Take Uncle Nine to Hogwarts

Chapter 11 Talisman Tracking Method! ! !


"Then there is Mr. Laurod Lux!"

Li Xian made a gesture of invitation...Although Aurord Lux ​​didn't know what these guys were going to do.

"I hope that your weird gadgets will be really effective in tracking down prisoners!"

The Auror assistant on the side stood aside with a look of disdain, as if waiting for Uncle Jiu to make a fool of himself.

Regarding this, Li Xian sighed in his heart:

The last time someone thought that way was the last time.

It was agreed here that the Auror Lux who was a shaman carried up a tray according to Uncle Jiu's order...that was borrowed by Li Xian from the policeman at the Auror work site in Diagon Alley.

Uncle Jiu poured half of the ashes in the incense burner that had been filled with ashes by Li Xian on the tray, and quickly covered the ashes on the sand with his hands and smoothed them out.

Take three incense sticks, put two into the incense burner, and pinch one in your hand.

Immediately afterwards, he used the index finger and middle finger of the other hand to pull out the dried blood from the ground as a sample, and gently placed it on the flesh of the index finger of Auror Rod Lux.

Immediately afterwards, Uncle Jiu held a pen in his hand, dipped it in cinnabar, and quickly wrote the word "Decree" on a piece of blank talisman paper.

At a fast speed, he ignited the mana of the completed spell and threw it into the glass.

With the end of the incense offering as the tip, it aimed at the blood that had been placed on Aurord Lux's finger before, and pierced into Aurord Lux's flesh and blood together.

A coldness and tingling pain penetrated Aurord Lux's fingertips.

Aurord Lux ​​who was in pain frowned slightly, and wanted to take back his hand, but Uncle Jiu forcibly pulled him back.

Ninth Uncle quickly wrapped the red rope around the index finger of Aurord Lux, another talisman was ignited, and then quickly threw it into the glass cup. When Aurord Lux ​​was still confused and unprepared, he directly Even the cup and talisman paper burned and covered the gangster Zhang Hao's mouth with smoke and ashes.

Accompanied by subconscious breathing, a puff of soot was caught off guard by Aurordo Lux and inhaled into his mouth and nose.Immediately afterwards, Aurord Lux ​​suddenly felt his eyes blurred, his body was weak, and he was about to fall to the ground in a groggy state.

Uncle Nine quickly stretched out his feet and kicked behind his knees, and the Aurora Lux knelt on the ground in order to maintain the movement of holding the tray, and knelt there with his head bowed.

Uncle Jiu inserted the end of the last incense stick into the mouth of Aurord Lux.

The other end rested on the ashes of the tray, and the moment the incense offering was placed on the tray, Aurorode Lux who was originally unconscious started to draw something on the tray with the offering in his mouth.

The Auror assistant, who had long been taken aback by Uncle Jiu's operation, couldn't help asking curiously: "What kind of strange operation is this?"

"Amulet Tracking Method!"

Li Xian on the side took out a pen and paper and wrote down while explaining:

"A tracking spell from my school of Damaoshan spells."

At this time, Uncle Jiu had already stepped aside, allowing himself, a newly recruited apprentice, to take the opportunity to practice his hands.

Draw an approximate path based on the moving curve of the incense in the mouth of Zhang Hao, who has entered the fugue state, and then compare the burning length of the two incense sticks inserted in the incense burner to judge the distance.

I just saw a circle drawn by Li Xian on the paper, which looks like a coordinate map, but it's not all... The trajectory of the movement drawn in the circle is exactly the same as the trajectory of Auror Lux's movement on the tray.

However, the circles drawn by Li Xian are marked with "Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, and Dui." Only they orientals can understand the eight directions.

At this moment, Assistant Auror's eyes were pointing.

The reporters gathered outside the prison room were also in shock, frantically recording this scene, for fear of missing any details.

It's just that their ignorance also ran through the whole process.

"What exactly is this operation?"

"Can't understand? Can't understand at all?"

"This new professor at Hogwarts is too mysterious..."

While talking, the gangster Zhang Hao stopped moving after smelling the incense in his mouth.

Li Xian also stopped writing and came to Uncle Jiu: "Master, the location has been confirmed!"

Uncle Jiu nodded in satisfaction:

"Very good! In terms of learning speed, you are much faster than your previous brothers, but don't be complacent."

"Good master!"

Li Xian began to pack his things, and Uncle Jiu said to the Auror assistant, "The prisoner has been found, let's go!"

Uncle Jiu shook the road map recorded in his hand and put it away, when he was about to move forward...

The Auror assistant looked at Auror Lux who was still in a fugue state and asked:

"Then what should I do, sir?"

"Pull out the incense, get discouraged!"

The Auror assistant was full of doubts.

Seeing this, Li Xian first covered his nose, and then directly pulled out the incense that Aurord Lux ​​had in his mouth.

With a mouthful of foul air, it was released.

Within three feet, the stench suddenly became overwhelming.

The reporters covered their noses one after another, and some vomited directly.Especially for the poorly ventilated detention room, the gas that suddenly leaked from Aurord Lux's body was tantamount to the most disgusting torture! ! !

"What's wrong??? Has the prisoner been found???"

After waking up, Aurord Lux ​​hurriedly asked, apparently completely unaware of what happened just now.

Afterwards, Auror Rod Lux ​​and his assistant, led by Uncle Nine Coordinate Map... soon came to Knockturn Alley next to Diagon Alley.

When he was about to enter Knockturn Alley, Uncle Jiu stopped Li Xian and Lin Azhi and let them stay where they were:

"This place is full of evil spirits, so don't go in!"

Li Xian nodded, and after Uncle Jiu and Aurord Lux ​​entered, Lin Azhi looked at the Knockturn Alley in front of him:

"This is like a slum!"

Li Xian didn't know much about this place.

After all, in the original book... there are very few scenes here.

But in Li Xian's view, this kind of dark and corrupt villain gathering place... Although it looks scary, in fact, a lot of unexpected news can often be obtained here.

And it's also very safe to do some shady transactions here...

Not long after, Uncle Jiu and Aurord Lux ​​returned.

But before that, some of the reporters came back one after another.

"Oh, this oriental magic is really amazing."

"My dear lady, that Professor Lin said that it is called Maoshan Shu. We should respect their unique names."

"Okay, okay, Dongfang Maoshan Technique! I have to go back and write the report quickly, and strive to be the first one to finish the draft, so that the news can be published in the newspaper."

"That's right, I believe tomorrow's newspaper sales will be particularly good."

Although I didn't hear exactly what they talked about, the news revealed was positive.

When Uncle Jiu came back, Aurord Lux ​​did not follow.

"Master...how is the situation?"

"Let's go! The next thing should not be handled by outsiders like us!"

Uncle Jiu looked back at the depths of Knockturn Alley:

"I have encountered this kind of thing since I came here. My instinct as a teacher tells me... I am afraid that this trip to Hogwarts will not be too safe."

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