"Yeah, mom!"

When Mrs. Zhou arrived, both Xu Qian's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had actually won, and they both rode on Wang Wenli's daughter-in-law and slapped them, surrounded by a bunch of villagers watching the battle.

"Hey, isn't this the daughter-in-law of Wang Wenli's family? Why are you fighting with the old Zhou's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?"

"Who knows!"

"The daughter-in-law of Wang Wenli's family has always been bitter. She doesn't say a word when she sees someone. I think this is offending the old Zhou's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law."

"Speaking of which, isn't the second daughter-in-law of the old Zhou family from the city? Looking at the fighting posture, the young daughter-in-law in our village is not as good as her. She really is not good at appearance!"

"Yes Yes……"

The villagers' comments did not hinder Xu Qian's posture at all, and the three of them fought each other even more vigorously.

"You stinky bitch, how dare you bully our mother, don't teach you a lesson, you don't know how many eyes Prince Ma has!"

Seeing this posture, Mrs. Zhou let out an ah, yelled and squeezed into the crowd, and then slapped Wang Wenli's daughter-in-law twice, making her dizzy and staring.

Immediately afterwards, he took the place of Mrs. Zhou as the main force in the fight.After all, Mrs. Zhou is getting old. After playing for a while, she exhausted a lot of energy and needs to recover.


"What are you doing!"

"Pull away, pull away!"

"Hurry up, pull away!"

The three of Xu Qian, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fought for a while, and the captain came late. Seeing their posture, his face turned green with anger, and he hurriedly called someone to separate the four of them.

"What's the matter?"


"The daughter-in-law of Wang Wenli's family sprayed manure all over her mouth. She wronged our family as a landlord. My mother taught her how to speak human language!"

"...I didn't, woo..."

"...They beat me!"

The daughter-in-law of Wang Wenli's family was sobbing and crying, with a look of grievance on her face. Her hair was messy, and there were a few places on the top of her head that were ripped bald by Mrs. Zhou, and fell to the ground.

His head was still swollen from the beating, like a pig's head, his face was covered with bloodstains, palm marks, his mouth was distorted from the beating, and he spoke in a low voice.

Miserable old!

The captain watched with the corners of his eyes twitching slightly.These wives fight every day, and they are really ruthless.

"Captain, that's what happened."

"You also know that I gave birth to those three boys of my family a few days ago, and almost died. Now my body is weak, and I am still in confinement during this time."

Xu Qian gently tidied up her slightly messy hair, and then gracefully walked among the crowd.

"My man felt sorry for me, so he traded a few chickens in the village, and saved some meat tickets for me to buy bones to make up for my body. As a result, this woman is narrow-minded and mean-spirited."

"If I don't have it in my house, I won't see others have it. My man can't afford to buy meat, so I can't wait for others to die."

"How dare you slander my family as a landlord! Huh, my family is eight generations of civilians, and my father is an eighth-level mechanic. He is still willing to support me. It's useless if you are jealous. If you have the ability, change your father!"

After the captain heard what Xu Qian said, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, but he finally understood what had happened.

In fact, it was nothing, but the Zhou family bought a piece of meat, and Wang Wenli's daughter-in-law made a few sour remarks in jealousy.

Mrs. Zhou was not used to her, and then the two sides began to swear, and the more the swearing, the more angry they became, and then a fight broke out.

"Okay, I know about this, both parties are at fault. Wang Wenli quickly take your wife to the health center."

"Don't make any mistakes."

"There is also the old Zhou's family. The three of you mother-in-law and daughter-in-law beat him up like that, and you must pay for the medical expenses."

"Give it, give it, whoever dares to beep next time, I will be able to call, anyway, I have money, so I can afford it!"

Xu Qian snorted lightly, not at all afraid.

The daughter-in-law of Wang Wenli's family looked miserable, but it was actually a skin trauma. The doctor in the health center gave some medicine and it was over. Xu Qian also lost [-] cents, a total of [-] cents for the medicine.

After all, both parties are at fault, so pay half.

The old Zhou's family won the fight, but Wang Wenli's daughter-in-law was miserable. Not only was she beaten, but she also spent [-] cents on medicine.

After this fight, Xu Qian's reputation in the village has greatly increased, and her affection for Xu Qian has doubled. Many villagers thought that the girls in the city must be all kinds of gentle and weak.

Unlike their rude village women.

In the end, isn't this the same as the girls in their village?The same fights, that fierce posture, the big girls and young daughter-in-laws in the village can't keep up.

"Big baby, his mother, big baby and their full moon will be in two days, do you want to have two tables?"

Mrs. Zhou forgot about the fight as soon as she turned around, and instead asked about the three little babies' full moon wine.

"I think it's better to forget it. I bought more meat before, and so many people in the village were jealous. Now that I have a full moon wine, it will be more eye-catching, so I don't want to do it."

"I have a meat ticket here. Mom will go buy some meat in two days. Let's have a meal as a family. Just make fun of it."

"Success, if you don't do it, don't do it!"

The old lady Zhou thought about it too. During this time, the old Zhou family was too prominent in the village, so it's better to be quiet.

Back in the room, the three babies had already woken up, their eyes were wide open, they were bulging, and they were not crying. They waved their little hands, babbling, and speaking some baby language that no one could understand.

Chunmei was next to her, holding a wave drum, teasing them to play, the sound of the wave drum sounded there, and their eyeballs looked there, very excited.

Xu Qian touched them, and kissed their chubby little cheeks one by one, they were so cute!

After a month of careful feeding, the three little ones have obviously grown up a lot, and the eldest one is the fattest with a round face.

The second baby is also strong and strong, better than many babies born in the village who weigh five or six pounds. Although the third baby looks smaller, it has grown to the size of a normal baby.

Xu Qian really spent a lot of thought on feeding these three boys, for fear that they would die young and would not be able to support them.

The baby sleeps a lot, and after playing for a while, it starts to make trouble and cry.After Xu Qian finished feeding, she patted and coaxed gently, and after a while, all three dolls fell asleep.

"Second Aunt, I'll take my brother's clothes to wash first. Do you have anything else to wash here? I'll wash it together."

"There are two, I'll get them for you."

Xu Qian took out two dirty coats from the bed, Chunmei took the clothes, carried the basket on her back and went to the river.

As soon as Zhou Chunmei went out, there was no one at home.The village has been growing rapeseed for the past two days, and everyone in the village has gone, even a few children from the third family's family have gone to collect pigweed and firewood.

Seeing that there was no one in the house, Xu Qian closed the door, and took out all the money tickets she had exchanged in later generations from the space. The ones she used these days were all left by Zhou Wenjun.

There is still a lot of money, but the tickets are almost used up. Meat tickets and sugar tickets are gone, and she just needs this.

Once all kinds of tickets were taken out, there were two big boxes, piled up on a bed, stacked on top of each other, so many.

When I bought it, except for the national general food stamps, the other tickets were all random, and they cost more than ten yuan and one hundred.

She didn't know what they were, anyway, the tickets she cared about most were all in it.But it varies by region.

Tickets from other places can't be used locally, so she has to take out the unused tickets, and some tickets have passed the expiration date, so she also has to take out the tickets.

It took an hour, and after the election was made, the various votes on the bed were reduced by more than half.

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