Zhu Langzhong's words made the woman sit on the ground in despair.She looked at her daughter who was still crying, and at Zhu Langzhong who got up to leave, and finally she could only kneel in front of Zhu Langzhong and begged bitterly: "Zhu Langzhong, Zhu Langzhong, please! Please be here Take a closer look at my daughter! This is the only daughter I have left! If something happens to me...what can I do!"

The woman said sobbingly, looking very pitiful, but Zhu Langzhong could only shake his head helplessly and said to the woman: "Auntie, I'm really sorry, I'm so ignorant that I really can't see what's wrong with your daughter!"

In the end, Zhu Langzhong could only leave Jiang Ling's shampoo factory with the medicine box on his back.

Jiang Ling looked at the girl who was still covering her eyes and kept crying bitterly, she stepped forward slowly and asked, "Little girl, have you been playing outside all day?"

The little girl nodded while covering her eyes.

Looking at the girl's movements, Jiang Ling probably judged that the girl should have snow blindness, which is an inflammation caused by ultraviolet rays that damage the cornea and conjunctival epithelium.Symptoms are characterized by redness and swelling of the eyelids, conjunctival congestion and edema, severe foreign body sensation and pain. Symptoms include photophobia, tearing, and inability to open eyes. During the onset, there will be blurred vision.

It has been snowing in Lujia Village for nearly ten days in a row, and the children are almost going crazy in the house. Now that the weather is fine, they must all run out to play in the snow, but people in this era don't know that the sun and snow It will form an extremely dazzling light, especially in this kind of weather, looking at the snow for a long time will easily cause snow blindness.

Jiang Ling asked again: "Little sister, do your eyes feel uncomfortable and hurt?"

The little girl nodded again, and Jiang Ling confirmed her thoughts.

She walked up to the village chief and said, "This little girl must have a disease called snow blindness, which is mainly caused by looking at the snow in the snow for a long time. Village chief, you should inform everyone. It would be nice for the kids to play in the snow!"

Hearing Jiang Ling's words, the village head knew the importance of the matter. He nodded and summoned a few fast-legged men to make notifications from house to house.

Jiang Ling came to the woman again, and whispered to the woman: "It's okay, your girl is fine, she has a disease called snow blindness, and it will be cured in about a day or two, but during this period you need to give you Disinfect the eyes of the house girl!"

The woman breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that there was no serious problem, and hurriedly asked, "Disinfection? What do you mean? What is disinfection?"

"This snow blindness is caused by your girl looking at the snow for a long time, which leads to a kind of inflammation of the eyes..."

"What? What do you mean? Looking at the snow for a long time can cause inflammation? How can I still have this disease? I have never heard of it!" The woman's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

Jiang Ling doesn't blame them either, the medical conditions are not well developed, she continued to explain patiently: "Sister-in-law, if you stare at the candle for a long time on weekdays, will your eyes feel uncomfortable if you look at other places? Does it even blur your vision?"

The woman frowned and thought, nodded and said, "Okay... it seems that there is such a thing!"

Jiang Ling smiled and continued to explain: "This snow blindness is the same as looking at candlelight, but the power of the sun is far greater than candlelight!"

When it came to this woman, she nodded half-understanding, and she hurriedly asked: "Then...then, can my daughter's eyes still be saved?"

"If the time is not long, one or two days is enough, but you need to disinfect your daughter every two hours, this disinfectant..." Speaking of this, Jiang Ling glanced at the other people in the room, He quickly lowered his voice and said to the woman: "I need fresh human milk, five or six drops at a time, in the girl's eyes, about a few minutes apart, one drop at a time, and it will last for a day or two!"

"What? You mean..." The woman blushed immediately after hearing the words "fresh human milk".

Jiang Ling knows that this thing is very embarrassing, but there is another way, which is to use milk instead of human milk, but where can I get cows in this age?Besides, even if there is a way to get milk, the milk that will be snowed in the mountains will not be able to be transported. Thinking of this, Jiang Ling couldn't help but sigh.

She glanced at the men around her and said: "Brothers, we need to discuss something here, please let the men in the room go out for a while!"

Everyone had no objection to Jiang Ling. After hearing this, they all left the house consciously. The last man who left even helped Jiang Ling and the others close the door.

Seeing that there were only women left in the room, Jiang Ling said slowly, "This girl's eyes were burned by the sun, and she needs to be disinfected with new human milk. I would like to ask if anyone can provide this thing!"

Jiang Ling's words caused the women in the room to start whispering for a while, and finally Mrs. Yang from Lujia Village slowly opened her mouth and said, "My sister-in-law just gave birth and happens to have breast milk. Let me go and get some!"

After hearing this, the woman grabbed Yang's hand emotionally and kept saying thank you.

Yang's speed was very fast, and after a while, he walked in with a bowl, and there was some milky white liquid at the bottom of the bowl.

The woman thanked her again and again and then began to disinfect her daughter's eyes according to Jiang Ling's prescription.

Jiang Ling looked at the woman and said: "Remember to put a black cloth on your daughter's eyes, and change it after two days. Be careful not to play in the sun for too long in the snow! Otherwise, next time You may not be so lucky!"

Listening to Jiang Ling's instructions, the woman nodded in trepidation, and said that she would take care of her daughter and would not let her daughter have any more accidents.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, everyone returned to their homes in twos and threes, or continued to rest at the place where the shampoo was placed.

The village head also just finished notifying door to door.

After Jiang Ling and the village head met again, the village head couldn't help asking curiously: "Mr. Jiang, there's a method that Zhu Langzhong doesn't even know, how do you know?"

She had already prepared her words and replied: "Well, my grandfather was a barefoot doctor before, and he has a unique recipe!"

The village chief didn't continue to ask, he pointed helplessly at the village entrance that was blocked by heavy snow and said, "If we don't clean it up, the people in our village will go hungry!"

Jiang Ling nodded and said to the village chief: "I know, the weather has cleared up today, let's organize everyone to clear the snow!"

After the two discussed it, the village chief and Jiang Ling started going door to door to inform everyone to come to Qingxue.

Taking advantage of no one paying attention to Jiang Ling, Jiang Ling bought a lot of snow melting agents from the mall. The raw materials of these snow melting agents are coarse salt. Salt.

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