The Noldor never give up!

Chapter 9 Day 9 of Showing Up

Melkor penetrated the core of the two holy trees with a black spear, and the sap of the holy trees spurted out like blood. Ugoliant was seriously injured. She pressed her sharp beak against the wounds of the two holy trees, trying to use the two holy trees. The tree's sap healed itself, but she was so wounded that after a few hasty sips she lost strength and could only spit out black steam in a furious rage, cursing all of Valinor.

The roots to the trunk of the Twin Sacred Trees were polluted and withered by Ugoliant's venom. She spewed out black steam, but because it was too weak, the steam did not cover the entire Valinor. Only the farthest place still had light, but Manwë had seen him.

Seeing that the plot was exposed, Melkor abandoned Ugoliant and fled under the cover of black steam. Oromë led his army to attack, but only Melkor's shadow could be seen disappearing in the black steam.

The Two Sacred Trees had been severely damaged, and Melkor's revenge had been achieved.

Yavanna stood up and walked up to Ezerohal. This "green hill" was already bare and charred. She touched the sacred trees with her hands, but they were dead and dull. The branches she touched broke and lifelessly fell to her feet.

On Ugoliant's body, a golden arrow shone brightly, and there were many golden arrows scattered around. Yavanna silently collected the golden arrows and handed them to Fëanor.

Of course Fëanor recognized it - how could he not recognize his own creation?

"Mikulaka!" Fëanor took the golden arrow tremblingly, feeling extremely painful, "How could it be like this..."

Fingolfin stood up immediately and eagerly asked about the whereabouts of his son. He knew that Meccano and Mikulaka were inseparable.

"They have not returned to me," said Mandos.

Fingolfin was silent. No body could be found, which meant that his and Fëanor's children had probably been kidnapped by Melkor. He could hardly imagine what would happen to Meccano.

The Twin Holy Trees are extremely decayed, but there is still a trace of breath. As long as there is a little light from the Twin Holy Trees, the Twin Holy Trees can be restored to their original state. However, Feanor refused to hand over the Silmarillion, and Neena could only wash away Ugolian with her tears. Extremely filthy.

While Nina was in mourning, a group of messengers came from Fomenos. They were the Noldor, bringing new bad news. They reported that a blinding darkness was rushing towards the north, and within it was an unspeakable force, releasing the darkness. But Melkor was among them. He went to the house of Fëanor and killed Finwë, king of the Noldor, before the gate, causing the first bloodshed in the Blessed Land. Because faced with the terrifying darkness, only Finwë did not escape. They said that Melkor broke into the fortress of Formenos, robbed a large amount of jewels, and also took away the Silmarillion. According to the messenger, they did not see Mikulaka and Maccanor around Melkor.

They both disappeared.

When Fëanor heard the news, he stood up and raised his hands before Manwë to curse Melkor, naming him Morgoth, "the dark enemy of the world." From then on Melkor was known only by this name as the Eldar.

Fëanor also cursed the summons of Manwë and the time when he himself went to Taniquetil. He was almost crazy with grief and anger, thinking that if he had stayed in Formenos, he could have done something with his power instead of If they were killed together as Melkor planned, if possible, he could still find some clues about the whereabouts of his children, instead of losing his father and the child now.

After speaking, he ran away from the circle of judgment and rushed into the darkness.

Fingolfin was equally sad and angry, but not as crazy as Fëanor. He just bowed deeply to the Valar and left the circle of judgment without saying a word.

For their father and children were more precious to them than the light of Valinor.

Because of the pain of losing their loved ones and the anger against Morgoth, they quickly organized the Noldor. Fëanor was a master of words and delivered an unforgettable speech, accusing the Valar of imprisoning the elves and allowing Middle-earth to be occupied by the Second Son. He called for Everyone went to Middle-earth to find freedom, and Fingolfin, as he said to Feanor before, "You will lead, I will follow.", supported the Noldor tribe to flee to Middle-earth.

Then Fëanor swore a terrible oath. His seven sons also rushed directly to him and swore the same oath together. Their unsheathed swords were reflected bright red by the many torches, as if they were stained with blood.

The oaths they swore should not be broken or taken, and they even claimed in the name of Ilúvatar that if they broke the oath, they would let eternal darkness fall on them.

They named Manwë, Varda, and Shantanequetil as witnesses, and swore that if anyone dared to possess, seize, or prevent them from possessing the Silmarils, it would not matter whether they were Valar, demons, elves, or those who had not yet been born. Human beings, no matter what kind of creature appeared before the end of time, whether they are great or small, good or evil, they will pursue them to the ends of the earth with revenge and hatred.

So sworn were Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Curufin, Caranthir, Amrod, and Amras, all princes of the Noldor. Many people are frightened when they hear these horrific words. Because an oath, whether good or evil, once made, cannot be reneged on, and it will haunt the person who swore it or the person who broke it until the end of the world.

Fingolfin was shocked by this, but was unable to stop it. Although Turgon couldn't stand their oaths, he just kept his dissatisfaction hidden in his heart because his father decided to run away to Valinor.

Finarfin knew that it would be wrong to abandon Valar and run away to Valinor, but the two brothers had made up their minds, and two of their children were also willing to follow Fingon. Finrod and his friend Turgon were on the same side, so Finarfin did not Speak out your objections.

The Valar knew that the Noldor were united, and although they felt wronged by Feanor's accusation that the Valar imprisoned the elves, they did not stop the Noldor from fleeing.

Just as the trumpet sounded and Fëanor walked out of the gates of Tirian, Manwe finally sent a messenger and said: "My advice is only for Fëanor's folly. Do not go forward! For the hour is evil, Your path leads to sorrows you cannot foresee. The Valar will not aid you in this expedition, but neither will they hinder it. Know you, you are free to come, and you are free to go. . But Fëanor, son of Finwë, you will be banished for your oath. Melkor's lies will be forgotten by you in your suffering. You call him 'Valar', and your oath will be in vain, for one Arya Within your territory, you will not be able to defeat any of the Valar, now or in the future, even if the one you name is the one who made you three times stronger than you are now."

Fëanor laughed when he heard this, and spoke not to the messenger, but to the Noldor people: "Okay! Then will these heroic people exile their crown prince alone, leaving only his son? They will accompany you, and then the whole family will return to the prison? But if anyone is willing to follow me, I want to say to them: Did you foresee the sorrow? And in Aman, we have already witnessed the sorrow; in Aman, we have passed through blessings Joy, met with pain! Now we will make another attempt - to find joy, or at least freedom, through sorrow."

Then he turned to face the messenger and shouted: "Go and tell Manwe Sulimu, the great king of Arda, that even if Fëanor could not overthrow Morgoth, at least he would not hesitate to attack him instead of sitting there doing nothing. , empty of sorrow. And, just like the fire set in my soul, it may be more blazing than you know. I will at least severely damage the enemy of Valar, even the mighty one in the Circle of Judgment, smell They must also be amazed. Yes, in the end, they will have to follow in my footsteps. Farewell!"

At that moment Fëanor's voice became so loud and powerful that even the messengers of the Valar bowed to him as if they had received a full answer, and then went away, impressed by the Noldor.

Fëanor led the tribe northward and hurriedly came to Alqualondi, but the Teleri were unwilling to leave and felt pain and sorrow for their departure. They would rather dissuade them than help them build ships and leave.

Fëanor angrily denounced Orwë, Lord of the Oqualondi, for turning his back on the Noldor when they needed help the most. Orwë still refused to provide ships.

At this time, Maglor, who had always been friends with the Teleri family, stood up. Maglor was the best singer in Valinor. He sang here about his yearning for freedom and his anger against Morgoth. , singing about the pain of losing a loved one, the listeners shed tears when they heard it, and even Finrod and Fingon joined in the chorus.

Because Orwë is the father of Finarfin's wife, and Finrod is the child of Finarfin, their songs are melodious and touching. More and more Teleri people arrive in ships, and Orwë is silent for a long time. , did not prevent the Teleri under his rule from lending ships, and the Noldor were ready to go.

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