As the Chinese New Year is getting closer, Xiao Heng and An Ningxuan's families are discussing getting married on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, which is the Laba Festival.

An Ningxuan originally thought that the most important moment in her life would be lively.The day before the wedding, there should be a makeup artist to dress her up carefully.

In the early hours of the morning, she put on the wedding dress that she had tried on countless times and changed countless times. She held the flowers that had just grown from the greenhouse in her hands and put a red tulle on her head, waiting for Xiao Heng, who was also dressed up, to pick her up.

When Xiao Heng and the groomsmen came to her home, her bridesmaids would create various obstacles to prevent the groomsmen from assisting the groom in picking up the bride, unless a sincere red envelope was given.

When the groom Xiao Heng holds or holds the bride's hand and leaves her parents' home, the bride An Ningxuan will shed tears of reluctance.They had to stop and kowtow to An Ningxuan's elders, thanking them for their upbringing, thanking them for their teachings, thanking them, thanking them countless times.

The bride's tears ruined her makeup, and the makeup artist had to touch up the bride's makeup. Therefore, in addition to the driver and the newlyweds, there was another makeup artist in the limousine.

When they arrived at the state-owned hotel, the makeup artist turned into a photographer, using the already heated camera to record the moment the couple held hands when they got out of the car.

Relatives and friends sit down, and the bride and groom hold the wedding ceremony.An Ningxuan couldn't imagine whether the ceremony should include worshiping the heaven and the earth and the high hall, or the newlyweds vowing to never leave each other for the rest of their lives.

There are also comments from both parents. Maybe the father will say that his daughter has a bad temper and hope that the man will be more tolerant. Maybe the father will say that his drinking capacity is okay. If the young couple has a conflict, he also asks his son-in-law not to be polite, ask him to have a drink and discuss things. Husband’s experience.

Maybe the mother will say that she is very reluctant to let her daughter get married. She will miss her little cotton-padded jacket very much when she is far away from her.

Maybe grandpa would say that it was both happy and sad to see the older child fly away, become independent and start a family.

Maybe Grandpa, who can write well, would send a pair of calligraphy words like "Let's help each other", "Hand in hand", or simply "Happy wedding"...

After the ceremony, the banquet began, and the couple began to toast at the table.Every important guest will toast three glasses of wine, and each glass of wine will receive a blessing, as if all the good blessings were sent to the wedding banquet on this day.

The happy gathering time is always short, but the makeup artist and part-time photographer recorded it one by one.These precious photos will be treasured and kept from generation to generation, telling the story of the beautiful and highlight moments of this love.

After the wedding, it’s the wedding night of the bride and groom.Skin-to-skin love, layer upon layer, between the urgent and urgent, fully demonstrates the way of husband and wife, and is extremely happy.Then they embraced each other and fell asleep, continuing to be in love until dawn.

But this was all An Ningxuan's imagination, or it was like this every time she dreamed of marrying Xiao Heng.Regardless of the era, weddings must comply with the customs and habits of the people at that time.

Both An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng understand this.The wedding that An Ningxuan imagined was to show the romance between two people in front of their relatives and friends, making the wedding grand and ceremonial, and making the wedding a beautiful memory in their lives.

However, weddings in that era were simple. Just as the parents of both parties discussed and expected, the marriage was registered, and then the two families had a meal together. There was no need to invite comrades or friends. Everything was low-key.

Afterwards, buy some candies and distribute them to everyone. It is a notification that the two of you are now a legal couple. With sincere blessings from others, there is no need to follow suit, hold a grand banquet, or hold a grand ceremony.

An Ningxuan can already understand that era, and also understands the meaning of both parents.

Xiao Heng still thought about inviting his comrades, commanders, and friends to attend his wedding, but in the end he was persuaded by Huo Ran and An Ningxuan.

Huo Ran meant that An Ningxuan's father was the leader of the army. If Xiao Heng did this, many people might not be here for him, but for his father-in-law's face.However, when someone comes, it is a favor. In the end, the one who has to pay it back is the couple, or the father-in-law?This may involve rights.It is not good to use public power for private use, even a little bit.

Xiao Heng finally understood the painstaking efforts of both parents and agreed to make the marriage simple.

Indeed, An Ningxuan and Xiao Heng did the same.

The date of the 28th of the twelfth lunar month was determined, and the two of them prepared their household registration books, letters of introduction, and photos very early.The so-called betrothal gifts and dowry are all simplified. After all, Xiao Heng will return to the army after the new year, and An Ningxuan will also become a family member of the army. Everything is prepared by the army. This saves the two families a lot of worry. .

On the morning of the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Xiao Heng went to pick up An Ningxuan very early.The two went to the marriage registration office and got their marriage certificate smoothly.Then the two were about to go to the state-owned hotel together, because a large family was waiting for them there.

"You two, don't leave in a hurry yet."

The two newlyweds were about to leave the marriage registration office when the gatekeeper stopped them.

The two looked at each other, wondering why the man they had never met wanted to stop them.

"Are your two names Xiao Heng and An Ningxuan?" The uncle held a tea jar in his hand with a smile on his face.

"Uncle, do you know us two? This is our first time here, our first time...getting married..." Xiao Heng was stunned by the sudden appearance of the uncle, or he was a little dizzy with joy, so he said such words .

An Ningxuan touched Xiao Heng with her elbow, her face suddenly turned red. Looking at the uncle, An Ningxuan asked: "Uncle, Kang Jian, what's the matter with calling us?"

"Hey, what did the groom say? Who said it's not your first time to register for marriage! Hahaha, the bride is still good at talking. She should say auspicious words before meeting."

The old man took a sip of tea and said, "Can you two do me a favor, old man, and come in and help me get my things."

"Uncle, why don't I do you a favor? Of course I can." Xiao Heng also said cheerfully.

The two people followed the uncle into the communication room.The uncle pointed to a leather bag on the top of the cabinet and said, "That's it. Get it for me. It's a bit heavy. Be careful."

"Okay, uncle, please wait a moment, I will go up and get it for you."

Xiao Heng pulled up a chair, found a newspaper to cushion it, stepped on the chair, and took off the leather bag on top of the filing cabinet.

"Uncle, this leather bag is not light! Does it contain some treasure?"

Xiao Heng and the uncle were joking while packing up the newspapers and putting the chairs back.

"I don't know what kind of treasure it is! But, this is for you two!"

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