New Years Eve in Pokémon World

Chapter 20 Xuanshan Welfare Institute

During the New Year, the sound of firecrackers in small counties is always louder than that in big cities. Some of the red paper from the exploded firecrackers fell on the loess road, and some fell on the white snow beside the road, which had not been soiled by footprints. It looks very beautiful.

There are no thieves in Xuanshan, Mocheng, and the security is so good that when Mr. Bai goes out, he just closes the door and has no habit of locking the door.

Of course, the electric car parked at his door was still properly locked.

Mr. Bai looks to be in his 80s. Riding an electric bicycle at this age is relatively common in this small county. Like other elderly people, he is not willing to wear a helmet.

This is a shortcoming that cannot be learned.

This time, Mr. Bai did not go to the farmer's market that he visited every day while riding his bicycle. Instead, he took a detour, endured the bumps of the gravel and dirt road, and went to a more remote suburb.

Xuanshan Orphanage, this is Master Bai’s final destination.

The small mud houses along the way gradually turned into stone houses, as hard as a fortress, and the orphanage at the destination looked even more solid. The walls and courtyards of the houses were made of solid and slightly weathered stones. Someone wanted to give them a The exterior walls of this orphanage were painted with cartoon patterns, but within a few years they were all weathered, making them look even more desolate and desolate.

Yet this is indeed the home of some children.

Mr. Bai parked his car at the entrance of the welfare home. He turned around and saw that the trash can at the door was filled with about 10 empty cartons of fried chicken. He curled his lips and said nothing.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but when he walked to the door, the iron door opened automatically without any wind, as if it had been waiting for his arrival.

Around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, it was the time for the children to take a nap. The entire orphanage was quiet, except for the occasional tinkling sound from the wind chimes hanging in front of each window.

Master Bai leaned against the wall without saying a word, walking in the quiet corridor. The snow-white walls did not look shabby at all, but looked extraordinarily plain.

The youngest child was sleeping in the dormitory at the end of the corridor, and the person he was looking for was also inside.

Facing the closed wooden door of the bedroom, Mr. Bai stretched out his knuckles. Just when he was about to knock on the door, the door opened by itself again.

He saw the back of a slightly bloated woman, sitting a little crowded on a children's bed, gently patting a child on the back to coax him to sleep, muttering a song with a strong dialect in her mouth, mumbling something that could not be heard. Qing said something.

Seeing that this middle-aged woman had no intention of turning around and paying attention to him, Mr. Bai could only wait patiently. Only after the child who had trouble falling asleep finally closed his eyes and stopped moving, did the woman He stood up slowly and turned to look at Mr. Bai.

She was just an ordinary middle-aged woman. She looked like she was in her 40s and had a bloated figure, but she worked very quickly. She quickly took away a few pairs of wet pants hanging by the bed. , stacked neatly in the basin, without a sound the whole time.

"Let's go, go out and talk."

Holding the plastic basin in her hand, the woman gently closed the bedroom door.

"Hey, good." Mr. Bai smiled flatteringly, like a parent meeting the head teacher.

Yet it is so.

This middle-aged woman known as "Aunt Chu" is the director of the orphanage and the benefactor who has raised Matsuno since childhood.

"Why did you come to us during the Chinese New Year?"

Aunt Chu's plump figure suddenly occupied more than half of the width of the corridor. The huge laundry tub in the parents' arms forced Mr. Bai to take a step away and stand behind her.

"This guy called me and told me that he saw something with ruby ​​eyes." After Mr. Bai said this, he thought for a while and quickly added, "He said it looked like an alien in the movie."

Aunt Chu's walking speed slowed down when she heard this. She frowned, "I've never heard of gem eyes. It feels very strange."

After saying this, she suddenly turned around and asked as if she realized something.

"Could he be a puppet that harms others?"

Master Bai was stunned for a moment, then sneered.

"How is that possible? What could a poor boy with no father or mother do to him?" He laughed dryly a few times, but his eyes were full of thoughts, "He called me before dawn this morning and said I saw a demon disguised as a sofa in the middle of the night."

"Including this sofa, it is the fourth thing he has seen."

Mr. Bai shook his head, "How can a good boy be more prone to evil than a little girl?"

"No wonder him, Ye Zai has been like this since he was a child." Aunt Chu wiped her hands, "His benefactor's family also has problems. You came here specifically to ask me for medicinal materials, right?"

Mr. Bai nodded sheepishly.

"Come with me."

Welfare homes always have more children with defects. There are some Chinese medicines dried in the southernmost warehouse, and they are mixed more or less with each meal, which can make the children look a little healthier.

"Realgar wine, cinnabar, scorpion, seahorse, gecko..."

Aunt Chu opened the small drawers and carefully selected a bottle of medicinal wine. She shook it in her hand and handed it to Master Bai.

"That's about it."

Master Bai looked at the bottle and did not reach out to take it, but his tone was rather awkward, "It looks a little young. I heard that the benefactor lives in a big villa..."

It was as if he was expressing his dissatisfaction in a roundabout way.

Aunt Chu raised her eyes and stared at him for a while with a look that she couldn't tell what it meant. Then she reopened the lid of the medicinal wine and tapped the mouth of the bottle with her index finger.

A drop of blood appeared out of thin air and dripped into the wine. When it came into contact with the liquid, the originally turbid and yellow wine body suddenly became clear, as if dishwashing liquid was suddenly dropped into it. In an instant, this bottle of medicinal wine It's even clearer than white wine.

This time Master Bai showed a happy expression.

"Enough is enough, haha..."

As if he had found some treasure, he quickly stuffed the bottle of medicinal wine into his arms.

However, Aunt Chu looked a little dissatisfied when she saw the soldier's expression when he took advantage of him.

"Don't beat around the bush when you talk, just say it straight away." When she muttered complainingly, her dialect was always heavier, "Your behavior always makes me feel like I've treated my child badly."

Mr. Bai didn't speak, he just laughed.

If we were to talk about who would treat children badly today, Aunt Chu would definitely be the first one to be eliminated as a suspect.

She seemed to love all the children in the world.

Mr. Bai's laughter weakened, and was finally broken by Aunt Chu's abrupt opening.

"Do you think the wild boy could be...him?"

She asked casually, as if she didn't expect the answer to the question at all, and as if she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear the result, so she didn't dare to put any hope in it.

"Of course not." Mr. Bai suddenly became serious, "Don't compare the deceased with the child, it is unlucky."

"You bastard, it's never anyone else."

"He is who he is."

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