Pittsburgh was only one day away from the surface. After that, Claire and the others traveled for another half a month before finally returning to their original starting point - Rouen.

After a simple farewell, the members of Zoji's team happily took the car of Corona flowers to the Adventurer's Guild. They still didn't know Claire's true identity, but after this experience, anyone could conclude that the origin of the mage was unknown. It was simple, so no one would be smart enough to invite him to complete the mission together. Of course, no one in Zuoji's team would dare to reveal this special experience in the underground cave.

Claire's destination is the City Lord's Palace, which has a direct communication system to the royal capital, which can ensure that the message he wants to deliver is delivered to the emperor's desk safely and quickly.

The eyes of dark elves cannot withstand sunlight on the surface. As a hybrid, Aloy's tolerance is slightly stronger. The light of morning and dusk will not have much impact on him. Only the strong light at noon will cause stimulation.

To solve this problem, Claire used a simple dark spell to add a layer of darkness to the little pet's beautiful eyes, like sunglasses with contact lenses, to help him filter out the excess light.

This layer of darkness not only blocked the bright light, but also changed the color of Aloy's eyes, turning the dark elf's iconic red eyes into brown. In addition, his height and skin color were different from those of the dark elf, so he looked like he was More like a hybrid of orcs than coming from an underground cave.

Due to its excellent geographical location, Rouen has become a trading city, where all races can find a suitable position for them and make a small fortune. Take the orcs for example. Although they are not good at doing business, they are physically strong and loyal. They are good mercenaries and bodyguards. Therefore, there are more orc hybrids.

In view of this, the guard at the gate looked at Claire and Aloy for a while and found nothing wrong. He asked politely: "Sir, do you have an appointment?"

Everyone would take a high look at a magician, and the magician in front of him also brought followers of other races, which was enough to show that his level was not low, and the guards did not dare to neglect him.

Of course, Claire didn't have an appointment, but that didn't stop him from meeting the city lord. A simple table was set up at the entrance of the city lord's mansion, with paper, pens, ink pads and other small items placed on it, as well as some tea and snacks, so that visitors could leave messages or wait.

Claire took out a piece of paper, dipped the necklace around her neck in ink mud, and printed a complicated pattern on the paper. There is a special engraving on the back of his necklace, and the imprinted coat of arms also contains magic. The two together represent the chief court magician of the empire.

"Sir, please give this to the city lord." Claire handed the paper to the guard. Although the latter did not understand the meaning of this coat of arms, he still faithfully carried out Claire's request.

"Okay, Your Excellency, please wait a moment." This thing was obviously not ordinary at first glance, and the guard's attitude was more respectful. He called an attendant and told him with his eyes that a big shot was coming outside, and asked him to hurry up and get the thing. Deliver it to the city lord.

The figure of the attendant quickly disappeared behind the door, and the guard diligently pulled out a chair for Claire to sit down, and even poured a cup of tea himself. His intention was very obvious, he just wanted to get close to Claire. Claire noticed it and started talking to him casually.

But we hadn't chatted for long, and with a "squeak", the door of the City Lord's Mansion was pushed open from the inside. What came into view was a long red carpet, with two teams of people lined up on both sides, headed by the City Lord, and the rest. Those who came down were all officials from this city.

"Lord Lethgcott, welcome!" The city lord stepped forward quickly, stopped a few steps away from Claire, and bowed deeply, "My name is Eric Rodriguez. Lord of Rouen, it is a great honor to meet you!"

"Mr. Rodriguez, you don't have to be so polite." Claire helped the city lord up.

The city lord was flattered, and he followed Claire's strength to stand up, but his back was still slightly arched. The rest of the people were not even qualified to speak with Claire, so they could only serve as backdrops.

Claire was surrounded and welcomed into the City Lord's Mansion, leaving the guard standing there blankly - he had been working at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion for almost two years, and he had never seen the City Lord welcome anyone so grandly. What is the identity of the famous mage?

Wait, the city lord just seemed to call the mage Lord Lethgcott, could it be...

The guard who guessed the answer hurriedly recalled everything he had done since meeting the mage without missing a single detail. After realizing that he had not lost his etiquette, he could not help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As shocked as the guards was Aloy, Lethgcott, which is the surname of the chief court magician of the Human Empire. His full name is Claire Gabriel Lethgcott. This name is so loud that some people living in the mountains People in the old forest and the orc tribes who have little contact with the outside world have heard of it.

For the first time, he experienced the feeling of being dumbfounded. The mage actually had such a great identity!

Claire saw Aloy's reaction, and he didn't mean to hide it. It was just that when he and Delia discussed things in private, he avoided Aloy. Later, he was also a member of Zaki's team. Together, there is no chance to explain.

He took Aloy's hand as a gesture of comfort and apology, and led him through the door.

The City Lord's Mansion is a three-story small castle, divided into two parts, front and rear, connected by exquisite cloisters and gardens. The front is for offices, and the back is where the City Lord and his family live.

Claire was welcomed into the city lord's office by everyone. The city lord gave up his seat to him and stood below with his head bowed along with the others. Even Aloy was sitting aside, being served by the city lord's butler.

As soon as we sat down, a waiter brought us freshly baked refreshments with great efficiency. The level of sophistication was not comparable to the simple version at the gate.

Claire was not very interested in Western pastries, so he did not touch the tea that the waiter poured for him. Compared to black tea with added milk and sugar, he preferred domestic green tea, especially Tieguanyin, which has a mellow taste with a hint of sugar. Bitter, with a long aftertaste.

Different from his Chinese stomach, Aloy, who had just digested his identity as a mage, was attracted by the sweet cake in front of him. There were only a handful of times when he could eat sweets in the underground cave. He smelled the rich aroma and his mouth almost watered. come out. But there were so many people here, and the mage didn't have a meal. He could only restrain himself and try to be as calm as possible so as not to embarrass the mage.

Aloy thought that he was pretending well, but he didn't expect that his little actions did not escape Claire's eyes. Claire looked at the little pet that was obviously greedy to death, but pretended not to care. She didn't feel that he was rude at all, but felt that he was not rude at all. Very cute.

In order for him to enjoy the food in peace, Claire said to the city lord: "Mr. Rodriguez, please arrange for my attendant to go down and rest first."

"Yes." The city lord winked at the butler. The butler understood and bent down to make a gesture of invitation to Aloy.

Aloy thought that the mage wanted to discuss business and it was not convenient for him to hear, so he got up and walked out.

The butler followed him, not forgetting to bring the refreshments before leaving - he had worked for the city lord for many years and had met all kinds of people. He was already an old man, how could he not see Aloy's Thoughts, can’t guess Claire’s intention?

After Aloy left, the city lord asked carefully: "Lord Lethgcott, please forgive me for being presumptuous. Can you tell me the purpose of coming to Rouen this time? We will do our best to cooperate with you."

"I'm just passing by." Claire waved her hand to indicate that he didn't have to speak so carefully, and then said: "Please help me deliver a letter to His Majesty the King."

"It is our great honor to serve you." The city lord bowed again and personally came forward to prepare paper and pen for Claire - paper is a special enchanted product, specially used for writing secret letters to the king. The pen was his treasure. It was made from the teeth of top-level monsters. The tail was engraved with a hollow pattern, and there was a long and narrow gap in the middle that could be filled with ink.

It was the first time for Claire to use this kind of pen, and it took her a few tries before she got used to it. The words here were neither English nor Chinese, but just like spoken language, he knew it naturally. Claire didn't think about it deeply and just regarded it as a bonus of the game.

In the letter, Claire briefly stated the situation of the fifth family and his cooperation with Delia. As for the matter of the abyss and demons, he must report to His Majesty the King in person and not in any other form.

After writing, he folded the paper and printed his coat of arms. This secret letter, which only His Majesty the King could open and read, was held in both hands by the city lord and handed over to the courier in person. Couriers who perform such tasks have undergone special procedures. For training, their means of transportation are domesticated flying monsters. After all, air transportation is much faster and safer than traveling by land.

After the official business was done, the city lord asked about the other part that concerned him the most: "My lord, how long do you plan to stay in Rouen? May I have the honor to invite you to the dance tonight?"

Although Rouen's economy is relatively prosperous, it is neither an important strategic base nor an ancient city with a long history. The empire's chief court magician will never visit once in 800 lifetimes, and Rodriguez, as the city lord, will only visit in a few years. Only during a job debriefing did I have the opportunity to take a look at the lawyer from a distance. In view of this, he worked hard to establish even a small relationship with Claire.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Rodriguez, I am happy to accept your invitation. I hope it will be a pleasant night." Claire said, he knew that the city lord was deliberately trying to please, but who made him flatter so accurately? ? As a native of China, Claire has never participated in a Western-style dance. This must be experienced once!

He mentally pushed back the estimated departure time, from tomorrow morning to the afternoon. As for the game mission... This is not a time-limited mission. Of course, you can do it when you want to do it~~

When the city lord heard that Claire agreed to the invitation, he felt happy and promised: "This is for sure, believe me, you will never be disappointed!"

Of course, it wasn't such a coincidence. How could we just arrive in time for the dance? This is a temporary event held by the city lord in order to get closer. Soon he will arrange it so that all the respectable people in the city must pack up before dinner and come to the city lord's mansion to participate in the "dance"!

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