Soon, Yu Jie and others cleaned up the scene.The pistols and bullets carried by Qu Liang and the others were also collected and handed over to Tie Long.

With a gun, a new gunner is needed, and Zhou Xiaoyu also needs to choose a trainer, so Tielong called and called all his men to the casino.

As for Zhou Xiaoyu's identity, he claimed to be a martial arts instructor, responsible for teaching everyone Kung Fu and enhancing their combat effectiveness.

Everyone is very excited.

Many of them have personally experienced Zhou Xiaoyu's kung fu, and they are looking forward to it.

Tie Long first selected eight men to join the gunner team, and then asked the gunner leader to take them to the shooting range for training.

Afterwards, Zhou Xiaoyu picked a dozen more people to come out, but he didn't let the rest of them go, they all stayed. After they came out of the casino, they directly trained in the yard of the clubhouse.

Since the needle gun has not yet been built, the weapon is temporarily replaced by a wooden stick of equal length.

The training is divided into two categories: individual combat and system combat.

The first is single-player combat, and everyone must participate.

The training content of single-player combat is also divided into two parts: offensive and defensive counterattack.

The attack is very simple, that is, the four actions of stick (needle gun) thrust, left thrust, right thrust and jump thrust.

Defensive counterattack is simpler, there is only one action: lift the wooden stick (needle gun) upside down, with the blade facing you, when you see the opponent's weapon slashing or stabbing, slam it upwards, and then slash along the way.

Zhou Xiaoyu first demonstrated it himself, and then let everyone follow suit, and he was responsible for correcting it.

Because the movements are simple, everyone can learn them in less than 10 minutes.

The next step is to practice these actions repeatedly.

Everyone was surprised and disappointed.

Originally thought that Zhou Xiaoyu's kung fu was so high, and what he taught them must be a unique skill, but he didn't expect it to be just a few movements.

Can this also increase combat power?

What a fool!

Although no one dared to say anything because of Tielong's presence, after more than an hour of practice, many people's faces were tired and distorted.

Seeing this, Tie Long's expression suddenly sank, and he was about to curse.

Zhou Xiaoyu waved to him.

Immediately, Zhou Xiaoyu asked everyone to stop practicing, and then the two of them formed a group to conduct counter-attack drills in sequence.

One of them held a machete with a sheath wrapped in thick sponge, and attacked at will as before, while the other held a long wooden stick also wrapped in thick sponge, and attacked or counterattacked strictly according to the training content.

The first group begins.

The two sides first opened a distance of about ten meters, and then launched a charge at the same time.

In a blink of an eye, the distance between the two was close to about two meters.

After more than an hour of training, the men holding the long stick already had a sense of touch. Seeing that the distance was right, they stabbed out with one stick.

As soon as the subordinate on the opposite side raised the machete, he was stabbed in the lower abdomen by a wooden stick. He immediately groaned, stepped back two steps, and the machete fell to the ground.

Fortunately, there was sponge on the stick, so he was neither injured nor hurt much.

The first set of exercises is over.

Although the men with long sticks won, everyone disagreed.

Long weapons are inherently cheaper than short weapons, but this is the advantage of weapons and has nothing to do with the training content.

The second set of drills begins.

The two sides still opened a distance of about ten meters, and then charged.

After rushing to a suitable distance, the second group of men with long sticks stabbed as usual.

But the men with machetes saw the people in the first group get such a trick with their own eyes, so how could they make the same mistake?


Everyone applauded in unison.

However, before he finished speaking, he saw another lightning-like stab to the left by the hand with the long stick.

After more than an hour of training just now, the men who use the long stick have developed simple muscle memory. After stabbing, they will immediately perform the next move. As for stabbing left or right, it depends entirely on the position of the opponent.

Before the man with the machete could react, he was stabbed in the ribs by a long wooden stick.

The second set of exercises is over.

Although the men with long sticks won again, and they didn't rely entirely on the strength of their weapons, everyone still didn't care.

In their view, there are only a few moves to attack, as long as the reaction is timely, it is still very easy to crack.

The third set of drills begins.

The two sides continued to charge at each other, and then the men with long sticks took the lead in stabbing.

The man with the machete absorbed the lessons of the previous two groups, concentrated his energy, and avoided the thrust and left thrust of the wooden stick in a row, but failed to dodge the third right thrust and was defeated.

He also knew that the third attack by the man with the long stick must be a right stab, but his brain knew it, but his body couldn't react, so he could only watch himself being stabbed.

"The reaction is too slow. If I go up, I will definitely be able to hide!"

Everyone thought dissatisfied.

However, in the fourth group of drills, the men with machetes still lost to the third right stab attack.

The same goes for the fifth group.

The men of the sixth group with machetes dodged the first three attacks, but failed to escape the fourth jumping stab attack.

In the next seven consecutive groups, all fell on the third or fourth attack.

Everyone no longer disagrees, is shocked and confused.

Knowing the opponent's routines and attack methods, but just can't win, this is definitely not explained by the advantage of weapons and slow response.

Why is it?

Finally, Group No. 14 practiced. The men with machetes had some martial arts background, and their movements were elegant, and they successfully avoided the four attacks of stabbing, left stabbing, right stabbing and jumping stabs from the men using long sticks.

"it is good!"

Everyone cheered up and cheered in unison, feeling that they finally saw the hope of winning.

However, after the fourth jumping jab, the man with the long stick retracted the stick immediately, and it was another thrust.

Because of his long weapon and coherent movements, the men with machetes had no time to fight back, so they could only continue to evade.

But this time the men with the machete were not so lucky. After the stabbing, the man with the long stick did not stab left, but a right stab skillfully. The man with the machete did not respond for a while and was defeated. .

The crowd was silent.

Group No.15, Group No.16, Group No.17...

From then on, until all the groups were finished, without exception, all the men who used the machete failed.

A few of them were able to dodge or withstand the first round of four blows, but none of them could escape repeated consecutive attacks from their opponents.

After training, the men who use long sticks move smoothly and coherently, and they appear to be very fast in the actual drill. The men who use machetes are always in a state of exhaustion, and even have a sense of oppression that is out of breath, and it is difficult to dodge. , let alone counterattack.

Even if someone wants to use a machete to hurt both sides, it will not work, because the wooden stick is much longer than the machete, so as long as the distance is opened, the long stick must attack first, and the machete will not be able to reach it at all.

Everyone was shocked.

They never imagined that the four simple movements, used repeatedly and continuously, turned out to be so powerful.

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