Marvel Immortals in Asgard

Chapter 889 Surprising Result

There was no way, the environment was too harsh when they reached that deep underground. Fortunately, they were already golden elixirs, otherwise they might not be able to withstand such an environment. Of course, this is also related to the fact that they are now directly supplied with divine power by the World Tree. The divine power directly supplied by the World Tree is much stronger than Asgard in terms of purity and quantity.

Under such circumstances, Carl and the others' resistance to the harsh environment is also continuing to increase. I dare not say anything else. As of now, Carl and the others have no problem surviving in the universe. They can follow Carol's example and physically cross the void. , has become a reality, and this is one of the benefits of directly leaving the identity imprint on the World Tree.

Soon he arrived next to Diamu, and saw a huge humanoid wearing armor lying motionless in the hot magma. At this time, Karl sent a message to Hela and Silvia: "Let me check her first." situation, and then try to communicate with her to see if the issue of Tiamu’s birth can be resolved safely.”

What Karl needs to figure out now is the growth and birth of Diamu. What exactly is needed? If it is a soul, then Karl has no choice but to find a way to kill Diamu. Although Diamu had a mission, Karl really couldn't do it to directly kill a planet and kill billions of people.

If you only need vitality, and it is escaped vitality, then it will be easy to handle. At the worst, you can find a place for Diamu to continue sleeping, and then open a door for Diamu to supply divine power alone. The divine power provided by the World Tree contains abundant vitality, and presumably this vitality can also be used by Diamu.

Sylvia asked at this time: "Karl, according to fate, how will the final problem be solved?"

Karl thought about the setting and plot of Eternals, and then said: "According to fate, Tiamu will be turned into stone by her guardian in the end. In other words, Tiamu will die in destiny. But their race is responsible for creating galaxies, so if she can be born smoothly, I still want to give it a try."

After listening to Karl's transmission, Silvia and Hela were silent. To be honest, this matter had nothing to do with Karl and the others, but they did not find the Eternals on the earth, so this matter was a bit problematic. . Because there are no Eternals, if they don't want problems on the earth, then Karl and the others must intervene.

After all, Gu Yi is about to retire, and he is obviously preparing to become a hands-off shopkeeper. The dimension invasions in recent years have basically been handled by Karl and the others. Under such circumstances, who can we count on for matters on Earth? Doctor Strange? Even if he risked his life, it would probably be difficult to solve Diamu's problem, right?

And Karl also wants to give it a try to see if he can be on good terms with Thiamu and then make a contract or something. After all, Asgard cannot always hide in the Nine Realms in the future. After all, Karl and the others will be very strong in the future. . Under such circumstances, if there are more allies, it will definitely be a good thing for Karl.

At this time, Karl also began to use his mental power to check Diamu. However, when Karl started to check, Karl was a little dumbfounded. For no other reason, he did not feel Diamu's life characteristics at all. Yes, there was no life. The characteristic is that the mental wave transmission did not receive any reply. Karl was really dumbfounded.

Seeing this situation, Karl quickly sent a message to Hela and Silvia: "You also try to communicate with Diamu. Why did I not find any vital signs of Diamu, nor any mental fluctuations. Now Diamu Mu feels like she has been dead for many years, and now she is like a stubborn stone."

This is the first time that Karl has checked on Diamu. He knew about her existence before, but due to his lack of strength, he never thought of communicating with Diamu. Who knew that this would be the case when he checks now.

As soon as Karl finished transmitting the message, Hela hurriedly asked: "It's impossible, right? Doesn't she have galaxy-level strength?"

Karl continued to transmit the message: "I don't know, but can you feel the death energy or something in her body?"

Hela felt it and said: "Sure enough, there is no breath, just like a stone on the roadside."

Karl gasped when he heard this. In this case, Diamu was probably a corpse. He repeatedly scanned Diamu's body with his mental power. Karl found nothing at all and had no idea what happened. Because not even a single wound was found on Diamu's body, just like a natural death.

After a long time, Karl asked solemnly: "Hela, have you discovered anything? I haven't discovered anything. Is there any similar situation in your memory? Now I am basically sure that Diamu is dead."

Hela shook her head and said: "No, this corpse has been here for who knows how many years. Both the breath of life and the breath of death have completely dissipated. The only feeling it gives me at this time is like a rock."

Karl thought for a while and said, "Remember the Land of Nothingness? A big income there is brain mining. It is said that the huge head belongs to a certain Celestial Clan. How can there be no life here at all?"

Hela thought for a while and said: "Maybe the time of death has been a long time ago, maybe thousands of years or even longer. In addition, I am sure that we in Asgard have no relevant records about Diamu, so this matter Asgard doesn't know about this. Do you think it's possible that Heaven did it? She is a threat to Heaven."

Karl thought for a while and said: "It's really possible. After all, she will destroy Midgard, and can kill both her and the Eternals quietly. Except for Heaven, ordinary forces are really not sure. It can be done. And they have the ability and motivation to do so. After all, Heaven is planning to set up a talent base in Midgard."

Sylvia said at this time: "Then Karl, what should we do now? Should we take her away?"

Karl thought for a while, and it seemed that none of their cultivation methods used corpses, and if he was asked to use intelligent creatures to make elixirs or something, he couldn't do it. Of course, it was also because he had a bug corpse in his hand. Just that bug, It couldn't be used up in a short time, so he said: "Forget it, just stay here."

Karl looked at Diamu with a bit of sadness. After all, a strong man like Diamu died silently before he was born. It was really a great irony. He had been worried about Diamu. Woolen cloth.

It seems that this world was cleaned up very well by the Heavenly Court back then. Basically, those who could threaten the Heavenly Court seem to be gone. The ones left behind should be used to cultivate talents. Now, those who can really threaten Karl and the others are basically only available in recent years, or can be easily blocked, such as Dormammu.

After watching for a long time, Karl took Hela and Sylvia back to his home in Queens. Not long after he entered the house, there was a knock on the door. Karl glanced around and found that it was Peter. He directly used his mental power to After opening the door, Peter ran to Karl and said, "Teacher, look, I can use magic."

Karl has been busy recently. Although he knows that Peter has begun to learn real magic, he still doesn't know how well he has learned it. After all, Sylvia and Hela have been teaching him recently, and he has not seen Peter recently.

As Peter began to perform his first magic, he saw an apple slowly taking shape in Peter's hand. This was the simplest illusion magic, but the imitated apple was very similar, with almost no major flaws.

After watching Peter's magic, Karl knew that Peter was very talented in magic. Although Peter relied on insect meat to accumulate magic power and could not see his specific qualifications, Peter did learn quickly in the application of magic.

This is quite in line with his characteristics as a scholar. After all, in the third Spider-Man, he was able to use his clever brain to solve Doctor Strange's pursuit in the mirror space, and even directly trapped Doctor Strange in the mirror space. Obviously Peter's talent in magic is very good, which is very good news.

Just talking about the illusion magic, the things that ordinary people conjure up will always have flaws of one kind or another. But the magic that Carl saw Peter use today did not have many flaws. At this time, he did not hesitate to praise and said: "You have learned well. If It’s not that it doesn’t have smell, weight, and can’t be eaten, then it can basically be confused with the real thing.”

At this time, Peter looked at Carl happily, but although he was happy, he still asked: "But teacher, why is it that when I become an apple, it is not a real apple? But when you become a skateboard and a game console, it is real?"

Looking at the innocent Peter, Karl couldn't bear to lie to him. He took out a storage ring, acknowledged Peter's owner, and then said: "That's the reason. You just need to put the things in the ring in advance, and it will be fine." If it's not an apple tree, how can it bear apples? But you are not allowed to tell anyone about this ring, you can only use it yourself."

Peter felt the huge space in the ring and asked curiously: "Teacher, what is this?"

Karl explained the problem of the ring to Peter, and then continued: "Remember what I said, you must not tell anyone about the ring, and you are not allowed to expose the ring. In other words, you must use the ring when no one is around." Only if you can find it, otherwise someone will definitely steal your ring."

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