But Xu Qian was still worried about her. If she touched too much cold water, she would feel cold, and she would roll in pain when menstruation came.

As soon as Xu Qian said this, Chunmei didn't refuse. She just blushed and lowered her head to wash her clothes without saying a word.

She heard from her mother that after the new year, she will invite a matchmaker to propose a kiss to her.Regarding her future marriage partner, Chunmei was a little shy, but still full of curiosity.

The end of the new year is approaching, and Xu Qian has also started to prepare for the new year. In the morning, Mrs. Zhou bought five catties of pork belly, and also bought a pair of pork belly and five catties of pork ribs.

Xu Qian plans to make some bacon, but five catties of pork belly is definitely not enough for bacon.

So from the space, I took twenty catties of pork belly and ten catties of pork suet and came out.

Ten catties of lard, and the five catties of fat pork belly that the old lady bought, she planned to boil it directly into lard.

Originally, the old lady was asked to buy five catties of pork belly.Xu Qian wanted to eat it fried or steamed.

Unexpectedly, the old lady was afraid that she would suffer a disadvantage, so the pork belly she bought didn't even have a trace of lean meat.

Xu Qian was a little dumbfounded.

Also, in this day and age, the best meat is not the meat bought by the old lady.It's all fat, how delicious is it to cut into two slices and stir-fry?But she just can't like it.

Forget it, just boil the oil!

Wash the pork suet and pork belly, cut into pieces the size of your thumb, add water to boil, remove the foam after boiling, then set up firewood directly and start the fire.

As the temperature rises, after the water in the pot is boiled dry, the fat will naturally and slowly separate out.

"Mom, let me cook the pot for you."

Little Du Qian just saw his mother entering the kitchen with a large bowl of meat.So after playing with the three younger brothers for a while, I couldn't sit still, and ran to the kitchen in a hurry.

A pair of big dark eyes stared straight at Xu Qian's pot.Although he hasn't flowed halazi yet, his eagerness to eat meat can be seen at a glance.

"No way!"

"Mom is boiling lard today, it's dangerous in the kitchen, you took your younger brothers to play outside.

Don't come into the kitchen, wait for mom to cook the oil before you come in to eat lard residue. "

Xu Qian was afraid that the four children would be hurt if the lard splashed, so she resolutely refused to let them stay in the kitchen.


Little Du Qian went out dejectedly, standing at the door of the kitchen and came to play with him, triplets and three brothers.

"Mom, it smells so good."

Boiling oil is very fast, Xu Qian did not cook for long, the water inside dried up, the pot crackled, and then there was a strong smell of meat and oil.

As soon as the triplets smelled the smell of meat, all their original thoughts of coming to play with their brother disappeared immediately.

Three pairs of small eyes were all fixed on the pot.It smells so good!The smell of meat came from there.

"Yes, Rourou."

"Fatty, I want to eat meat."

The triplets have a soft spot for meat.

Especially Xu Qian's steamed Shaobai, they can eat two pieces in one meal.Thinking of Rourou, they all salivated.

"No, mom is cooking lard, it's dangerous when you stir it, you can't stay in the kitchen.

Go, go out to play with my brother, and after my mother cooks the lard, I will ask you to come back to eat. "

Xu Qian threw the four children out of the kitchen.But the minds of the four children at the moment are all in the pot.

Where do you want to run out to play?

Then the four little guys sat on the threshold with short legs, neatly sitting in a row of four.

The corners of Xu Qian's mouth twitched slightly after seeing it, and she didn't care about them, anyway, as long as they stayed away from the pot, nothing would happen.

After cooking for about half an hour, when the oil in the oil residue was almost boiled out, Xu Qian then took a colander and scooped up all the oil residue in the pot.

When the four little guys saw it, they wanted to rush in and eat the oil residue.Xu Qian hurriedly yelled loudly, and yelled the four little guys out again.

"Don't come in, get out!"

When the little ones saw that their mother was really angry, they felt a little apprehensive and a little greedy.

So he stood on the threshold stupidly, neither going out nor daring to pass.

Xu Qian shook her head helplessly after seeing it, then took out another bowl, and put eight pieces of oil residue into the bowl.

After all the oil residue in the bowl was gone, he gave the bowl to the older Du Qian.

"Go! Go out to eat, one person can only eat two oil residues. This food has a lot of oily gas, and if you eat too much, you will have diarrhea."

"Mom is the best!"

"Eat meat, eat meat!"

The four little guys became excited as soon as they got the meat bowl, and their mouths were full of rainbow farts.

Then they jumped up and down, followed behind Du Qian, and ran to the next room to play together.

Looking at the backs of the children, Xu Qian couldn't help but smile.

Then took an enamel basin, scooped up the oil in the pan, and put it out of the reach of a child.

After the oil is boiled.Xu Qian marinated the twenty catties of half-fat and half-thin pork belly that was taken out of the space, and planned to make all of it bacon.

Half of the ribs were also marinated, and Xu Qian planned to cook the remaining half in soup for a while.

Twenty catties of pork belly is divided into five pieces, plus a piece of pork ribs, it looks a bit small.

So he took a chicken and a duck out of the space and marinated them with pork.

After the pork was marinated, Xu Qian thought about making lunch. For lunch, she planned to cook dumplings and make more noodles.

Half of it is used to make dumplings, and the other half is steamed. After steaming, it is frozen in the snow and can be eaten for several days.

Xu Qian is boiling lard today, cooking dumplings and steaming buns.Others in the village are also cooking lard, steaming buns with noodles, or making dumplings.

All of a sudden, the whole village was filled with a strong smell of meat.Originally, this society was still in the village, and the children playing everywhere also disappeared one by one.

After the noodles were reconciled, Xu Qian went to the field to pick two Chinese cabbages and came back, cutting a handful of leeks covered by snow.

She plans to make dumplings in three flavors, stuffed with cabbage oil residue, stuffed with sauerkraut oil residue, and stuffed with leek and egg.

There was a lot of oil residue and oil gas released, and she was afraid of diarrhea.So chop the oil residue into fine pieces.

She cut another two catties of lean meat and chopped it into it.Neutralize the oil and gas of the oil residue.

The buns are the same. She adjusted two fillings, one with cabbage and pork oil residue, and one with pork vermicelli.

Xu Qian added a little cornmeal to the flour for making dumplings, in order to distinguish the taste of dumplings.

There is no corn flour added to the buns, all pure white flour is used.But in order to distinguish the taste.She still put a small diced radish on top.

There are diced radish and pork vermicelli-flavored buns.There is no diced radish, just pork and cabbage stuffed buns.

After making about 35 dumplings, Xu Qian cooked them directly, and made the rest after lunch.

The food intake of the four children is not small. The food that little Du Qian eats in each meal is almost the same as hers. It takes ten dumplings to eat.

The triplets eat a little less. If they cook dumplings, they can eat five in one meal.There are five mothers and five children, and they have to cook 35 dumplings, which is enough for them to eat.

The triplets will be able to eat five dumplings this year, and they will definitely be able to eat seven or eight next year, and maybe ten dumplings in the year after. It is really stressful!

"Mom, the dumplings are delicious."

"Dumplings are my favorite."

"I love to eat too."

"Mom is my favorite."

On the side of the triplets, eat the dumplings with a spoon.While raising her oily face, she was about to run over to kiss Xu Qian.Xu Qian hated it so much that she quickly stopped her.

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