state of distress now, their cloaks and other clothes are more or less damaged, and there are bloodstains or bruises on their faces.

Nott himself did not appear to have received any damage.The whole person still looks handsome and unrestrained.

Flint took advantage of Nott to catch the ball, quickly approached him, raised his hand high, and pretended to steal the ball.

Nott, on the other hand, waved his hand quite calmly and threw the ball in his hand.

But Flint seemed to be unable to stop the car, and was still approaching.Nott felt that something was wrong, and was about to leave immediately, but it was a bit late after all, and Flint spread his slap the size of a round plate on his chest.

Nott was in pain for a moment, with a painful expression on his face.

Flint's eyes were full of indifference and deep contempt.

"If you do this kind of thing on the court next time, it will hurt your face."

He stopped beside Nott and warned coldly.

Nott held back the pain and sneered, "You don't really want to be a Quidditch player, Flint?"

The words didn't come to the end, but Flint naturally couldn't miss his subtext.

"It has nothing to do with you, but as long as I'm still the captain of this Quidditch team and you're still on this team for a day, you can restrain me." Flint's face was cold and fierce, looking very fierce , "This is my territory!"

Nott took a deep look at him, and even the sneer on his face disappeared. Instead, he smiled lightly, didn't respond, and just continued to chase forward.

Flint took a deep breath, and dissipated the smiling face that was obviously gentle and plain, but made his heart skip a beat.Then he glanced at Luke sitting upright in the stands, and shook his head helplessly.

Afterwards, he still rushed towards the position where the battle was fierce.

What a game.As long as it is a competition, negligence and carelessness are absolutely not allowed.

The audience in the stands, if they didn't feel it at first, then after Flint's slap, they all came back to their senses and understood that today's matter is definitely not just a simple team match.

Although the referee did not blow the whistle, he thought it was a reasonable collision.But everyone can still see that this slap is probably not aimed at the ball.

In the current arena, the competition is indeed fierce, but there are always some people who don't seem to be in the middle of the competition.

Malfoy rode his broom leisurely, switching back and forth between looking up and looking down.His brows were furrowed, and he licked his dry lips with his tongue.

'Where the hell is this golden snitch? '

He was very puzzled, looking at the Seekers in the arena, each of them could quickly find the shadow of the Golden Snitch.But when I got here, why haven't I seen it for a long time?

He was a little strange, and couldn't help but wondered whether this guy Flint forgot to release the golden snitch, or the school's golden snitch had been in disrepair for a long time, and it was broken somewhere.

He couldn't help scratching his head, feeling a little troubled.

"Get out of the way!"

As a result, before he could figure it out, he heard a violent shout.

He subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.But when he turned his head, he only saw a green cloak, which already occupied all his sight.

The next moment, a huge force struck and pushed his whole body out.

Malfoy still doesn't know exactly what happened, but he has already flown out, his ears are filled with the sound of howling wind, mixed with exclamations from the stands, and harsh whistles.

He didn't know what was going on, but instinctively, he gripped the broom tightly with both hands, his legs were also clamped, and he was trying his best to control his direction.

The referee in a black cloak rushed to save him with a broom.

Fortunately, Malfoy himself didn't sit still, and with his fairly good flying talent, he finally managed to control the broom, and Malfoy was only a little dizzy, and there were no bigger problems.

At this time, a Quaffle passed the goalkeeper's ear.He blasted into the ring with a terrifying speed and daunting force.

"Oh hoo!"

Morton Leitch shouted happily, with a bright smile on his face.

But apart from him, no one on the court had any good looks on their faces.

If the unintentional and reasonable collision between Nott and Flint just now could be explained, everyone saw Reich's actions just now.

It was obviously aimed at Malfoy.He was also very smart, and he could see that Malfoy was the biggest weakness in Flint's team, so he focused on this weakness and attacked.Sure enough, Malfoy didn't stop him and created a chance for him to score a goal.

But now let alone Flint's face is not good, even Nott's face is not very good.

Draco Malfoy, the only child of the Malfoy family.In some families, there is more than one child in this generation.But among the 28, most of them are single seedlings.In addition to the things that Voldemort did, the next heir of the Crouch family is in Azkaban; the heir of the current generation of the Black family is in Azkaban; the only remaining member of the Lestrange family Matron, also in Azkaban.

It can be said that if things continue to be so peaceful, there will be not a few 28 families that will become extinct in the next generation.

At that time, the goblins will definitely eat a lot.There are also many nobles who will get the chance to rise.

But that doesn't include the Malfoy family... It's ridiculous that what Voldemort failed to do, what the Ministry of Magic failed to do, Morton Reich, a fool, almost did.He almost made the Malfoy family history after decades.

Flint finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Malfoy was fine, and then looked at Nott angrily.

Nott's face now looks like he ate a fly.He'd always known that Morton Reach was half-crazy and outrageous in his behavior.But never thought that this guy could be so crazy.

He didn't care about Flint's anger anymore, so he could only go to see Malfoy first.After all, if the Malfoys came after him, Ricky would be nothing but a mad dog.Dogs are nothing more than being beaten to death with a stick, and what people are looking for is definitely the person who let the dog bite someone.

His father asked him to test other people's attitudes, not to bring trouble to his own family.

In the stands, Luke had a slight smile on his face: "The show is about to begin."

Gemma glanced at Luke, a little confused.Taylor, on the other hand, noticed the slight movement of Luke's hand.There was a clear look on his face.

This made Gemma a little distressed.She is unwilling to tell Luke and the others her secret now, but Luke and the others have already begun to show their secret in front of her.

It's as if two people holding a comic book are watching and laughing, and they don't care when the other person appears, but they just don't let her see what is in the comic book.

Gemma took a deep breath, calmed down, and then quietly waited for the start of what Luke called the 'good show'.

Luke saw Gemma's expression and movements from the corner of his eye, and the corner of his mouth curled into an imperceptible arc, then he restrained himself and looked at the court with a half-smile.

Probing?What is there to explore?

He said everything so clearly that he really didn't want to say it again.Since there are plans against him, don't blame him for fighting back.

How could it be his character to simply see the tricks and dismantle them.

Nott greeted Malfoy, and Malfoy responded with some respect, but after all, there was nothing like being flattered.

"Senior, as nobles, if we can't even control our own people, how can we restore the glory of our ancestors?"

Having said that, Malfoy shook his head and sighed, seeming to hate iron for being weak.This made Nott look a little ugly.

And Malfoy didn't care, he just watched Nott's father flatter his father Lucius for a store related to the Avery family.

Of course, the one from the Avery family also arrived later, and the two of them quarreled so much that they almost lost the dignity of nobles.Malfoy couldn't remember exactly what he said.But his father, Lucius Malfoy's reserved smile and graceful demeanor was still fresh in his memory.

Compared with those two, his father is worthy of the title of 'nobility'.

Compared with Malfoy, who was still young, Nott knew Lucius' influence on the Ministry of Magic even more.He wanted to work in the Ministry of Magic after graduation, so it was best not to upset Lucius.

Just when he was about to speak a few soft words, he heard loud noises.

"You bloody Mudblood!"

I saw Leitch grabbed the bat of a wizard on the opposite side, and then slammed it towards him fiercely.

The opponent blocked it, regained the bat with a backhand, and gave Leitch a hard push.

Nott's face was very ugly.Malfoy said to him with some concern: "Go and have a look, your team members are having internal strife."

The words he said before contacting those who can't manage him well made Nott really feel like he was going to be angry.

Although it looks like the scene he planned now, he has a faint feeling that this matter is definitely not as simple as he thought.

Before Nott came close, the two people over there had already pulled out their wands.

The two were in seventh grade and the other in sixth grade, students of Slytherin. Except for Flint, the other team members had good grades.

This also means that the two already have a certain degree of combat power.

I saw the two people hang upside down a golden bell together, and the clear water is like a spring together, and the coming and going between you and me is quite intense.

But obviously there is still reason, the flames are raging, and spells such as thunderbolt explosions did not appear after all.

But this posture obviously does not mean that it can be pulled away by pulling it away.

Flint watched coldly, determined to see how Nott's day ended.

Nott had a bad heart, and just wanted to say a few words according to the original plan, and then brought the matter to Luke.But before he could speak, he heard Reich's angry words.

"You bloody Mudbloods! You deserve to play with me too?! Dirty, filthy things!"

Naturally, many people are unwilling to say this.So everyone approached together.As if being controlled by anger, Reich unscrupulously fired a spell at those who besieged him, and the power became stronger and stronger, even using the dangerous spell of thunderbolt explosion.

Nott's face was very ugly. No matter what happens to Luke today, he must be punished.

And just when he took out his wand and was about to end the farce, Reich spoke again.

"Ha! Oliver Knott! You are not a good guy! As a member of the 28th Saint Race, you can play so well with a group of mudbloods and half-bloods! You don't have any pride in pure blood!"

"Ah! I got it! You also believed the words of that pure-blooded scum in the first grade, right? You are indeed with him! Today you deliberately cheated on me, is it just to please him!"

Nott's face suddenly froze.

The faces of everyone present also changed.

It's okay for Reich to be an idiot, but his words reminded everyone.

Knott is definitely going to cheat people today.At first they thought it would be Flint, or Malfoy who had almost died before.

But after being clicked by Lei Qi for a while, they all realized that in today's round, they may not be dealing with the people on the field...

As a result, all the noble children present were either watching jokes or shaking their heads, and their expressions were not very friendly.

Especially Flint, who was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and looked at Nott's expression, which was already full of sarcasm.

"Can't you find a reliable person even if you look for someone to do it? Nott, you really can't do it!"

The relationship between Flint himself and Nott was so bad, and with the previous incidents, the two of them were almost on the verge of falling apart.

Nott was speechless for a while.It's not a big deal to set up a situation to test people, or even harm people.But it would be embarrassing if the setup fails.It also makes people doubt their abilities.

It just so happens that I have reached this crucial point of time again.At this time, if someone says 'no', it will ruin your future.

And just when he was about to refute, the person in the stands, whom everyone had been paying attention to, suddenly took over.He even recruited a broom and flew towards this side.

Nott looked at Luke's approaching figure, and subconsciously felt that Luke was playing tricks on this matter.

But no matter how you think about it, this matter was exposed because Reach was dazzled by anger.

How could he not figure out how Luke sabotaged his plan.

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