Pure Blood Glory at Hogwarts

Chapter 95 Great benefits!

The arrival of the festive atmosphere of Halloween is actually earlier than everyone imagined.

After all, they don't have many holidays, and Halloween is the first holiday worth celebrating when school starts.Plus legends from previous years' Halloween parties.And the students who have become more connected this year.Their anticipation for a party has reached a peak.

In addition, in this time without mobile phones, everyone is still willing to take the time to spend a party with their good friends.

"Will there be a dance this year?"

"You still want to dance with people in a skeleton coat?"

"She's also wearing a ghoul suit!"

Listening to what the two senior students said, Luke didn't know what expression to give for a while.

Ghoul suit, skeleton coat...

It can only be said that wizards really know how to play.


A disdainful voice reached Luke's ears, and when he turned his head to look, it was indeed Malfoy. Obviously, he also heard what was said there, but he looked down on such activities.

Is such a wacky dance party a dance party?What's a ball without expensive dresses, elegant music, and elegant dancing?

"How's it going?"

Luke didn't give him time to continue mocking. This guy is good everywhere, but he always thinks highly of himself. Under Luke's influence, he has been able to make it less obvious in front of others.But the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. If you want to really turn him into a comrade worth entrusting, instead of a playmate who came together for fun, there is still a long way to go.

But fortunately, it is already on the right track. If there are no accidents, the rest is just a matter of time.

Seeing Luke's solemn expression, Malfoy didn't continue to make fun of it, but said to Luke equally seriously: "It has been found out, the students from the noble family basically have them, and their defense is not bad. Don't worry, I What you did was fairly covert, and according to your instructions, all the people you found were from the lower grades, so they didn't arouse anyone's suspicion."

Luke nodded. He didn't doubt Malfoy's ability to do things. Although this man must have various shortcomings, he can definitely do a good job in this small matter.

"How many people agreed?"

"Four. They are all representative, like Ernie McMillan."

"Well, well done, Malfoy, I knew you could do it!"

Luke's praise pleased Malfoy from the bottom of his heart.He has been praised by others since he was a child, and there are not a few who even boast that he is the only angel who is born and unique on earth.But those people flattered him to flatter his daddy's feet.I don't really think he's great.

But Luke is different here. He is really praising himself with his heart, and he really thinks he is great.

"At the critical moment, I will stand up first, and then Ernie and the others will follow. I originally thought about finding two representatives in Gryffindor...but..."

As soon as Malfoy showed a little sarcasm on his face, he was immediately replaced by helplessness.

It's not a joke. At the beginning, he still had a natural hostility towards Gryffindor, and he also looked down on him from the bottom of his heart, which made many of his thoughts on Gryffindor too subjective.

After Luke let him get to know him deeply, his inexplicable hostility dissipated a lot, and he was even able to chat with Harry for a few days these days.

Some hostility itself is caused by insufficient communication.If it's really the kind of deep hatred that cannot be resolved, Luke can't force it to change.

"Few people have similar things. The four Weasley brothers who should have had it. But they don't have any... Some of them don't meet the conditions you mentioned."

Luke smiled and patted Malfoy on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I'll just take care of it."

Looking at Luke's reassuring smile, Malfoy no longer struggled, and nodded seriously.

"By the way, I saw Taylor on the way here. She told me to call you over."

Malfoy seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said to Luke.

Luke looked at him and said with some amusement, "Don't you think Taylor is a weirdo now?"

Malfoy rolled his eyes, and said, "At first, it's because they're unfamiliar, isn't it that people who don't know Tyler look at Taylor like they look at weirdos?"

It's not a lie. Taylor's personality is withdrawn. Apart from talking to Hermione and Luke, he only actively speaks in Potions class.In addition, I used bangs to cover almost half of my face all day long.The whole person looks gloomy and hesitant, and the whole person is as quiet as a ghost...

No, ghosts are more noisy than her.

"By the way, Luke..." Malfoy looked at Luke and asked with a look of anticipation, "Can you ask Professor McGonagall, how are we going to organize this year's Halloween party?"

His face was filled with anticipation. It was no secret that this year's Halloween party was organized by Professor McGonagall.In fact, different professors are responsible for the annual Halloween party.So the professors can roll up one by one.At the very least, something new should be done.

"Maybe we will invite a few more famous bands?"

Luke is just guessing, after all, the description of Halloween in the original book is not very lively.Or maybe everyone will play after dinner?But before the dinner party was over, there was no further fun to watch.

He didn't tell Malfoy that no matter what kind of excitement there was, he probably wouldn't be able to watch this year's Halloween.

Because there is more excitement.

"Okay, I'll go see Taylor first. I remember that this morning's class is Charms. Don't be late."

As he spoke, he walked towards the door of the lounge.

Malfoy frowned as he watched Luke leave, but he didn't say anything, and went back to get his textbook.


The sun was shining brightly, illuminating the entire forest, and the old castle in the middle of the forest did not look gloomy.

"Blood is all over our lips, our bodies are full of scars, we embrace the sinful souls in the dark..."

A mature female voice sang some gloomy lyrics in a childlike tune.


The sound of flapping wings sounded from outside the window, and then there was a "tuk tuk tuk" knocking on the window.

The black raven tapped the open window lightly with its beak, almost like knocking on the door to inform the owner of the room before entering the room.

"come in."

The lazy and charming voice is unforgettable after listening to it once.

The raven flew into the room without hesitation, and stopped on the shelf in front of the desk.

He raised his head and looked at this woman with bright red long hair, gold-rimmed glasses, and a tear mole at the corner of her eye.

And on the shelf, there was another raven just like him.

The two ravens looked at each other for a moment, but the well water separated from the river water.

After a while, the quill in the woman's hand stopped, and she put it down casually, then picked up the paper on the table, looked at it carefully, nodded, and then rolled the paper into a tube and stuffed it into her foot side tube.

Then the raven nodded, jumped off the shelf, landed on the ground, walked to the open space in front of the window, flapped its wings, and flew out of the window.Fly towards the distance.


The woman stretched her waist, revealing her beautiful curves.There is always an elegant and charming smile on the corner of his mouth.It's a pity that no one else has the opportunity to watch such a scene except for the raven.

However, this relief was only for a moment, and she quickly returned to her working state, stretched out her hand, and took out a note from Raven's mailbox.

After unfolding, she glanced at it, and her brows furrowed instantly.

There was a dignified expression on her bright and pretty face.Eyes full of surprise and doubt.

She read the message on the note over and over again.

"Attack Hogwarts? Which lunatic is this? The remnants of the Death Eaters? Or the remnants of the saints?"

She couldn't help talking to herself, and said doubtfully.

But just as she was thinking about the various things behind this incident, as well as other possible problems, there was an abrupt knock on the door.

"Come in."

Her voice instantly became extremely cold.

The door opened, and a tall, muscular wizard with a scar on his face walked in, dragging a goblin.

"My lord! My lord! I didn't betray you! I just wanted to collect more information!"

The moment the goblin saw the woman, it began to struggle crazily, begging.

The woman turned and looked at the goblin.

"My lord, you trust me, please trust me! I have found a gathering place for the saints! We can..."

But before he could finish his sentence, he saw the slender wand and the green dot on the tip of the wand.

"For the greater good!!!"

He shouted loudly, his eyes full of fanaticism and admiration.

Then the green light flickered, and the goblin's body fell to the ground without a sound.

The woman didn't care, she just went back to her seat silently and sat down, then picked up the quill, pulled out a piece of paper, and started writing.

The tall and strong wizard lifted the corpse from the ground, and after bowing to the woman, he walked out of the room with steady steps and closed the door gently.

After a while, the woman picked up the paper and read the order again.

"Investigate who was preparing to attack Hogwarts. Investigate the damage at Hogwarts. Investigate..."

"Luke Gaunt."

After that, she nodded with a smile, rolled up the note as usual, and stuffed it into the mailbox.

Raven jumped off the shelf, glanced at the woman in the open space, and then left.

The woman watched the raven leave, and then smiled.But he took out another piece of paper from his shelf.He picked up the quill and began to write in a swish.

It is different from the cold and hard engraved handwriting before.This time the handwriting looks so similar to her appearance.Elegant and full of charm.

After writing a short letter, she thought about it for a while, and finally rang the bell next to the table twice.

An owl flew over from the window, and the woman put the letter in an envelope, sealed it, and handed it to the owl.

The owl also left from the window.

Standing up and walking to the bookshelf, her slender white fingertips slid across the bookshelf.Finally stopped at a book.

The Origin of Pure Blood, the Nature of Magic and the Mysterious Big Four

She walked to the hanging chair in the room, picked up the cold coffee on the table, tapped her finger lightly, and the coffee steamed again.

She glanced at the catalog and silently opened that page.

"The Past and Present of the Gaunt Family"


"Wingardio Leviosa!"

The spell was cast easily, but there was no relief on Luke's face.

"Very good! Mr. Gaunt! Your spells are excellent, five points for Slytherin!"

Professor Flitwick saw that as soon as he assigned the task, someone immediately completed the task and was very happy to add points to Luke.

How could Hermione have seen such a scene.

"Wingardio Leviosa!"

The feather fluttered, and Hermione immediately raised her hand: "Professor! I've done it too!"

Professor Flitwick followed the sound and saw that Hermione had also fluttered her feathers. He was very surprised and said, "Oh! That's great! Miss Granger! You did it too! It's amazing! Granger Five points for Fendo!"

So Hermione showed a playful smile to Luke not far away.

Luke gave her a thumbs up.Hermione smiled even wider.

With these two proofs, Professor Flitwick had different expectations for the group of students in front of him.

And just when his expectation was rising, there was a loud noise in the classroom.

'boom! '

Everyone's eyes quickly turned to the direction of the explosion, and the two people over there were not surprising at all.

"Mr. Finnigan, please be careful."

Seeing that Seamus and Neville over there had no major problems, Professor Flitwick breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time suppressed most of those extravagant hopes that shouldn't have been there.

Such things as geniuses are really rare.

But he still leaned over there, after all, something happened to Seamus.But that doesn't mean Neville will stop.

Just in case, it is more reliable for him to guide in the near future.

Luke was also quite helpless looking at the scene over there.

If Malfoy had been changed a lot by himself, then Neville hadn't changed much.His courage is still hidden in his heart, like a tortoise, he will not stick out his head to bite people until he is pushed to the limit.

Next to Luke was Harry.

Harry didn't pay much attention to the joke made by Neville and Seamus, but he was really dazed looking at the fluttering feather.

If they often saw Hermione studying in the library and practicing in the lounge, then even they knew that Luke was not a diligent learner, on the contrary, he was always lazy.

So being able to do what he is now can only be...a talent?

"It's a need, Harry."

Seemingly seeing his doubts, Luke smiled and explained to him: "Don't use the spell as a tool, but as your instinct, for example, when you see a water glass in the distance, don't think about walking over to pick it up. Instead, let it float by itself. Then you will become more and more proficient at the spell."

After saying this, Harry nodded half-understanding, and Luke also froze for a moment, as if he had thought of something, but he missed the point.

"By the way, what do you want to tell me?"

Luke looked at Harry and asked with some doubts.

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