Pokémon Extreme Cold

Chapter 13 The Secret Base of the Galaxy

"Ding, unlock the side mission and rescue the trapped Suicune. The reward for the mission is determined by participation."

The system proactively gave the task for the first time.But what was rare was that for the first time, Mo Han was not that concerned about the mission rewards.

Mo Han tried to slow down his breathing and reduce his sense of presence, and carefully followed the team at the end of Yinhe. The team moved very slowly, and Mo Han and his group had enough time to keep up.

I followed the other side from a distance for a long time. The sun gradually set, and I got closer and closer to the depths of the forest. Large trees dozens of meters high were connected together, and the dense branches were intertwined with each other, forming airtight paths one after another. Large net, because only a small part of the sunlight can get through.The surrounding environment seems a bit eerie.Rotten branches were scattered all over the ground.The rotten tree trunks are covered with fungi.

From time to time, a few crows were heard, adding a touch of eeriness to the silent environment.

Soon, the advancing team stopped.I saw a dark, small base in front of me, blending in with the surrounding environment. If you don't look carefully, it's easy to subconsciously ignore it.

Unexpectedly, Yinhe secretly built such a base in the Evergreen Forest. What is their conspiracy?

This group of people walked to the closed door of the base, took out their IDs, and stuck them on the base door. With a rumble, the door opened. The leading man waved his hand, and everyone entered the base together.

Mo Han looked at the people disappearing in front, thinking about ways to rescue Suijun.

Inside the base, the trainer using the Tyrannosaurus was half kneeling on the ground with one hand across his chest.

Facing it is a light blue screen.

"Huatian, how did you go with the tasks assigned to you?"

The person on the screen has his back to the screen and cannot see his face clearly.

"Sir, fortunately, Suicune has been caught and we can try to conduct gene extraction experiments." Hanada said respectfully.

"Very good, what about the extraction of life energy?"

"We have been doing it very secretly, but it requires too much life energy, and it is inevitable that some traces will be discovered by those in the alliance."

"I don't care about this, Hanada. You must gather enough life energy within the time. If not, extract it from those Pokémon."

"As you command, I will collect the life energy myself."

Huatian's head lowered even lower.

"Huatian, if you do this well, you will only be able to control the galaxy from now on." The being behind the scenes said calmly while playing with the iron ball in his hand.

Hanada's eyes became even more intense.

After disconnecting, Hanada slowly stood up from the ground, his previous domineering look returned.

"Come here, I'm going out for a while. You guys should keep an eye on the base and don't let anything happen in front of you."


While Mo Han was thinking hard about how to sneak into the base, the circular cover over the base suddenly opened, and a blue-red shadow flashed across. Even for a moment, Mo Han knew that it was the king-level trainer who left. Now is the time when the base is at its weakest and most defenseless, and the best time to rescue Suicune.

We don't know when the king-level trainer will come back. The longer the delay, the more dangerous it becomes.

Just as he was about to greet Chuxue and looked forward, the base door suddenly opened, and he saw two pairs of heads sticking out from the base door.

"Heiyu, do you think we won't be discovered like this?"

"You coward, as long as we come back on time, who knows how someone with such little courage can achieve great things." The man in black robes who was the first to come out said to the people behind him.

"Aren't I afraid that adults will find out?" The man behind followed reluctantly.

"Stop talking nonsense and come with me quickly. I'm tired of staying in the base all day long and living a life worse than a pig or a dog. Go for a walk."

Seeing his companion's impatient look, the man could only catch up.I hope I won't be discovered, the man thought in his heart.

Mo Han's eyes lit up when he saw the two people coming out, and he immediately knew that the opportunity had come.

"Chu Xue, let's go and deal with them!"

Listening to Mo Han's words, I just felt a little weird, but I didn't think much and followed him.

When the two men walked away, Mo Han walked around to their side.

Because the long-haired pig was too big and easily exposed, we put it away and released the little Vulpix.

Even though Vulpix has always been the favorite of the group, his current strength cannot be underestimated.

Name: Alola Vulpix

Strength: mid-level ordinary level

Feature: Snow Hidden

Qualification: Heavenly King

Skills: Xixue shakes her tail, glares at the frozen beam, and bites the white mist with the aurora beam

It's time to test the results of Vulpix's training.

"Vulpix, I'll attract their attention in a moment, and you can sneak up on them from behind and knock them out."

"Vulpix Vulpix"

The little guy looked at his target and nodded seriously. (I must kill them)

Mo Han suddenly stood up from the grass, "Hey, who is coming?"

The duo was stunned for a moment, unable to figure out what was going on, and they forgot to take out the Poké Ball for a moment.

Suddenly, the two of them understood why there were people waiting around the base. They must be lackeys of the alliance.

The two people pointing at Mo Han were about to take out the elf ball.A freezing beam from behind hit the two of them directly and accurately. After a month of training, Vulpix's daily tasks were full, and the ice energy was strengthened to the limit that she could reach now. The two who were hit were immediately stiff. He fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Vulpix walked out from behind the two of them and raised his head arrogantly. The combination of blue and white looked extremely powerful at this time.He has a bit of Suicune's demeanor.

"Well done, Vulpix."Mo Han rubbed Vulpix's head.

Vulpix enjoyed being touched and narrowed his eyes.

Mo Han walked up to the two of them, fumbled in their pockets, and found two cards.This should be the access card needed to enter the door. "I hope there won't be a facial recognition system, otherwise there will be no way." Mo Han thought in his heart.

Then Mo Han called Chu Xue over, and then he took off the clothes of one of them, "Quickly change, we will go in wearing their clothes."

The two quickly changed into black robes. Since they were standard robes, they were one size too large, covering them completely and making their faces unclear.

Then Mo Han found a rope from nowhere and tied the two of them tightly to the tree. In order to prevent them from waking up, he grabbed a handful of soil and stuffed it into their mouths.

After everything was settled, Mo Han signaled to Chu Xue, "Let's go."

The two walked side by side towards the base and approached the door.Mo Han's hands couldn't help but break out in cold sweat, and he thought silently in his heart that he must succeed.

He took out the card and heard a ding. The door slowly rose. Mo Han looked at Chu Xue with unspeakable surprise in his eyes, "Let's go in quickly."


(The author hopes to have new readers today!!!)

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