But Kurosawa felt it was not enough. He used the [-]-volt skill disc for both Magnemite and Nidoking, and then used the Thunder Fist skill disc for Charizard. As for the Sonic Bat, Kurosawa hasn't thought about it yet. As for what to use for it, I just randomly picked a CD of Acrobatics and Tailwind skills and gave it to it.

Although I don’t know the specific strength of the Gym Leader in Cerulean City, there is always nothing wrong with learning first. Anyway, the training room can also practice skills. When I arrive in Cerulean City, I can… practice for a day and then challenge the Dao. pavilion.

The gym in Cerulean City really doesn't look like a gym, it's more like a theater stage.

Kurosawa bought a ticket and sat on the stage. Hearing the loud shouts from around him, he felt a little noisy.

Before he came here, he had some expectations for the water show of the three most famous sisters among the four sisters. It was nice to watch, but unfortunately it didn't have the thorns like the *** and *** that he had seen before. Ahem, nice looking.

As for why the Rotom Pokédex didn't speak, it was because it was recording.

It's really strange that it's just an inhuman creature, but it has human aesthetics.

Kurosawa pulled it off with an indifferent expression, and then waited for the three sisters' performance to end so that he could go to the gym.

When he bought the ticket before, he actually came to reserve a gym battle, but he was deceived into buying a ticket. He definitely didn't want to see mermaids and water shows.

After the three of them finished their performance, they prepared to perform their duties as gym leaders.

However, watching the gym battle was included in the ticket, so they just went down to change clothes first, and then returned to the battle field.

Kurosawa was the third challenger today, and he also saw another familiar figure.

It's you, crossdressing...ahem, Xiaomao

Kurosawa did not step forward. "They" must have known each other, but to what extent they knew each other was unknown.

Xiaomao got the badge smoothly, and then left with his girlfriend group in a sports car, although Kurosawa didn't know why a ten-year-old child's driving skills were so bad.

The second one was a little girl who had no impression of Kurosawa. The Pokémon she released was Ivysaur, and she successfully eliminated the Angora on the opposite side.

It was Kurosawa's turn for the third time. He stepped forward and released the little Magneto. The little Magneto even used only one move of One Hundred Thousand Volts to eliminate the little sea lion on the opposite side.

Kurosawa held the blue badge, and some couldn't believe it. It was that simple?

When he played games before, he always beat Xiaoxia, but it wasn't that easy to win anyway.

But it didn't matter, he put the blue badge in the badge box, and then went to the mall in Hualan City for a walk, but he almost died of exhaustion.

However, he still bought some strange things that were not available in the system mall.

He did not stay any longer. After leaving Hualan City, he released the fire-breathing dragon and prepared to fly.

This time he went to the mall and bought the protective clothing that trainers always have. It was the best. I heard it could withstand attacks from champion-level Pokémon. It also had the function of regulating temperature, and it also had the ability to withstand the weather of Pokémon. Attack dust goggles and hat, perfect.

This flying experience was wonderful. Kurosawa was sitting on Charizard and could still stand up straight and look forward. However, he soon lay on the back of Charizard because the wind was still very strong. It was difficult for him to stand up and fly. Not very comfortable.

When Charizard expressed that he was a little tired, they happened to fly near a forest. Kurosawa patted Charizard's neck to let him land.

There are some Bug Catchers and Shorts Guys here. The Pokémon in their hands are all ordinary Stingrays or Butterflies. The rarest Pokémon are the Pidgeots and Mosquitoes of the Shorts Guys. Kurosawa released a small one. Magneto and Sonic Bat are ready to wreak havoc here.

No shorts boy or bug boy could stop Kurosawa's progress along the way, until the last bug boy's giant needle wasp that he could see fell under the one hundred thousand volts of the little magnet.

The insect-catching boy handed Kurosawa two steel coins with a sad face, which was half of his net worth. He had bought nutritional supplements for the giant needle bee before, and he had no money left at all.

Kurosawa is too embarrassed to ask for it, this must be too miserable.

The insect-catching boy said he was so embarrassed, but his hands were not slow at all in retracting the two steel knives, as if he was afraid of being robbed or Kurosawa regretting it.

The bug catching boy told Kurosawa that there was a Xiao Ming who claimed to be a beast user, and he planned to apply to become the gym leader after getting the title of Hundred Man Killer.

He was challenged by Xiao Ming before and lost one hundred alliance coins, which was half a month's food money! (Normal food for private humans is cheaper.)

Kurosawa planned to go and observe, well, he just wanted to watch the show and hit the kids on the way.

Kurosawa followed the path pointed by the bug-catching boy until he arrived in front of a slightly larger tent that read, "Informal training hall, 95 consecutive wins."

Very arrogant.

So Kurosawa took a look outside the tent and made sure that there was no Pokémon with a level higher than his before he stepped into the tent.

After all, only with strong strength can you better enjoy the melons or participate.

Inside the tent is a cabinet full of food and nutrients, as well as some exercise props. It seems that this Xiao Ming is indeed pretty good.

Xiao Ming's trump card is a level 21 pangolin, which can indeed become the king among a group of Pokémon that are less than level [-].

But for Kurosawa, it is useless. It is only a Pokémon in the initial stage of level 21, even if it is about to evolve.

Among Kurosawa's Pokémon, except for Little Lucky Egg and Flying Mantis, none of them have a lower level than the Mountain Rat.

Xiao Ming looked at the little Magnemite beside him and flicked his whip confidently: "Are you another new trainer? Then, become one of my stepping stones to a hundred consecutive victories!"

Kurosawa originally wanted to use Nidoking to have a friendly exchange with him, but he saw the aura on the other side.

Well done, Charizard, it’s you!

Charizard flapped its wings, blowing up a burst of dust, and then flew in the sky to look at the mountain rat.

Xiao Ming snapped his whip, and the pangolin did it without hesitation. It was obvious that they had a good understanding of each other.

"Air Cut"

Kurosawa looked at the pangolin, not worried at all that Charizard would be injured or defeated.

If you are injured, there is a Homeland version of the Pokémon Center. It takes effect in three seconds, leaving no hidden damage or traces. Everyone who has used it says it is good.

Even under the pressure of levels (actually Charizard let go), the tenacious pangolin still had the last bit of strength left. It stood up tremblingly, with the trainer's rare encouragement and loud shouting behind him.

It exploded!It evolved!At this moment, it turned into a dazzling light!

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