Luke's first reaction when he heard the news was not surprise but speechlessness, profound speechlessness.

He couldn't figure it out, how did Quirrell and Tom manage such a confidential matter so crudely?The twins knew about it, and they guessed about it, so if Dumbledore didn't know about it, Luke would just treat it as bullshit.

But despite this, Luke will not expose it at will at this time, it will be bad for everyone.

Dumbledore wants to sharpen his knife, and Luke wants to fish in troubled waters.It would be better for everyone to have Tom come out like this.

As for Tom?

emmm...he tried his best.

Luke said with a serious face: "You two, don't bother with Professor Quirrell anymore. Although I don't know what he wants to do, Dumbledore should have said the same thing to you last time."

The twins looked at each other and nodded in unison.Dumbledore also told them last time that they don't need to pay attention to this matter.

"We didn't look for it on purpose, we just wanted to take that secret path when we went out. But we just saw Professor Quirrell coming out of it."

George quickly explained.After all, after Luke and Dumbledore both ordered, the two of them are still a little bit clueless if they still don't give up.

Fred didn't explain, just looked at Luke's face, his expression was flat, but his eyes were peaceful.But it's actually not that simple.On the contrary, it is like a sea that is about to surge, there are no waves on the outside, but turbulent waves are bred inside.

"I don't mean to blame you, I'm just worried that you two will be noticed by him." Luke sighed softly and explained to them, "You may not care about my attitude, but you still have to pay attention to Dumbledore's words. He I have lived for such a long time and get along well with your parents, so I won’t harm you.”

Although George and Fred are naughty, they are also very smart, so how could they not understand this truth.And even Luke's other meaning is not unaware.

"I didn't mean to disbelieve you, it was indeed a coincidence."

Fred also opened his mouth to explain, and he was telling the truth.

Luke nodded and said nothing more.But George frowned and thought for a while, and still felt inappropriate: "Luke, don't you really need to warn the professors? Other professors may not believe what the two of us said, but Professor McGonagall should believe it." .”

"Other professors will not believe it."

Fred spoke to add.

Although the two of them have a reputation for being mischievous, the professors have been dealing with them for a long time, so they naturally know that they will not joke about this kind of thing.

Unlike Harry and Ron.The twins seem to be unreliable, but they are actually very smart and very reliable.And Harry and Ron tried their best to make themselves look reliable, but they were still unreliable after all.

But when they said this, they all reacted.

"Forget it, I think you must know it in your heart." Fred shook his head and said.

Regardless of others, both of them knew that Luke's words in front of several professors were definitely better than theirs.In some people's eyes, Luke is a child, but in some people's eyes, this is the patriarch.Of course you can't treat it like a child.

Of course, well-informed professors, of course, are not unaware that a school manager has changed...

So if Luke wants to say it, it is much heavier than the two of them.

Since he didn't talk about it, what's the point of them saying it.

George quickly understood. Although he was still a little puzzled, he didn't say anything more.

Luke chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I have a measure."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Fred asked a little strangely: "Luke, Ron and Harry are also looking for ghosts? They also found Professor Snape?"

Luke was choked again, and he didn't know whether George and Fred's information gathering ability was too strong, or those two people couldn't control their mouths when they did this kind of thing...

"Probably both." Luke thought with some pain, and helplessly raised his forehead.

George and Fred looked at Luke's expression, wanting to laugh but also a little ashamed.It's embarrassing at the moment, but their own brother.

After a while, Luke raised his head and said helplessly: "I know about this, and I originally thought that the two of them would be idle and idle, so as not to cause any trouble. And I will not stop when I say it, and I will Complain. It's better to let the two of them toss about on their own, so as not to have too much energy and make other troubles."

Fred also sighed softly: "This really seems like something that Ron would make a fuss about..."

They are the most clear about their younger brother's virtues.

"It's because you are so good that it puts him under a little pressure." Luke smiled and relieved.But he wasn't lying. He felt that Ron's performance, especially the two points of bragging and self-esteem, were probably caused by this reason.

George and Fred looked at each other again, and then both sighed.What can they do...

Seeing this, Luke also smiled. The children of the Weasley family have a really good relationship.One by one, they really put each other in their hearts.Even Percy always had family in his heart.But sometimes it goes astray...

"Fred, George, I need you two to do something for me."

Luke suppressed the smile on his face, and spoke solemnly.

George was a little confused, but Fred showed a serious look on his face.

"You said."

"Help me investigate, who are very dissatisfied with me now. Mainly check the age of five, six, seven or three."

For the other grades, he is sure that no one will speak ill of him when he graduates.

"no problem."

Fred simply agreed.This matter itself is not difficult, but it is very important.He was very happy to receive this task.

George still couldn't understand, but he nodded as well: "Don't worry, it's not a big deal. It's easy to check."

Luke nodded with a smile.

He wouldn't force the twins to do this for him.I don't think the twins would like such a thing too much.But since Fred is interested, why not let him get in touch with it first, just like Gemma, if you don't like it, just withdraw immediately.Everyone in the province is making a fuss.

Luke is not afraid of having enemies, but he is unwilling to somehow turn those around him into enemies.

After a few more words, the three separated again.Before it was time for dinner, George and Fred decided to make a plan first. The two of them played pranks for such a long time, first of all, few people could catch direct evidence, and second, if they caught it, they would not be annoying It is all thanks to the habit of planning in advance to solve things under such circumstances.

Luke walked towards Snape's office.Today's matter must not be over.He knew what was going on with Flint, but he still wanted to see what would happen to Reich and Nott.

Is it a small punishment and a big commandment, or should one of them be fired?

But think about it, Hagrid was sentenced to be expelled from school for keeping dangerous magical animals that caused the death of his classmates, and he could even become a gamekeeper later.Although it is true that Hagrid himself did not cause death, it can be seen that the school protects the students.

It seems that at most it is a small punishment and a big warning, to teach a lesson, to suppress the arrogance.

Walking to the door of the office, just as Luke was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, the door was opened from the inside.

I saw Flint coming out of the door in a disheveled state, but his eyes still lit up the moment he saw Luke.

The look in his eyes startled Luke.I feel a little flustered, you know this is Daiying...

"Luke, are you here too?"

Flint said with some surprise.

But before Luke responded, he heard the low and angry voice inside.

"Come in!"

Luke's mouth twitched.But Flint shook his head, and said softly: "Be careful, it's just that you are scolding hard, don't get angry..."

As he spoke, he gave Luke a meaningful look.

Luke could see the counsel in his eyes.It probably means that the future will be long and there is no rush.

Luke was a little surprised at Flint's wit, but nodded and said, "I know."

Then he walked into the office.

Flint looked at his back and wanted to say a few more words, but when he looked up, he met Snape's warning eyes.So he could only shrink his neck, backed away like a frightened quail, and closed the office door by the way.

Snape saw the obtrusive Flint disappear, and focused his attention on the newcomer Luke.That look was far from friendly.

And Luke could see that the previous anger on the court was indeed acting, but the badness at this moment was not fake at all.

So Luke also restrained his joking thoughts.The relationship between him and Snape has not reached that level, it is impossible to be taught a few words like in front of Professor McGonagall, it doesn't matter.Moreover, Snape, who was already a double agent, could not be bribed, but he had to find another opportunity.

So now, Luke is not in the mood to fight hard with this love.Fortunately, after he missed the truth by saying the inappropriate words to him last time, he would not easily trouble Luke.

At this time, Nott lowered his head, his face was extremely ugly, his fists were clenched, his joints were white, his body trembled slightly, but he just didn't dare to show it.

Snape, as a master of potions, coupled with his status as head of Slytherin, even old Nott would not pretend to be big in front of Snape.Even if they look down on Snape's mixed-race identity.But this kind of thing can't be brought to the surface now.

He was all like that, not to mention that fanatical purist, Morton Leitch.

But Luke saw that Morton Leitch didn't respond in the slightest at this time.Not only was he not annoyed, but he also felt a little shivering.Luke turned on the ability and looked again. Sure enough, the color representing timidity has occupied more than half, and there is only a little anger.

The emotional backlash is still here.

Luke's expression was normal, but he was a little worried in his heart. If something wrong with this guy was found out, even if he couldn't produce evidence, he would still be the one suspected.

If there are some inheritances that do not belong to him, and he can still tell others, then he is absolutely unwilling to expose the talent of emotional control, which is the foundation of his life, in the future.

While Luke was eyeing Leitch, Snape was also watching Luke.He was deeply vigilant about the seemingly seen-through look on the playground today.

That feeling is very similar to being Legilimency, but it's not quite the same.Very slight, very inconspicuous.If he hadn't let go of his vigilance in this area, and it was many times higher than normal people, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to notice it.

"Mr. Leitch's thunderbolt explosion is really proficient. You have been studying hard and waiting for today, right? Come, let me see your powerful spell that everyone talks about. Be bold, just like on the court. "

Snape said to Reich who lowered his head and dared not speak in a provocative and mocking tone.

Lei Qi just kept his head silent, and there seemed to be water in his eyes.

Snape frowned, feeling something was wrong, but he felt that he was thinking too much.After all, although Morton Leitch looked arrogant and bold at ordinary times, no one knew what kind of gesture he would make until the situation was imminent.

He looks tough on the surface, but when he really faces life and death, he turns into a soft-boned person. He saw a lot when he was a Death Eater.

So I didn't take it too seriously.

Then, he shifted his gaze to Luke, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"What? Is Master Gaunt here to teach me how to deal with disobedient students? Or are you asking for mercy, giving yourself a reputation of tolerance and generosity, and buying people's hearts by the way?"

Luke was not interested in paying attention to his sarcasm. This sarcasm was neither painful nor itchy. It was not annoying, let alone turning his face: "I have quarreled once, and I am not interested in arguing with you again. But it is true. Let me ask you how you plan to deal with these two."

With that said, Luke glanced at the two people beside him who were looking at him at the same time.

"After all, one slanders me, and the other involves me. Let's see if your punishment is in place today. If it is in place, I will not say anything. If it is not in place, I will take revenge myself."

That's what Luke said, but neither Snape nor Nott would believe it.

If this is really the plan, it would be superfluous to come in and ask.Whether the punishment here is hidden from the students outside, the answer will naturally come out after a while.

Speaking of this now, I am afraid that the meaning of asking is less, and the meaning of pressure is more...

Nott looked at Luke with a little hatred in his eyes, and he hated Luke for getting worse.

As for the thing about him designing Luke, what's wrong with that?High or low is just to embarrass Luke, and it won't make him suffer any punishment.

The more he thought about it, the worse he looked at Luke.

Lei Qi looked at Luke, with tears in his eyes, full of grievances, fear, worry, and timidity.

Luke couldn't even look at it... like a bitch.

So he and Snape looked at each other again, refusing to give in.

But this time, Snape didn't feel that feeling of being seen through again.

He frowned.

Is it my own illusion?

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