"Nan Xing, Ban Xia, it's good to open the door quickly, come with me!" The third aunt said loudly, patting on the door.

Hearing the third aunt's voice, Luo Nanxing and Luo Banxia's sleepy bugs ran away immediately. There were not many things that could make the third aunt so happy. Got up and wanted to see what was going on.

Luo Nanxing shouted to the outside while putting on his clothes: "Come on, we're coming!"

Luo Banxia began to put on clothes silently. Since it was a good thing, she might not be able to go out for a short time. Although the weather outside just snowed is not too cold, it is not much better. She should wear more.

After the two packed themselves up, they went to the door and opened the door. The third aunt saw them and said excitedly: "Today, Mr. Wu came across a wounded wild boar when he went up the mountain. He had the courage to smash the wild boar to death with a big stone. The captain asked everyone to go to the square to share the pork!"

Hearing the third aunt's words, Luo Nanxing and Luo Banxia were stunned at the same time, as far as he/she knew, Wu Laosan did not go up the mountain to hunt wild boars today.

But before they had time to think about it, the two quickly took a backpack and followed the third aunt to the square.

It is said that the square is just a small platform, and there is a well next to it. Most people rely on it for drinking water. Over time, people in the brigade like to gather here to chat.

Luo Banxia and the others lived far away, and when they arrived, the wild boar had already been cut open, and Uncle Liu, who knew how to cut pigs in the brigade, was dividing the wild boar into pieces with a knife.

Of course the biggest part belongs to Wu Laosan. Unfortunately, wild boars are not domesticated. Pigs have little oil and water, and there is very little fat. Most of them are lean meat, but Wu Laosan does not dislike it. up.

The rest is divided equally by head, and children will have less. As for the educated youths, they also give a small group symbolically to satisfy their hunger.

Luo Banxia and Luo Nanxing also got half a catty of meat. The two of them just ate the stew at noon. They are not interested in wild pork at the moment, but it is good to have an extra piece of meat. They usually cut it into shredded meat and put it in the dishes. It can also be more fragrant.

When it was time for meat, the two brothers and sisters happily walked home, but on the way home they were all thinking about the same thing, that is, how did Wu Laosan go up the mountain at this juncture when it just snowed.

Although the condition of Wu Lao San's family is not very good, they are not such reckless people. It has just snowed, what kind of mountain are they going to!

But thinking that they can all come to this world, it doesn't seem to matter if the plot is different, as long as they live their little lives well.

On the contrary, Luo Nanxing thinks this is a good thing, the more it deviates from the original plot, the better it will be for him.

And Luo Banxia has only one idea, as long as it doesn't affect her living a small life, it's good that the eldest brother and the second brother can always be safe.

Although many people will be full of energy and want to make a breakthrough in their new life, but Luo Banxia, ​​who has been short of love since childhood, only hopes to keep her little family safe and secure.

Thinking about how rich her family was in her previous life, as a result, she, who has no father or mother, can't find any fun other than money.

It's not wrong for grandpa to love her, but her granddaughter is not the only granddaughter. The so-called love is nothing more than daily transfers of money and occasional greetings, not to mention the uncle in the next room, who are not far away.

Therefore, Luo Banxia has longed for the warmth of family since she was a child. Although she still has no parents in this life, she is already content with having a second brother who really cares about her.

As for whether the second brother found out that Luo Banxia had changed the core, Luo Banxia felt that she and the second brother still had a little tacit understanding.

After returning home, looking at the unfinished stew in the pot and half a catty of wild pork in his hand, Luo Banxia thought for a while before saying: "Second brother, why don't we use these wild pork to make cabbage dumplings? Dumplings must be delicious."

The taste of wild pork is different from that of domestic pork. Although the meat is not as delicate as that of domestic pork, it has a bit more chewiness and texture. It must be very good for making dumplings.

Although there was a delay in the middle, it did not affect the two people's plans for the afternoon.

When I got home, I pulled out a cabbage of about the same size, peeled off the old leaves, and tore them off one by one.

Luo Nanxing was not idle when Luo Banxia was tearing the cabbage leaves. He took out the high-quality white noodles produced by the system, poured them into a large basin, added an appropriate amount of water to mix them evenly, and then started kneading the noodles.

When the noodles are almost kneaded, the Chinese cabbage leaves of Luo Banxia are also almost torn. Take the Chinese cabbage leaves to the kitchen to blanch the water, take the Chinese cabbage out of the boiling water and squeeze it dry, and wait until the Chinese cabbage is dry. Pick up a knife and mince the Chinese cabbage and mix it into the minced wild boar.

At this time, the white flour that has been kneaded into dough has been covered with a wet towel and placed in a large basin to stand still. After about an hour, the dough will be taken out and kneaded into a long strip. The ball was fiddling with in his hand.

Luo Nanxing didn't care about her and let her play with it in her hands, anyway, Luo Banxia's hands were just washed very clean.

After the dough was kneaded into long strips, Luo Nanxing sprinkled a layer of white flour on the table, and cut the long strips into individual pieces. At this time, Luo Banxia had already put the dough back into the big dough.

Although they don't lack food now, they can't waste food, let alone such precious white flour.

While cutting the jiaozi Luo Banxia, ​​Luo Nanxing flattened the jiaozi, turning them into round and thick pancakes.

When Luo Nanxing finished cutting the medicine, Luo Banxia was almost pressed, Luo Nanxing took out the rolling pin and rolled the small round cakes into dumpling wrappers of appropriate size.

Considering that there is not much meat, the brothers and sisters did not make many dumplings this time, only about two catties, so they did not make many dumpling wrappers.

Luo Banxia was not idle when Luo Nanxing rolled the dumpling wrappers, picked up the rolled dumpling wrappers and started making dumplings.

In fact, Luo Banxia didn't know how to make dumplings at first, it was taught to Luo Nanxing by the eldest aunt and third aunt when they came to take care of her.

I thought it was difficult to learn, but I didn't expect that Luo Banxia still has a bit of talent in cooking, and after learning it once, she has already made a decent meal. Luo Nanxing is much better.

It's true that Luo Nanxing can do everything, but he just can't make dumplings well. The dumplings are either exposed or soft and can't stand up. It's completely different from his usual shrewd and capable appearance, which makes Luo Banxia laugh for a long time.

Since Luo Banxia knew how to make dumplings, the brothers and sisters ate dumplings more often. In the past, most of them were made into steamed buns or various kinds of pasta, so we can't spoil the white noodles, right?

The brothers and sisters were making dumplings in a calm and happy manner, and the other families were almost like this, only the second uncle's family had a quarrel.

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