To be honest, the man in white almost wanted to laugh, "But this is because King Zhennan cooperated well."

If King Zhennan had not been so late, how could the magistrates of those counties in Yuzhou have fled without a fight! ?

No matter how incompetent the state officials are, there will still be some local people who can defend the city occasionally.

Generally speaking, a county with a population of over [-] and at least [-] city defenders would have to deal with [-] well-trained enemy troops. Even if they were defeated, they would not lose their armor and even the wheat that was about to mature would have to be destroyed. .


"Chenyang County is indeed interesting." The man in white thought of his subordinate's report, "It was so clean."

Although it was easy for the people of Nanchu to capture it, they didn't get anything after entering.

It's just an empty city, with no people, no food, no resources, not even gold and silver jewelry...

Take it off, it's really like nothing.

"Your Majesty, over there in Yuzhou..." The guard in black with a curtain and hat lowered his head and asked.

"Let them figure it out on their own." The young man in white yawned lazily. He had to arrange everything.

"What's the use of raising those wives?"


The guard in black with a hood stopped asking questions, but not long after, a crow flew over.

The guard in black raised his hand, and the crow hovering in the air landed on his arm in an instant.

"Sir, it's a letter of greetings from over there."

The guard in black took off the letter from the crow's mouth, read the small print on it, and informed the young man in white.

"They plan to occupy half of Yuzhou's land."

After hearing this, the young man in white raised his eyelids and said, "Isn't this obvious?" This question is difficult to think about?

Although they initially attacked Yuzhou, they just wanted to rob.

But since half of Yuzhou has been captured without any effort, let's find a way to keep this half.

After all, the half occupied by them has fertile land and can be regarded as the product-rich area of ​​the entire Yuzhou.

To the north of Ciyang County, there are two mineral veins that have not been discovered by the imperial court...

"Although they rely on the natural barrier of the lower city, that is, the small pass with mountains on both sides, which is difficult for people to attack."

But in fact, it is also difficult for their people to rush out in large numbers from Xiaoxiaguan in Xiacheng.

"Let them do more ambushes over there, and let those who infiltrate Yuzhou City be careful."


Although the young master in white knows that these little things, those in Confucius Garden will know how to do them.

However, since they took the initiative to write the letter, it meant that they still wanted him to give him reassurance.

"It's just a reassurance. It's not a rare thing. Just give it to me." Anyway, he didn't need to write the reply himself.


"Speaking of the two mineral veins in Ciyang County, we have to thank the local nobles raised by the Yan court."

Strategic materials like mineral veins are never allowed to be held by the private sector.

Once discovered, it must be reported.

But these two iron ore veins in Ciyang County were not reported.

Otherwise, given the importance of the mineral veins, it would be impossible for the court to let the mineral veins that can be used to make weapons fall into the hands of the enemy.

When they fought over, it was impossible for Ciyang County to have so few troops.

Why didn't Yang County report it that time?

Of course, it's not that Ciyang County didn't have smart people in this area and couldn't discover it, but that someone suppressed the news.

As for who... and why the news was suppressed...

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