Pirates: Beginning with Advancement City

Chapter 32 Sanji's First Show of Spawn Cape

"Luffy, we rescued the children!"

Nami rushed out of the gate, and a flying swallow hugged Luffy. She was really happy to save these children.

"Then take the children away first, the navy is over there."

Luffy is now a head taller than Nami, and seeing her happily hugging him from this perspective, Luffy also subconsciously hugged Nami with his hands and stroked her long hair.

Nami's body trembled, yes, Luffy is no longer what he used to be. In the past, Luffy would hold his hands there in a daze, but now he hugs himself so gently and strokes his hair.

However, this is very good, I don't hate it.

"Then I'll take the children away first, and I don't care about it here."

Nami left Luffy's arms with a smile, looked at Smoker and Luo, anyway, Luffy is so strong, he doesn't need to worry.

"Hello, big brother."

The children in the back saw that Luffy and Nami have such a good relationship, and they also loved Wujiwu and called Luffy brother.

Luffy smiled and nodded, these children are so cute, I really don't know what happened to Momonosuke, he is eight years old?

After watching the children being led by Nami, Smoker gasped.

"Trafalgar Luo, you'd better explain to me what happened just now."

"What can I tell you?"

Except for Corazon, Luo didn't have much affection for the people of the World Government.

Seeing the two facing each other tit for tat, Luffy was also helpless.


Chopper came over at this time.

"I found some weird food scraps in the kids' room, I probably smelled it, maybe it was something like a drug that they could be addicted to."

"I can't expel those toxins in a short period of time. Detoxification of drug addiction will be a very painful process."

Luffy pointed to Luo next to him.

"Chopper, this guy is also a doctor with special abilities. It should be much easier for him to deal with it."

Chopper was taken aback, and quickly ran to Luo.

"Then please help me."

Luo hugged his elbows with a cold face.

"Why should I help..."


Qiaoba stared at Luo with his cute big eyes, as if there was a light shining.

Luo: "..."

"Okay, I'll help, but I'm not here to help you guys. Those brats are very pitiful."

"Thank you!"

Luo's mouth twitched.

"No...you're welcome."

However, at this time, Luo was also depressed. If he did this, his plan would be in vain.

"It's so noisy, you one-headed guy, are you annoying!"

At this time, Sanji staggered out of the gate while playing with a head.

When this samurai heard that he was too lazy to help him find someone, he immediately made a fuss or shook his head, causing himself to stop and toss with this thing in the end, it was so annoying.

"My name is Kin'emon! Not a guy with one head! Also, that bastard with a hat! Where did my body go?"

Kin'emon was pulling head-to-head with Sanji with a rage on his face, and then he saw the guy who cut himself into three pieces with a glance.

"It's none of my business, go find it yourself, how do I know where your two running things went?"

"Luo, kid, so you are here?"

Hearing this voice, Luo's expression changed.

Sanji also stopped arguing with Kin'emon at this time, and looked behind him.

"Huh? Who is this guy?"

Virgo's expression was very calm, or he might just have facial paralysis.


Luo said with a sullen face.

"It doesn't matter whether it's big or small, it's Mr. Virgo."

"Why are you here, Virgo?"

At this time, Smoker frowned and looked at the other party.

"Smog? I didn't expect that I can still see you. What's the matter? After becoming a lieutenant general, it doesn't matter if you're here?"

"Hehe, it seems that you pretended it before. Are you worthy of those guys who trust you?"

From the conversation between Luo and Virgo just now, Smoker has realized something, the only helplessness is that those gangsters may not be able to accept it.

Virgo didn't say a word, or in other words, he almost forgot about those people, since it was his task anyway.

"Where are the little devils? Hand it over."

Sanji frowned, and threw Kin'emon's head to the side of the snow, making him curse.

"If you're going to take those brats away, then I won't agree."

Virgo didn't say much, and the black and purple domineering immediately covered the whole body, and kicked towards Sanji suddenly.

Sanji, who wanted to fight back directly, suddenly saw the image of his own leg bone shattering in his mind, and then avoided the opponent's whip leg, and then kicked towards the opponent's chest.

With a stronger armed color and one of the six types of iron, Sanji's attack didn't shake him at all for a while.Seeing this, Sanji used the recoil to distance himself from Virgo.

"Be careful, that guy's armed color is very strong."

Luo said to Sanji.

"Ok, I know."

Sanji nodded.

After speaking, a red cloak appeared from behind Sanji, and then the black battle suit covered Sanji's whole body.

"what is that?"

Both Luo and Smoker froze.

"Handsome, hehe"

Luffy laughed.


Virgo showed disdain, and directly used the shaving plan to solve Sanji.

With a bang, Sanji disappeared in place.

"So fast"

Virgo was taken aback.

The next moment, Sanji's right leg swept towards Virgo directly, and the latter reacted quickly, directly blocking the blow towards the head with his hand.Coupled with the solidity of the iron block, Virgo didn't panic at all.

Then the next second, he felt his brain buzzing, and he flew out uncontrollably.

"His strength? What's going on?"

Virgo quickly stabilized his posture, and looked at Sanji with a surprised face.

Sanji jumped up, his legs were ignited with flames, and he directly kicked his right leg towards Verg below.

"It's useless, the difference in armed color is almost absolute."

At this time, the cloak behind Sanji quickly wrapped Sanji, and finally closed on Sanji's legs, turning into a ferocious auger, driving Sanji to rotate at high speed in mid-air, and Sanji's devil wind foot The flames were directly transmitted to the cloak, and the flames danced along with the spiral, which was extremely magnificent for a while.

Virgo was startled, but it was too late. The attack that crazily invaded like an electric drill made him fall into a kind of fear of being penetrated, and the raging flames made him feel the intensity burning pain.

With a roar, Virgo intends to lift his foot and kick Sanji away, but Sanji who is there has already foreseen the opponent's attack with his knowledge, and the cloak suddenly opened, using Virgo's body as the base point, directly bounced away from the opponent.And Virgo was directly slapped severely, staggering and trying to stabilize his body.

Sanji, on the other hand, quickly stabilized his body with the help of the cloak, and kicked Vierg directly like a storm.Every kick was aimed at the face. Although it couldn't break the defense directly, Wilger's brain had already crashed at the speed of light due to the impact.

With a beautiful jaw kick, Verger rolled his eyes and fell to the ground on the spot.


Ro and the Smokers are dumbfounded.

The cloak disappeared, the battle suit was put away, and Sanji lit a cigarette coolly.

"Gah, that's cool."

Although he looked calm on the surface, he was already so handsome in his heart, and the hand that lit the cigarette was shaking.

Thank you, Luffy, for giving me such a good thing, as expected of my captain, I will definitely prepare a special juice for you in the future.


"Quick, people are here!"

A group of people rushed out of the laboratory, raised their guns and aimed at everyone.On the other side, just as Nami and Chopper brought the children to join Robin and the others, Tea Beard rushed over with a group of people, and behind them were two giant giants.

"Hee lu lu lu, kid... children, where are you going? It really makes me sad."


Spawn's cloak does not include the kind of undead body == Don't think too much.

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