Shenhao: Blind box sign-in opens trillions of net worth

Chapter 81 Do you want to monitor?Villa auction true and false scam!

Gu Yiting looked at the screen on the phone in disbelief.

How can there be such a despicable and shameless person!

"See? This picture is just the first step, if you don't do what I say, I guarantee your family will receive them tonight."

Gu Yiting had no choice but to agree to Su Zihao's request first.

"I...I agree to be your undercover agent, but please don't send these to my family!"

Su Zihao smiled with satisfaction on the other end of the phone.

"It would be nice to be so obedient earlier, so I don't need to spend money to get such a beautiful photo for you, but let alone, your face really matches this figure~"

When Su Zihao's sticky and obscene words came, Gu Yiting suppressed her nausea.

"Is there anything else? If there is nothing else, I will hang up first, otherwise Li Fan will become suspicious."

"There's nothing else to do, but I warn you, don't play tricks on me, otherwise, you'll have a good time!"

Su Zihao gave another warning, and hung up the phone with a bang.

After going through such a situation, Gu Yiting's whole mind was in a mess.

Just now, in order to deal with Su Zihao temporarily, she agreed to his request.

But in her heart, she didn't want to betray Li Fan at all.

Back then, after knowing that he was short of money, Li Fan transferred 20 to him without saying a word. With this kindness, he would never betray him like this, let alone let him be planted by a villain like Su Zihao. hand.

But she is as weak as she is, so what can she do now?

Inside and outside the door, the two had their own concerns, and both spent an uneasy night.

Early the next morning, Yu An called Li Fan.

"Hello Li Fan, are you free today? There is a big boss's personal auction going to be held this afternoon. I want to invite you to come with me and help me with your insight, is that okay?"

Yu An's pitiful voice sounded very sincere.

"And this auction has the hottest appraiser in the antique world, Atu! Maybe with your level, you two can become like-minded friends!"

Li Fan couldn't hold back a cold snort when he heard the name Ah Tu.

The guy who took the wife is doing quite well outside!

And with Ah Tu's character, is he worthy of being friends with him?

Originally, Li Fan was not interested, but after hearing what Yu An said, he wanted to teach Ah Tu a lesson.

"Okay, see you in ten minutes."

Ten minutes later, Li Fan picked up Yu An, and the two rushed to the location of the auction - Fuyu Villa.

All kinds of luxury cars were already parked at the gate of Fuyu Villa, full of ostentation.

"It seems that the boss here has made a big battle."

Li Fan snorted coldly. He didn't know why, but he had an intuition that the person who got involved with this Ah Tu would not be a good person.

"Of course, the owner of today's private auction is a well-known figure in the magic city's antique world. This event was also specially organized by him for charity purposes, so he took out some of his own expensive collections for auction. .”

"Furthermore, Ah Tu invited all the popular connoisseurs who are so hard to find to cooperate with him, which proves that he attaches great importance to this event, so naturally people in the antique industry will pay close attention to this event."

Yu An couldn't help popularizing Li Fan's science, and when she talked about the antique industry, she couldn't stop talking with excitement.

However, Li Fan smelled something unusual in it, and took out his collection for auction for charity purposes?

Moreover, he also specially brought in the celebrity appraiser that Yu An said, why did the more he listened to it, the more he wanted to increase the price for himself?

Li Fan intuitively felt that there must be something tricky in it.

At the door, Yu An showed the invitation letter, and Li Fan entered the venue as her male companion.

Following the seven turns and eight turns of the villa, the two finally came to the hall of the auction.

The seats inside were already filled with celebrities, and the Boss Qi that Yu An was talking about was chatting among the crowd.

At this time, Atu and Lu Tao's wife, Sun Lili, were sitting in the first row, rubbing each other's ears.

There was a cold look of disgust in Li Fan's eyes.

"Li Fan, how about the collection in the display cabinet above the stand? It looks good just because of its fineness!"

Yu An excitedly pointed to the antiques lined up on the stage for Li Fan to see.

Li Fan glanced at it, but the blue light that should have appeared did not appear, and even every displayed collection did not have the slightest breath of authenticity.

"Don't look at it, it's all fake."


Yu An was taken aback by Li Fan's words.

"No way, Boss Qi and Mr. Atu have certified these together... Maybe it's because we are too far away, so you read it wrong..."

Yu An tried his best to stretch his neck to observe those collections.

Based on her many years of experience, the fineness of these collections is very good. Judging from the appearance observation at this distance, there is a high probability that it is true...

Not to mention that the guarantor is a well-known person in the industry.

Maybe Li Fan misread it in a moment of impatience, she thought.

Li Fan didn't say anything more. After all, the identification of true and false in the antique world is often based on the observation and verification of a highly respected expert inspection team. Therefore, in the eyes of these buyers, if Boss Qi and Atu say it is true, then it is true.

Not to mention that the simulation level of this batch of goods is so superb that it can already fool a bunch of professionals.

Although I can be sure that the collection is fake, I can't prove it.

At this time, he also fully understood what Boss Qi and A Tu were doing.

The two must have discussed in advance to endorse these fakes together, thinking of making a fortune after selling them.

Li Fan snorted coldly, it seems that this Ah Tu used the swindled money to attract Lu Tao's wife away.

【Ding!Trigger the task: expose the antique scam, and you will get the new president of Yijin Auction House! 】

Knowledge poured into his mind, and the status and history of Yijin Auction House poured into Li Fan's brain.

He smiled knowingly, today, he must uproot this cancer.

After thinking for a while, Li Fan called Julia.


When the auction started, Boss Qi stood on the stage with a happy face and invited Ah Tu to the stage.

The two expressed their concern for charity, and after earning enough tears, they pretended to be reluctant to start the auction process.

Yu An kept her eyes on which one of the collections on the stage was auctioned. When the collection she liked began to bid, she suddenly wanted to raise her card, but found that her hand was held down by Li Fan.

"Boss Qi, your words sound good, but you ended up auctioning off some imitations. If it gets out, your reputation may not be good, right?"

After Li Fan pressed Yu An's hand, he stood up and shouted at the two people on the stage in a vigorous manner.

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