Douluo: I mess around in Tangmen

Chapter 1071 Sea God Temple

As his mind connected to his spiritual clone, Huo Yuhao’s vision gradually revealed the scene beneath the crystal ice layer.

The first thing Huo Yuhao saw was not the palace connected to the power of destiny, but a city-like building.

The style of these buildings is different from that of any other empire outside, and there is no similar clue.

Huo Yuhao floated quietly in the air. He looked at everything in front of him, and suddenly a word that appeared in a storybook popped up in his mind.

Lost World!

Although the scale of this city is more like a smaller village, its tall buildings cannot be compared to a village.

"Is this a miniature city frozen in time? Was there human activity in the Far North in the past?"

Huo Yuhao’s mind was full of doubts as he slowly descended.

As he fell, he carefully memorized the area he could observe.

A large part of the city was still hidden in the ice, but thanks to the crystal clearness of the ice, Huo Yuhao was still able to see the frozen city behind it.

There are a total of about five tall old-era style city buildings surrounding the five-story hall in the middle. The hall seems to have suffered damage, with broken rocks at the gate, collapsed pillars, and even the two statues guarding the entrance to the hall severely damaged, with their heads missing, hands and feet incomplete, leaving only a torso made of unknown materials.

Huo Yuhao did not look at the five cities with signs of life, but went directly to the hall in the middle.

If my guess is correct, the ruins of this temple were once worshipped and believed in by people, and the surrounding urban buildings should be the residences of believers.

The most valuable thing at the moment is the Nautilus that appeared in the hall.

Carefully avoiding the tall white pillars, Huo Yuhao entered the hall.

However, the scene at the door made Huo Yuhao's pupils shrink, and his spiritual clone suddenly emitted a surge of mental power.

A large group of skeletons in broken armor were lying in front of the entrance of the hall.

Huo Yuhao calmed his mind. He was not afraid of dead bones, but the death of these skeletons was extremely miserable, and broken hands and feet were the lightest injuries among them.

The skeleton in the middle had its armor shattered and its bones covered with cracks. The bones in its chest were shattered to form a big hole, its skull was covered with cracks, its arm bones were shattered like a twist, its thighs were broken into several sections, and there were several small holes in its knees, as if they were caused by repeated attacks with a sharp weapon, and there were even bite marks on its calves.

Like being brutally murdered.

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but shudder, and the general's unwilling roar before his death seemed to echo in his ears.

For a moment, Huo Yuhao felt that this general must have died with his eyes open.

"Foreign enemy invasion?"

Huo Yuhao stood there in silence for a while, bowed slightly, then floated up and bypassed the group of tragic gatekeepers.

The gate leads to three passages. Huo Yuhao hesitated slightly and then released the power of destiny.

The next moment, the power of destiny was guided by the leftmost channel.

Huo Yuhao did not hesitate and immediately flew towards the passage on the left.

Along the way, he saw many traces of battles and entered a hall where there were still many remains of skeletons in armor lying there.

Huo Yuhao noticed that the weapons of these skeleton remains were tridents.

He didn't pay much attention to it, but just kept the discovery in mind.

This may help to uncover the origins of this temple.

Huo Yuhao sped all the way, just focusing on the direction indicated by the power of destiny.

It took about a quarter of an hour for Huo Yuhao to arrive at the place where the power of destiny was previously connected, the area with the statue holding a Nautilus conch.

This is an unusually spacious hall, with statues lined up on both sides and a sink-like depression in the middle.

Under each of the statues on either side stands a base made of an unknown metal, with a four-sided crystal on top.

The statue that Huo Yuhao was looking for was the first one on the left.

"found it!"

Huo Yuhao breathed a sigh of relief and began to observe the palace carefully. When he saw the statue in the middle, he vaguely understood why this palace was built.

The statue in the middle is five or six times larger than the statues on both sides. It holds a trident high in its hand and has wings spread on its back. Its long hair is so finely carved that even the hair is clearly visible. There are surging waves on both sides, as if they will turn into real waves and fall down at any time.

The statue's facial features were delicate and handsome, with a trident pattern between the eyebrows and nine halos behind the head, but the eyes of the statue were damaged. The trident was held high, and at the core of the weapon, where the three spikes extended outward, there was a three-dimensional triangular depression, as if some regular triangular object had been installed there before.

When Huo Yuhao saw the trident and the pattern on the statue's forehead, he finally recognized the origin of the statue.

“It’s the Sea God! This is a temple dedicated to the Sea God!” Huo Yuhao finally understood at this moment.

The Nautilus is a sacred artifact used by believers of Poseidon to worship the god of the sea. So wherever there is a Nautilus, there is naturally the temple of Poseidon!

Huo Yuhao seemed to have forgotten that he didn’t need to breathe while in the state of a spiritual clone. He held his breath and flew carefully towards the first statue on the left.

Huo Yuhao stared at the Nautilus closely. He seemed to hear the sound of heartbeat in his ears, but he was now a spiritual clone and had no heart.

He could feel the attraction of the statue to himself, to the force of destiny.

That Nautilus is not carved, it is very likely a real treasure!

Just as Huo Yuhao approached the Nautilus and used the power of destiny to communicate with it.

Behind Huo Yuhao, the first statue on the right suddenly moved.

"Huh!? Dangerous!"

The power of destiny suddenly gave a warning. Huo Yuhao jumped away and looked back while floating in the air. His mental power condensed into a ball of light in his right palm, ready to go.

“Ah ...

A skeleton wearing half-broken armor was standing tremblingly at the position where Huo Yuhao had been before, holding a rotten long sword in its hand.

"This is! The Undead!!"

Huo Yuhao was shocked that there were undead creatures here!

There was a flickering light in the skeleton's eye sockets, its movements were stiff, and its neck twisted in a creaking motion, as if it was severely rusted.

It seemed like it was looking for the target that had just tried to approach the Nautilus.

Huo Yuhao slowly moved closer. If it was an undead creature, he was not afraid.

The one asking is my master Electrolux!

However, he has not tried to use necromancy in the case of spiritual clone.

"Practice makes perfect. Just try and you will know."

Huo Yuhao immediately chanted a strange spell, and his entire spiritual clone began to emit a faint gray halo.

The long sword skeleton suddenly seemed to have suffered a heavy blow. It began to tremble all over and turned its head rapidly, trying to find where Huo Yuhao was.

Huo Yuhao slowly raised his hands, put his fingertips together to create space in between, and aimed at the long sword skeleton.

"Follow my orders!"

A gray halo suddenly rose from under the feet of the long sword skeleton, like a tight hoop, and quickly shrank towards the skeleton's head.

The long sword skeleton suddenly let out a hoarse roar, and a faint blue light burst out from its pupils.

Huo Yuhao felt an extremely strong residual will from the long sword skeleton, which made him very strange.

Judging from its architectural style and religious information, this temple is at least thousands of years old.

Because there are large temples dedicated to the god of the sea, according to statistics from Shrek Academy, the last large temple collapsed exactly 1,300 years ago.

The followers of Poseidon on the mainland have almost completely disappeared.

However, this did not arouse the curiosity of Shrek Academy.

After all, maintaining the belief in a god not only requires a large number of believers and money as the basis for continuation, but more importantly, the conflict between soul guide technology and tradition has led to a large loss of believers.

Huo Yuhao remembered that Mr. Lu, who specialized in studying the history of gods in the academy, also said that the loss of believers had a lot to do with the operation of these temples themselves.

But at that time Ye Nanxiao left the get out of class to ask further questions, while Huo Yuhao himself had no interest at all.

"You must make up for your lessons after you go back."

While Huo Yuhao was thinking, the long sword skeleton had been controlled by Huo Yuhao's undead magic.

Huo Yuhao issued some instructions to the longsword skeleton, and the latter followed his instructions.

"Huh, I didn't expect the undead to be born here. It's incredible. It may also be that this area is too deep underground. The large amount of cold air in the Far North and the soul power flowing from the group of soul beasts continue to fill the Far North, causing the souls to be trapped here."

But the next moment, Huo Yuhao suddenly caught a glimpse of the long sword skeleton standing still in the same place, its body changed position, and its eyes were fixed on the statue of the sea god.

When did you turn?

When my undead magic gave the order, shouldn't it be looking in my direction when it was finally on standby?

A deep chill suddenly emerged.

Huo Yuhao swallowed unconsciously.

Is there a ghost?

No, I am a necromancer, what should I be afraid of?

Huo Yuhao continued to give several instructions to the long sword skeleton, such as performing sword flowers, turning and bending, and singing and dancing movements.

The long sword skeletons followed suit and turned towards Huo Yuhao after completing the actions.

But soon, the long sword skeleton will turn around and face the statue of Poseidon.

After trying several times, the long sword skeleton remained the same.

Huo Yuhao guessed that this might be related to the will remaining deep in the soul of the long sword skeleton.

What kind of will makes the long sword skeleton keep staring at the statue of Poseidon?

Could it be that the Long Sword Skeleton was an extremely devout believer when he was alive?

Huo Yuhao felt that this was the only explanation that made sense.

How about letting the long sword skeleton worship the statue of Poseidon?

While thinking about this, Huo Yuhao controlled the long sword skeleton and walked towards the statue of Poseidon.

Only when the obsessions in life are fulfilled can the soul be completely liberated.

The longsword skeleton slowly approached the Poseidon statue.

"He must have been a devout warrior when he was alive. Rest in peace," Huo Yuhao thought.

But the next moment, his thoughts were shattered.

The longsword skeleton raised the sword and slashed at the statue of Poseidon.

"What the hell!?"

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