What is an elf trainer?

Chapter 454 Temporary Settlement

After tasting the high-end energy cube "produced by Zhou Yuan and must be the best product", the duck-billed Salamander fell decisively, and his proud and proud body was helplessly cowed in front of the delicious food.

Seeing the platypus holding a jar and happily eating energy cubes, Zhou Yuan knew that this guy was probably stable and would never be able to make any trouble again. He would probably work for Makoto for many years just for this stutter.

Of course, Zhou Yuan cannot always take care of Makoto, and naturally it is impossible to provide him with unlimited energy cubes all the time.

It just so happened that Zhou Yuan wanted to test his mastery of basic knowledge about making energy cubes, so he was going to practice with Zhenqin to see if this little girl could learn the art of making energy cubes under his guidance.

If he could learn this skill, even if he was just making the most basic elementary energy cubes, at least Makoto would not have to worry about going hungry in the future, and at least he would be able to live a more nourishing life in his childhood.

After experiencing a series of events, it was no longer too early. Looking at the sun gradually setting in the west, Zhou Yuan also gave up the idea of ​​letting Makoto continue to lead the elves to fight against wild elves on Honglian Mountain to improve the level of tacit understanding. He took the little girl and a group of elves back to Red Lotus Town.

Under Zhou Yuan's consistent financial offensive, a two-story building with a courtyard and a natural hot spring was quickly vacated.

Although Zhou Yuan was not wealthy enough to buy the house at once, he paid half a year's rent.

Of course, it is impossible for him to live here for half a year. After all, he still has to go home for the New Year.

The remaining time is naturally reserved for Makoto.

After all, as the saying goes, if a good person stays true to his word, he must send it to the West as well. Makoto, a young girl, has no talents or talents. If she is left to live alone, she will probably have to pick up garbage.

Zhou Yuan’s arrangement today helped the little girl solve key issues such as becoming a trainer, accommodation, and early stage resources. He also prepared to teach the little girl how to make energy cubes while testing his own skills and help her develop channels for making money. .

As long as these plans can be successfully completed, in terms of Zhou Yuan's kindness, Makoto's gift of a banner to him is just perfunctory, so it would be appropriate to build a shrine and offer incense every day.

Under the offensive of money, the basic furniture in the house was neatly equipped, and the bedding and other utensils were also brand new, which fully met Zhou Yuan's needs during this period.

After all, from his own perspective, it has been a while since he came to the Kanto Alliance. During this period, except for the long time he spent in the Golden City Fighting Gym and the Cerulean City Gym learning secret techniques, the rest of the time was spent in Run around and challenge gyms everywhere.

During this period, the elves have accumulated a lot of combat experience, but they have never had time to summarize and refine it. Now that they have rented a house in Honglian Town to calm down and settle down, it will be beneficial to Zhou Yuan and his elves. .

Moreover, after challenging the Red Lotus Gym, only the Evergreen Gym left in the entire Kanto Alliance was dominated by Qinglu. Challenging it requires more long-term planning. Therefore, Zhou Yuan's act of renting a house can be said to have served multiple purposes. Quite sensible.

After ordering some Honglian Town specialty food takeout for dinner, Zhou Yuan and Makoto each returned to their rooms. After all, the amount of activities today was indeed a bit heavy. Even with Makoto’s physique similar to that of a super newcomer, He fell asleep quickly after throwing himself on the bed.

After Makoto fell asleep, she shook the two pokeballs she placed on the bedside table, but soon fell into calm again, and the two guys did not take this opportunity to jump out and run away.

In the room downstairs, Zhou Yuan withdrew his scattered energy, nodded with satisfaction at the knowledge of the two guys upstairs, and then turned his attention to the elves having fun in the room.

The wind speed dog, which has always been the most active, was unexpectedly a little reserved today. He lay silently on the thick and fluffy carpet without making any sound. The huge dog's face showed a very human expression that symbolized comfort. Obviously because of this. I feel a little tired after traveling long distances for a while.

As the saying goes, kidney deficiency sometimes occurs after overexertion.

Except for the wind speed dog lying on the ground with a look of exhaustion, the giant swamp monster is a little better. Although it is relatively large, the house Zhou Yuan rented is also big enough to accommodate them. At this time, it was soaking in the yard. spa.

Also soaking in the hot spring with it was the giant Gyarados, which was leaning on the edge of the pool quite comfortably, and even Bankiras was in it.

He is restrained by the water attribute, but this does not affect Bankilas as a good baby who likes bathing, especially in hot springs, something he has never seen before. If it were not for soaking in it for too long, it would be really harmful to his body made of rocks. If it's not good, Bankelas will want to stay in it all the time.

These three guys were bigger than each other, and the three of them together filled the hot spring pool to the brim. Zhou Yuan had a bath towel around his waist and was ready to go into the water to try this famous volcanic hot spring in Guandu, but he just pulled out When he opened the door, he saw three behemoths filling the pool to the brim. He cursed angrily and then closed the door, leaving the three behemoths in the pool looking at each other.

In addition to these guys lying on the carpet and nesting in the hot spring pool, Zhou Yuan was also followed by Mimikyu, Riolu, Hackron, and Latios who had been following invisibly. As for Hack Kelong's wife and children have settled in the pool of Zhou Yuan's house. Recently, Little Frozen Bird has been staying at Zhou Yuan's house every day to make Zhou's mother happy by eating and drinking. During the last video, Zhou Yuan saw that guy seemed to be there again. Somewhat relapsed into obesity.

Now Zhou Yuan will wait for it to turn into a chubby chicken, then pull it out and train it again, and then put it back when it loses weight.

Although these three elves were not there, there were still eight elves following Zhou Yuan, which meant that the standard elf ball belt was not enough to hang, because that thing usually held six.

And Zhou Yuan didn't want to be like the Champion Adek of the United League, with some Poke Balls wrapped around his neck and hair, and he always looked dirty in that state.

Therefore, Zhou Yuan specially made a special version of the belt, with five elf ball slots on the left and right. In total, ten elf balls can be hung on it. Although he is not satisfied with hanging all the elf balls, generally speaking, Zhou Yuan can It’s true that I wouldn’t carry such an old elf with me.

After all, with his strength, he really doesn't need the protection of these guys, and if there is a very serious situation that requires Zhou Yuan to take action, there are too many of these guys and they may hinder Zhou Yuan.

At this time, the other four guys following Zhou Yuan were doing their own thing in the room.

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