Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 67 The Word in Scarlet and the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets

After all, the Iron Triangle did not dare to intercept Justin because Professor Sprout was following behind, so they could only quietly go to the Hufflepuff common room.

"...Tear you apart...Tear you apart...Kill you..."

Harry heard that voice again, the basilisk voice he had heard at the same time as Andy.He immediately lay down on the wall and moved in the direction of the sound with all his concentration. While looking around, he squinted his eyes and searched up and down the corridor wall.

"Harry, what did you-?"

"Keep your voice down, it's that voice again, that basilisk Andy was talking about, he seems to be walking in the wall."

"...I'm so hungry...it's been a long, long time..."

"Can't you hear me?" Harry said urgently. Ron and Hermione also stepped forward, lying on the wall and looking around: "Andy is right, he is coming out to hunt, and we haven't found him yet. The entrance to the secret chamber.”

"And Ginny refused to hand over the diary. I couldn't even find where she put it." Ron was afraid that his little sister would be hurt.

"...It's time to kill..."

The sound grew fainter and seemed to move further away, and Harry was sure it was moving - moving upwards.He stared at the dark ceiling, and suddenly felt a mixture of fear and excitement in his heart: "Maybe there is some secret passage in the wall that leads to the basilisk's lair?"

"Follow me." Harry firmly decided and started running along the imaginary passage, running up the stairs and into the hall until he reached the first floor.

"Harry, have you found the damn basilisk?" Ron gasped, holding his knees with both hands.

"Maybe we should go find Principal Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall." Hermione was also a little scared.

"Shh!" Harry lay on the wall again. He heard the basilisk's voice coming from far away from the floor above, and became weaker and weaker: "...I smell blood...I smell it. The smell of blood!”

"It's going to kill people! We have to stop it!" Harry was so excited that his stomach twitched, and then ignored Ron and Hermione's persuasion and rushed up alone. The two had no choice but to follow him and they walked around the second floor. Hermione stumbled non-stop, and finally turned a corner and came to an empty corridor.

"Harry, what's going on?" said Ron, wiping the sweat from his face. "I can't hear anything..."

Hermione suddenly gasped and pointed down the corridor: "Oh my God! Look!"

Between the two windows, on the wall a foot high from the ground, there was a line of bloody words daubed on it, which looked even more bizarre under the light of the burning torch.


"What's that on the wall? How dare you scribble on it!" Before the three of them could cry out, Filch rushed in front of them menacingly, holding a lantern in one hand.Filch turned around, and suddenly he stumbled back a few steps, grabbing his face with his hands in horror. The lantern fell to the ground and broke into pieces!

"My cat! My cat! What's wrong with Mrs. Norris?" he screamed, his bulging eyes longing for Harry.He screamed, "You! You killed my cat! You killed it! I want you to pay!"

Only then did they realize that it was Loris whose tail was hanging on the torch bracket. Her body was as stiff as a board and her eyes were wide open, staring straight at them.

"We didn't do it!" Harry wanted to defend, but it was too late. More and more people were attracted by Filch's shouts, and the little wizards crowded into the aisle from both ends. When the people in front saw the upside-down cat, the bustling crowd suddenly became silent and surrounded the place.

In the silence, someone spoke loudly.

"I knew it was you, you bastard!" It was Draco Malfoy.He had already pushed his way to the front of the crowd, his cold eyes were filled with anger, and his usually bloodless face turned red.He looked at the still and stiff cat hanging there: "Tell me, cruel liar, what did you do to this cat, what did you do to Andy?"

When Filch heard Andy's name, he was even more outrageous. He strangled the savior's neck - now he only regretted that he didn't bring the Sand Eagle with him. He wanted to give this vicious boy a blow. The brain blossoms!

Hermione and Ron tried their best to pull Filch, but the angry administrator pinned Harry down tightly, and Harry was so pinched that he rolled his eyes.Fortunately, Dumbledore arrived on the scene, followed by many other teachers.In the blink of an eye, they walked through the crowd and came to Harry, Ron and Hermione, and pulled Filch off Harry. Only then did Harry gasp, and he was like a savior. He crawled and hid behind Dumbledore.

"Mr. Filch!" Professor McGonagall said with obvious dissatisfaction: "This is obviously not the behavior a faculty member should do!"

"Follow me, Filch." Dumbledore's mood did not change much: "And you, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger."

Just as everyone was about to leave, the idiot king Lockhart spoke hurriedly. He hurriedly walked forward and invited everyone to his office - with a high-spirited look, he hurriedly followed Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall and Snape followed.

When they entered the Lockhart office full of Lockharts, Filch immediately roared: "That's him! He killed my cat! He killed Andy!" The Lockharts on the wall were struck by this. Ugly angry faces were frightened and hid in panic, with curlers in their hair.

Dumbledore waved his hand to signal him not to get excited, then placed Mrs. Norris on the smooth table and began to examine it carefully.Harry, Ron and Hermione exchanged nervous glances, then sat on a few chairs out of candlelight and watched closely.Professor McGonagall bent over and squinted her eyes to look at it carefully.

"It must have been killed by a spell - probably the Transformation Torture Charm. I've seen people use this spell many times. It's a pity that I wasn't there at the time. I happened to know the unspelling method and could have saved it. ..." The idiot king started again.

"He's not dead, Filch," said Dumbledore. "He seems to be petrified."

Look, your face hurts, Lockhart.

"It's a basilisk." Harry finally had a chance to defend himself: "Andy told us that there is a basilisk in the secret room of Hogwarts. Hermione checked a lot of information. The basilisk's eyes can petrify living things."

"Andy told you?" Dumbledore widened his blue eyes: "Really Harry?"

"He said Professor Lockhart told him, and Professor Lockhart admitted it at the time," Hermione added.

The eyes of several professors instantly pierced Lockhart, and Professor McGonagall spoke: "Mr. Lockhart, do you know Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?"

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