Salted Fish Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 21 Missed the 5th Academy

After saying these words, many wizards present recalled the riot that year, which lasted for many years. Even though it has been ten years now, the scene at that time is still fresh in their memory.

The turbulent situation at that time made everyone on tenterhooks, and they were also afraid that at some point, the Dark Lord would lead his men into your home and carry out inhumane persecution on your family.

Under such a situation, many pure-blood wizard families are also panicking, let alone mixed-blood wizards or wizards of Muggle origin. Therefore, many wizards in those days wanted to protect themselves and their families.

They had to succumb to the Dark Lord's command, no matter whether they were willing to do so, or they seemed to be incompatible with each other, they all surrendered to the Dark Lord's command anyway.

Many of the wizards present sympathized with what Regulus told them, making them understand what Regulus had done.

As for what his brother Sirius Black did, as he said, it had nothing to do with him. He was just a person with the title of Death Eater and had never done anything harmful to the world. than anyone.

Just to protect themselves and their family, the balance in their hearts was constantly tilting towards him.

At this time, Fudge, who was on the podium, turned his head and looked back after listening to Regulus's story. The expressions of all the wizards present showed that he was in a terrible mood. Such a political achievement came to his door. It was about to fly away before his eyes.

At this moment, Dumbledore, who was also sitting in the hearing room, stood up in his seat and slowly moved from his position, where Regulus was, with slow and unhurried steps.

He came to Regulus' side and held the back of the chair where he was sitting.

"Hello everyone, I believe you are all familiar with me, and you are also very curious about me standing here.

Now my identity is not the chief magician of the Wizengamot, but I stand here as the guarantor of Regulus Arcturus Black.

As for Regulus, I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, am willing to vouch for him.

As long as the Ministry of Magic or wherever can find evidence of his evil deeds after this, I will resign as the Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot. "

Fudge's face was not good-looking to begin with. He had been looking at his deputy minister just now, signaling her with his eyes, and quickly found a reason to convict the person and imprison him in Azkaban, but under Dumbledore After standing up, the glimmer of hope was shattered.

His ugly face became more like the color of pig liver. He couldn't tell whether he was angry or something else, especially after looking at the expressions of many wizards. Anyway, he looked so ugly.

For Fudge, who had just taken office as the Minister of Magic, he now urgently needed a political achievement to prove that his appointment was wise and could bring a visible new policy to the wizarding world.

But now he was eager to show off, and was beaten down by Dumbledore and Regulus. It was at this time that Fudge had the idea to get rid of this mountain above his head.

But the situation in front of him has reached such a point, and he has no way to undo it. Seeing that it is developing more and more in a direction that he does not want, he can only secretly feel anxious.

At this moment, a wizard who attended the hearing looked at the stalemate between Fudge and the opponent on the field and said.

"Those who agree that the crime has been established, please raise your hands!"

Fudge was on the podium, without any hesitation, and took the lead in raising his right hand holding glasses. Then some wizards who were close to Fudge also raised their hands, but these people were in the minority after all, especially when Dumbledore guaranteed it. In this case, some people will not raise their hands.

One minute passed slowly, and only seven wizards raised their hands on the field. After seeing no one raise their hands for a long time, the wizard who spoke before spoke again.

"Those who agree to drop all charges, please raise your hands!"

After the wizard finished speaking, he was the first to raise his hand, and then the remaining wizards who did not raise their hands, some then raised their hands, and some raised their hands after thinking for a while. Some hesitated and analyzed the pros and cons, but Dumbledore still had enough weight and raised his hand, but not so firmly.

Fudge's expression was extremely ugly at this moment, but the matter was a foregone conclusion, and he had no choice. Then he raised the hammer in his hand with an ugly expression, and smashed it down as if to vent his anger.

"Now I pronounce the verdict and drop all charges!"

A smile appeared on the face of Regulus who was sitting in his seat, and then he put away the smile. At this moment, he only had one thing on his mind, and that was to quickly see what the wizarding world was like.

In stark contrast to him, Fudge had just finished hammering. Fudge immediately left the courtroom after completing his mission.

After he left, the wizards present began to stand up and slowly leave. Some wizards came to Regulus, who was still there, talked to him for a while, and then left after getting to know each other.

After all the wizards at the scene left, Regulus stood up from his seat, holding the staff in his hand and looking at Dumbledore, who also did not leave.

Dumbledore made eye contact with him, and then smiled at each other. For Regulus, this smile was a smile of regaining freedom, but for Dumbledore, it was a smile that did not break his promise.

"Professor, my matter has been settled, so I'll leave first. I don't feel very good here!"

Dumbledore did not respond to his request to say goodbye, but said to him: "I have to leave, but I think we should find a place to talk!"

"Let's talk? Okay, shall you find a place, or shall I find a place?

It’s better for me to find a place, London, my home is right here, go to my home, it should be a suitable place for our conversation! "

"it is good!"

The two of them decided on the location of the conversation and then left the Ministry of Magic one after another.Dumbledore's way of leaving was a bit special, he directly used Apparition to leave.

But he was not. Although there was nothing wrong with Apparating in the Ministry of Magic, he could still do it, but his wand was left in the hall where the wand was registered, so he decided to go the same way he came, the original way. return.

He walked from the tenth floor underground to the ninth floor, then took the elevator up to the lobby, got his wand back, used the visitor badge to call down the phone booth, and then returned to the ground.

After he got out of the phone booth, he stood on the street and found an inconspicuous position, and then used a phantom.

When he stood in front of his home in Separation Film Square again, Dumbledore was already waiting there.

"I've been waiting for a long time. I just went to get my wand back. Come with me, Professor. Let's go in and talk!"

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