"Mother wants you to stand out!" Jiang Ling replied with a smile.

Jiang Ling's answer was a bit incomprehensible to a child who had never been educated. Jiang Yaojie seemed to want to ask something, but finally opened his mouth and lost his voice.

Anyway, in his heart, as long as his mother said to prepare, he was right!

After returning home, Jiang Ling asked Jiang Yaojie to go to Lu Bo's house to reserve four places for ox carts, and then said to Sui He, Wen Xi and Nian Ci: "Tomorrow, your elder brother and the village chief will go to Dahua Village for a few days, and the three of you will go to Dahua Village tomorrow. Go to Changning Town with your mother."

"Mom, what are we going to Changning Town for?" Jiang Suihe asked tentatively with surprise and joy in his eyes.

"Mother wants to try to do some business." Jiang Ling pointed to the mint water that had been drunk on the table and continued: "Mother wants to make some "spicy grass" water and sell it. See if you can make some money."

Jiang Suhe's original eyes dimmed a bit after listening. Jiang Ling knew what Jiang Suhe was thinking, and then said: "Mother also wants to go to Changning Town to ask about the schooling of you guys."

"go to school?"



The three children had different expressions after hearing this. Jiang Suhe's eyes were a little brighter than before, but Jiang Wenxi curled his lips reluctantly, and the youngest, Nianci, looked blank.

"Yes, go to school! Mom doesn't want you to be mediocre and ordinary like your mother and live like this for the rest of your life." The more Jiang Ling lives in Lujia Village, the more she feels the poverty of education here. Almost everyone here has their faces turned to the loess and their backs to the sky. , Girls marry and have children at a young age, and they live like this repeatedly from generation to generation.

Jiang Ling doesn't want her children to be like this at all. She hopes that her children will all go out to see the flowers in the capital and listen to the wind in Bianliang. Even if they don't stand out, at least they can eat and see .

"But mother, studying...it takes a lot of money to study..." Jiang Suhe whispered while pinching the corner of his clothes.

"You don't have to worry about the cost of money, as long as you want to study, mother will find a solution!" Jiang Ling patted Jiang Suhe on the shoulder and said.

Without waiting for Jiang Suhe to say anything else, Jiang Ling went into the kitchen alone, made all the remaining mint into mint water according to the previous steps, and put it in a cool place at home to cool down. He was going to Changning Town to try his hand at tomorrow morning.

The day passed quickly in a busy way.

Early the next morning, at dawn, Jiang Ling took Jiang Yaojie to the village head's house, and after a few brief explanations, Jiang Ling returned to her old house.

The three children woke up one by one. Jiang Ling poured all the mint water that had cooled yesterday into the wooden barrel, covered it and put it on the small cart, and led the three children towards Lu Bo's ox cart.

"Oh, Jiang Shi, what did you bring?" Lu Datou's daughter-in-law, Lu Shi, asked curiously.

"I have four children to support, and I don't have any land here, so I plan to make something and try it in the next town to see if I can earn a few copper coins back." Jiang Ling knew that such things could not be hidden from the sister-in-laws in the village. Auntie's eyes, it's better to speak out on my own initiative than being gossiped behind their backs.

"Oh, what is this?" When Jiang Ling said this, Lu became even more curious and even wanted to lift the cover on the wood.

Jiang Ling quickly pressed the lid with her hand and said, "Sister-in-law, the most taboo thing about eating and drinking is that it is not clean. There will be a lot of dust around here, and you don't want to eat dirty things in your stomach, right?"

Lu's outstretched hand froze in mid-air at Jiang Ling's words, and the expression on his face became a little more embarrassed.

"Mother! Yes! There are insects!" Jiang Sui suddenly screamed and pointed at Jiang Ling's feet.

"Bugs?" Jiang Ling heard the words and looked in the direction of Jiang Suhe's finger.

"Yes! It's locusts!" Seeing the insects at Jiang Ling's feet, Lu's face immediately turned pale, and his voice trembled a little.

"Slap you to death! Dead bug!" Jiang Wenxi took off his straw sandals and slapped Jiang Ling's feet.

With a "poof", the bug was beaten to pieces by Jiang Wenxi.

Jiang Wenxi held up one of his shoes and said triumphantly, "Eldest sister! Younger brother, do you think I'm amazing!"

Seeing that Jiang Wenxi had a headache, Jiang Ling whispered, "Wenxi, put on your shoes!" Then Jiang Ling took out a piece of burlap from her bosom, wiped Jiang Wenxi's hands carefully and said: " Wenxi, we are in the food and drink business, forgot what mother told you at home? We must keep clean!"

Jiang Wenxi stuck out his tongue and didn't speak anymore. The atmosphere in the car was immediately disturbed by the locusts again. Lu Datou's daughter-in-law frowned and murmured tearfully: "God! The locusts can't come! The food is only a month away. Good harvest!"

Lu Bo, who was driving the car, sighed again and again: "It stands to reason that there should be no locusts in such a hot weather. Hey... This is really God punishing us!"

Jiang Ling always felt that there was something wrong with Lu Bo's words, but she had never planted land or done farm work and couldn't figure out what the problem was for a while.

In this way, amidst the sighs of everyone, Lu Bo's ox cart slowly came to Changning Town.

Jiang Ling got out of the car with the three children, researched the place for a while, and finally chose an open space not far from Li Shan's house.

Put down a table and two chairs at home, and then deliberately put the wooden barrel containing mint juice in a cool place, put a teapot and four tea bowls on it, Jiang Ling cleared his throat and started to sell.

"Peppermint water! Refreshing and refreshing peppermint water, sweet and refreshing, with a first-class taste~" Jiang Ling's yelling voice is very distinctive, and the voice is full of strength, which makes people feel very comfortable.

The yelling soon attracted the attention of some people, especially those men who were repairing the granary at Li Shan's house.

Although Li Shan's family also provides water, drinking that water still feels like a fire is burning in the body.

Finally, the working men couldn't bear it any longer. One of them walked to Jiang Ling's booth, looked at Jiang Ling first and said, "What are you selling? What is mint water?"

"Cooling and relieving heat drink, try it for free, you can try it first!" Jiang Ling quickly poured out a cup of mint water from the teapot and placed it in front of the man

The man has dark skin and thick skin, and the muscles of his body are very obvious. At this moment, the sweat on his forehead can't stop flowing down.

He wiped his face with the front of his shirt, and hesitantly looked at the light green liquid in the teacup.

"Brother, are you worried about being poisoned? We don't know each other, and it's still bright and sunny, why should I poison you?" Jiang Ling said lightly, seeing the doubts in the man's heart.

When Jiang Ling said this, the man was a little embarrassed, he picked up the teacup and drank the mint water in it with a "gulp".

The man's originally tense expression gradually changed, his brows gradually relaxed, and his originally violently heaving chest also eased a lot.

"How does it taste?" Jiang Ling asked tentatively.

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