Plunging into the soft mud by the lake, Remy immediately raised a finger to express his most sincere gratitude to Dumbledore before he could pull himself out.

Dumbledore's face looked very ugly, not because of Remy's current actions, but because the huge explosion just now had attracted the attention of many students in the castle.

"Remy, I think you need to give me an explanation. What happened with the explosion just now? Do you still have weapons from the Muggle world hidden on you?" Dumbledore looked at the man who was pulled out by his trouser legs. Remy asked.

When Dumbledore mentioned the weapons of the Muggle world, and seeing that Remy was not injured, Professor McGonagall also looked serious.

"Impossible! Am I the kind of person who hides things secretly? I definitely don't hide Muggle weapons!" Remy said righteously after wiping his face.

By the way, I added from the bottom of my heart: I always carry it out honestly!

"is it?"

Dumbledore glanced at Remy, then turned his head and motioned to Professor McGonagall.

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

Professor McGonagall waved her wand, and Remy immediately flew out of the water, floated in the air, and slowly moved in front of Principal Dumbledore.

"Thanks, but why didn't you just...ah?"

Feeling like he was turned over, Remy, who was lying head down, suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

"No, no, no, what do you want? I...Oh, don't shake, I'm a little dizzy..."

There was a rush of noise...

As if a shaken money tree can shake down money, as Dumbledore grabbed Remy and shook him around, a bunch of messy things fell out of Remy's pocket and piled up into a small mountain in the blink of an eye.

There were bottles, trunks, boxes, and all kinds of random things that Dumbledore couldn't recognize.

"Don't... stop shaking, my brain will be shaken..."


As a glass bottle fell on the corner of a metal box and was smashed, a large amount of colorless and transparent liquid gushes out.

The spilled liquid instantly corroded a large hole in the hem of Dumbledore's robe. The shocked Dumbledore quickly dragged Remy away.

"What is this?" Dumbledore asked as he pulled Remy back.

"What the hell..."


A crisp voice came from the pile of debris. Remy was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically.

This sound, this sound, could it be that the line on the grenade I installed before I used it just got disconnected?

Then my boxes...

"Quick!!! Protective spell! Use the protective spell to cover that pile of things! Quick!!!"

Hearing Remy's hoarse shouting, Dumbledore reacted quickly and immediately took out his wand and silently cast a protective spell.

Professor McGonagall next to him also realized that the situation had changed, and also used his true skills to cast a protective spell silently and instantly.

"What's going on? Now you can..."

boom! ! ! !

Under the obstruction of the protective spell, the huge explosion blocked upward instantly shattered the ground.

It wasn't over yet. After a big crater was blown up, explosions appeared one after another in various places in the crater, some big and some small. The only thing they had in common was that they all continued to expand the crater.

Dumbledore's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly used the hand speed of God who had been single all his life to cast five protective spells in an instant, protecting a large area of ​​​​the nearby ground.

The sound of rumbling was endless, and Remy's heart felt cold.

It's over, Barbie is having sex, and she's really in trouble now.

Moreover...the family's fortune was also destroyed...

Remi, who had already fallen to the ground, shed silent and sad tears while looking at the surging lake water.

Dumbledore waited until there was no explosion and waited for a while before taking back his wand and looking at the big pit in front of him with a livid face.

Not to mention Professor McGonagall, the bottom of a century-old pot is fairer, rosy and shiny than her current face.

In the castle in the distance, many students were attracted by the explosion and crowded around the windows to watch curiously. Some even moved out the astronomical telescope used in the astrology class.

Suddenly, Remy's expression changed, and he wailed and rushed towards the big crater created by the explosion.

"Magic crystal! My magic crystal! I saved the magic crystal through frugality and hard work!!!"

Falling down next to the pit, Remy held up the lake water, his hands trembling.

Where is the water? This is clearly magic crystal solution!

Really? It’s a waste!

Looking at the lost Remy, and then at the lake where the aura of magic was getting stronger, Dumbledore's brows suddenly furrowed even more tightly.

He could feel that this pit was not the place with the strongest magical aura. The place with the strongest magical aura was in the real black lake. More magic crystals should have been blown away by the explosion just now.

"Forget it, there is no good way to recycle them all now, and the Black Lake is big enough, it should be able to dilute it... Let's first solve the problem of Remy, the source of the turmoil."

Thinking of this, Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief and told Professor McGonagall to arrange for someone to keep an eye on the Black Lake and report to him immediately if any abnormalities were discovered.

Then, Dumbledore grabbed Remy's shoulders, and the two of them disappeared in an instant. When they reappeared, they were already in the principal's office.

"This matter is so big that many people have noticed it. The school directors must have informed the Ministry of Magic."

"I am also responsible for this matter. I did not confiscate all the dangerous items on you in advance, and it was also my misoperation that caused them to explode. I will take my responsibility when the trial comes."

Speaking of this, Dumbledore couldn't help but sigh, regretting very much why he had been so reckless just now.

If he had been more careful, wouldn't this have happened?

"But your responsibility is not small. I will write a letter to your teacher now and ask him to come to the country. With his intervention and the fact that you are still underage, the Ministry of Magic should not imprison you in Az Caban, you can rest assured.”

Where to be imprisoned?


Remy, who was still in a daze, suddenly raised his head, his eyes brighter than ever before.

"No, you don't need to write to my teacher, and you don't need to take responsibility for me."

Remy waved his hand and looked heroic.

"One person does the work and the other takes responsibility! I was the one who blew up the Black Lake! I am the culprit, principal criminal, accomplice and peripheral member!"

Dumbledore:  …

I really regret listening to you just now and using a protective spell to suppress the explosion. I should have just thrown you in. Even if the explosion didn't kill you, it would still be great to blow you out of the jurisdiction of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

"You... ugh..."

Albus was tired and wanted to retire. Dumbledore sighed heavily.


If preaching is useful, why should prisons be used?

But the problem is that prison doesn’t seem to work now!

"I can't figure it out, what attracts you to Azkaban? Dementors? Why would you be interested in that kind of creature that everyone avoids?" Dumbledore asked in a muffled voice.

"There is a saying that I wonder if you have heard of?"


"Everything can be transformed into a girl!"

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