"Village chief, you can understand that it is to supplement the nutrition of these cottons and make them grow better! For example, if you give Gousheng an egg every day, the body of Gousheng will grow faster. That's probably what it means! " Jiang Ling explained.

The village head still frowned, it was obvious that the village head didn't quite understand Jiang Ling's meaning, he had lived all these years, and only heard about farm manure, and most of those farm manures were used in his own yard, and he didn't know what Jiang Ling meant. See who fell in the wheat field.

Jiang Ling was not in a hurry, and continued to explain patiently: "Village Chief, do you want our rice to grow better next year and the land environment better?"

The village chief nodded sharply. Of course, he wanted to increase production. He didn’t want to go through the scenes of the famine year again. He blinked his cloudy eyes and said, “Why, what do you have, Mrs. Jiang?” Is there a way?"

Jiang Ling was a little bald, and the village chief didn't understand what she patiently explained just now, but she was not annoyed, she then patiently explained again, and the village chief showed a half-understand expression.

"Then how can you make this fertilizer?" the village chief asked while scratching his head.

Jiang Ling saw that the village chief finally had an idea, and she quickly told her about her plan to open a small fertilizer factory.

It was the first time for the village head who opened the factory to hear about it. Although he didn't understand what it was for, but after Jiang Ling said that people in the village were needed to work and that they were paid wages, the village head showed a look of surprise. This is a good thing for the village.

"Where do you want to build the factory building?" the village chief asked.

Jiang Ling pointed to the open space in his backyard and said: "The fertilizer factory will have some smell, I plan to build it in my backyard, so the smell will be lessened!"

Although the village chief didn't know what fertilizer Jiang Ling was talking about, he seemed to have a voice in his heart, and that voice seemed to keep saying, "You just listen to her, you just listen to her!"

"Okay, then I will give you as much land as you want at the rate of 8 copper coins per mu, and when the time comes to build a house or something, I will help you find a few steady and stable men!" The village head replied.

Jiang Ling nodded in thanks, and then chatted with the village chief for a few more words before beginning to outline the fertilizer factory. Both cotton and rice needed compound fertilizers.

That is to say, the mixture of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer and potash fertilizer is not difficult to make, but how to promote Jiang Ling is a bit difficult.

This thing doesn't want to be popular or use it to have immediate results. It must be placed on the ground, and it will take time to see the effect.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ling frowned very tightly, but then County Magistrate Duan's chubby face reappeared in Jiang Ling's mind.

Jiang Ling shook her head quickly, trying to get rid of the idea that this sounded very green tea. She knew that the county magistrate Duan thought of him, and then used this relationship to increase income channels for herself. Think it's green tea.

But then I thought again that if chemical fertilizers were promoted to increase the grain harvest, then both the magistrate and the holy magistrate would most likely reward Duan County Magistrate after they knew about it. Thinking about it this way seemed to be a good thing for him.

Thinking of this, the corners of Jiang Ling's mouth couldn't help but rise a little.

Jiang Ling didn't rest almost all night, and worked out the design drawings and follow-up plans. After making breakfast for the children the next morning, Jiang Ling came to the village chief's house with the drawings.

The village head and his wife looked at the blueprints in a daze, but they all believed that as long as they listened to Jiang Ling, they would be right. After all, she was the only child in ten miles and eight towns.

The overall negotiation was very pleasant, and the purchase of the land was also very smooth. The construction is scheduled for tomorrow. It is not difficult, and only three simple houses are needed.

On the way back, Jiang Ling suddenly thought of her Malatang shop. During this time, she was busy going to Yecheng. Recently, Jiang Yaojie got engaged again. She was so busy that she had no time to take care of the Malatang shop.

Jiang Ling knew that this was a big taboo in doing business. If it weren't for the fact that this Mala Tang was the only one in Pingxi County, the two shopkeepers who mainly cooperated with him would have terminated their contracts with him long ago.

Jiang Ling knew very well in her heart, she knew that she definitely didn't want to go on like this, probably because she was too engrossed in thinking, and suddenly bumped into the person facing her.


"Feel sorry!"

"Second daughter-in-law!"

After Jiang Ling apologized, she found out that the person she bumped into was Zhao Erleng's daughter-in-law. Zhao Erleng's wife was a little displeased at first, but when she saw that it was Jiang Ling who bumped into her, she immediately changed her expression.

She asked with a smile: "What are you thinking, you are so preoccupied!"

An idea suddenly popped up in Jiang Ling's mind, she grabbed Zhao Erleng's wife's arm involuntarily, and said with a little excitement, "Sister-in-law Erleng, can I ask you something?"

Zhao Erling's daughter-in-law immediately patted her chest and said, "What do you mean please, just say what you need!"

Jiang Ling didn't answer the conversation directly, but took Zhao Erleng's daughter-in-law towards her home.

"What? What are you talking about? You...you mean..." After listening to Jiang Ling's words, Zhao Erling's daughter-in-law suddenly stood up from her chair, staring with an incredulous expression on her face.

Then he seemed to feel that his voice was too loud, so he hurriedly covered his mouth and moved to Jiang Ling's side, lowered his voice and asked tentatively, "You... you said you want me to take over the shop in your county?"

"Sister-in-law, look at our family Yaojie is going to get married soon, and I have other things on my side. This Malatang shop really can't take care of it. We have been neighbors for so long. What kind of temper do you and my elder brother have? Yes, I understand, I think it is appropriate to give this to you!"

"As long as the income has been settled every three months, we will divide the accounts according to [-]!" Jiang Ling explained.

Zhao Erling's daughter-in-law just felt a blow to the head, her head was buzzing, and she couldn't hear what Jiang Ling was saying behind, she licked her dry lips and murmured: "I... I'm not dreaming, am I? "

Jiang Ling smiled and explained: "It's not a dream, it's real. If you think three or seven are less, then we'll be two or eight. Yes, it's you eight, and I'm two!"

"Ah! That... that's not okay! You have been kind to our family a lot. You built a new house a few days ago and gave us a lot of copper coins! You will hand over such a good business to me now. What about you two! We're four or six, I'm four and you six!" Zhao Erling's daughter-in-law became a little excited, even her eye circles turned red, and her words began to become incoherent.

Jiang Ling patted Zhao Erleng's daughter-in-law lightly to signal her not to be so excited, and then continued to add: "Sister-in-law, I understand how you treated me before. If you two didn't help me like that back then, I wouldn't be here." Today, that's it, three to seven points, don't give in!"

Zhao Erling's daughter-in-law's eye circles became even redder. If she hadn't bit her lips, two lines of tears would have flowed down her face. She nodded vigorously and said "hmm" to Jiang Ling.

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