New Years Eve in Pokémon World

Chapter 54 The house stinks

There is no time difference between the elf world and the "alien", at least that's how it seems.

Even though Matsuno stepped on the accelerator hard and arrived at his destination, the owner of Senrikan, it was already late at night.

Yushu kept fighting against sleep, but even so, his head was still a little bit, a little bit.

Xiaoyao, on the other hand, just moved away, letting the cat food bag collapse on her body, while she hugged Ponyo, drooling from her sleep.

This is normal. It is estimated that whoever hugs Ponyo will dream of eating sweet cream cakes.

The owner Qianli got the news from the monitoring room early, and he and Dr. Odamaki were already ready, waiting for the door to be called, and they would get up and open the door immediately.

"It's really hard on you for coming back so late."

Matsuno wondered for a second why he knocked on the door so late. Godfather Qianli and Dr. Odamaki were still standing guard at the door, fully dressed, but his train of thought was interrupted the next second by their enthusiasm.

He originally wanted to help unload the goods from the car, but he refused to help and was pulled into the house to rest.

Matsuno was confused for a moment, but he happened to have something he wanted to give to Qianli Pavilion Master.

"Uh, foster father, I have something to tell you."

Qianli Pavilion Master now accepts the title of adoptive father well. When he heard Matsuno calling him, he immediately turned around with a smile: "What's the matter? If it's not important, we can talk about it tomorrow."

It's better to say it now, I feel this matter is quite important.

Matsuno carried the large jar of medicinal wine from his minivan and placed it in front of the owner who had finished cleaning up. Even though he had used some medicinal wine to deal with the crazy Ponyo, the small amount of medicinal wine was not enough for this large jar. It doesn't look any less.

"This is……"

Before Qianli Pavilion Master could take a closer look, he vaguely felt a murderous aura coming from the jar. Before he could study it, Matsuno pulled him aside.

"Father, this thing is very important. Please keep it properly." He seemed to be thinking about how to organize his words: "The house here in Mobai Town is too remote and the ecological environment is relatively primitive. It is very likely that some wild animals will invade. Come into the house.”

Hearing this, Qianli Gym Leader nodded. In fact, he had considered this when he chose to settle in Mobai Town. However, this was not a big problem for the Gym Leader. He could guarantee that Chuang would The wild Pokémon that come in never come back.

"This is a special anti-evil medicinal wine from our hometown. As long as you sprinkle it in the room, ordinary wild animals will not dare to break in." Matsuno promised, patting his chest, "Even mosquitoes can't get in. "

Anti-evil medicinal wine that can drive away wild animals?It sounds like the effect is similar to that of gold spray.

Matsuno took out two portable spray bottles, which he bought casually in a convenience store. They seemed to be specially used to pack cosmetics, but they came in handy now. He filled some medicinal wine in the bottles. Then just start spraying in the corners of the room.

The taste of the medicinal wine is not unpleasant, with some herbal and alcohol flavors, which can be said to be well tolerated.

The owner Qianli sniffed, and then he walked to the big glass jar to see what was inside. Just now when he was talking to Matsuno, he noticed that there seemed to be some things at the bottom of the glass jar. Sediment is not just liquid.

Maybe it's just some herbs or fruits and vegetables.Qianli Pavilion Master thought to himself, without much curiosity in his heart, he just glanced at it lightly.

Then he felt that his heart was failing again.

"What's in it? This is..."

Corpses, full of corpses inside!

The complete body of the small green snake was soaked in medicinal wine, and its dull eyes reflected a strange light. Several long centipedes inside were floating with the ripples of the wine, and the two rows of densely packed legs seemed to be alive. It looks the same, and it can make people's backs feel cold when they look at it.

Qianli Pavilion Master's brain was a little confused. He blinked his eyes numbly, suspecting that he was delusional because he was too sleepy.

No, he needed another look.

He lay down on the glass tank again, and this time he found that there were also concentrated mummies suspected of being supersonic bats, concentrated mummies of flame queen lizards that were only half the size of a palm, and wrinkled mummies of giant-winged flying fish...

Qianli Pavilion Master's throat moved up and down. He felt that the dinner he had eaten a few hours ago was stuck in his throat and he knocked on the door frantically, wanting to release himself immediately.

Not only that, he also felt that his blood was screaming away from his heart and rushing towards his brain.

Commonly known as: Shangtou.

In the middle of the night, a large jar of corpse water soaked with various wild Pokémon was suddenly delivered to him. The remaining sleepiness of Qianli Pavilion Master was instantly wiped away, and he felt a chill running down his back and into his heart. I feel dizzy in my head.

Can this thing drive away wild Pokémon?Of course, the owner Qianli didn't dare to doubt that this thing was not effective.

This is a silent shock!

If a wild Pokémon came and saw such a jar full of corpse water, it would be so scary that it would make it wet, let alone trying to force its way in!


Matsuno squirted up and down in the room, and suddenly felt that he hadn't heard the voice of his adoptive father, Qianli Pavilion Master, for a long time. When he looked back, he found that he was standing in front of the jar, blankly there, not knowing where to stand. How long.

It feels like a demon is stunned.

Matsuno frowned, and quickly walked to the front of Qianli Pavilion Master, picked up the spray filled with medicinal wine in his hand, and wanted to spray it on his face.

Aunt Chu's special medicinal wine not only has the function of warding off evil spirits, but also can calm the soul and calm the mind. It can be said to be like a snake oil.

It can be said that the effect is very good, especially now, before Matsuno sprays the spray on Qianli Hall owner's face, he has already woken up!

"No, no, no, no!!!!"

Qianli Pavilion Master was like a cockroach about to face a bug killer, he was so frightened that he screamed out loud.

"No need, kid, really no need!" Master Qianli became more energetic due to excessive fright, "Why don't you go to sleep first, haha, actually I'm pretty safe here."

Safe, very safe.

Qianli Pavilion Master can't let this medicinal wine spray on his face!Otherwise, he wouldn't want to sleep tonight.

After coaxing and persuading Matsuno into a special guest room, Master Qianli stared at the large jar of medicinal wine placed in the living room, feeling frightened. Finally, he couldn't help it anymore and pushed it little by little with his feet. That glass jar, after stuffing the jar into the underground storage room, turned off the light without mercy!Lock the door!

He never wanted to see such a horrible thing again in his life!


10 minute later.



"Pullu pulu!!"

The door to the basement was slammed open, and Qianli Pavilion Master's Pokémon ran out from inside as if fleeing for their lives, racing against time, fearing that they would be the last one.

"What does this smell like! Ugh, vomit, vomit!"

"The house stinks! The house stinks!"

"Help, the house stinks so much that I can't keep it!"

Under the power of the powerful medicinal wine brought by Matsuno, all the Pokémon of Senri Hall Master couldn't bear it anymore and decided to——


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