The reborn I want to lay down a big country
Chapter 278 The sea of stars
Coming out of the underground garage of Runxin Building, Liang Xin and Ling Yu said goodbye in the garage, and then led Xiaofang straight upstairs.
In the blink of an eye, it was Friday again, which was the day when Liang Xin was supposed to come to the company to deal with the backlog of documents.However, there was really nothing in the company this week that required his nod, so at best he could just be nearby and come over for a tour as usual.He just stopped by to see how Zhou Lu, Li Shuang and Yuan Xuyang were doing. As for the situation of the others, Liang Xin didn't care at all.
After Xiaofang went upstairs, she went straight to the bathroom. She needed to wash her face and hide the fact that she had just cried.Of course Liang Xin understood, but he just understood. He didn't give any further comfort to Xiaofang, and went straight into the company's door on his own.But as soon as he entered the house, he intuitively felt that something was wrong.
Liang Xin raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Siyi. Looking at the eight characters "Patriotism, Dedication, Integrity and Friendliness" on the wall behind Zhang Siyi, Zhang Siyi immediately reported honestly: "Boss, Mr. Zhou and Mr. Kang are here and have been sitting in your office all afternoon. ”
"Grandma, you're a bear!" Liang Xin was unhappy, "Why don't you go to the reception room? Is it polite to enter my office?"
"I don't dare to stop you." Zhang Siyi felt aggrieved.
Liang Xin said angrily: "If you don't do the job well, I will deduct 100 yuan this month, and you won't have to do it next time."
Zhang Siyi's eyes were filled with laughter.
Liang Xin didn't care whether she was happy or not, he turned around and walked quickly towards the chairman's office.
Anyway, classmate Xiao Zhang is not a core member of the company, but rather the "company's core competitiveness" like Xiaofang and Li Shuang. Even if you resign immediately, Zhou Lu can give Dafang a way to move to a backstage position.
Dafang, who was walking back from the bathroom, heard Zhou Xian's roar from a distance.
Zhou Xian completely lost his composure, "He farted!"
"Huh..." Zhou Xian took a sharp breath, his blood pressure instantly soared to 180, and he almost fainted as his eyes turned white.
"Zhou Lu, he's too short!" Liang Xin couldn't help but roar.
Sun Jing also hurriedly ran out of your office, her face full of excitement and expectation, but also faintly worried and relaxed.
"Let's go to his school to look for him again." The excitement on Zhou Xian's face dissipated - or in other words, it turned into another kind of excitement. He answered as if he was choosing his words, "There is always a possibility that he will be with his boyfriend." Friend, can you stay open until last Monday before returning to school?"
"Oh." Zou Gong nodded, "What about now?"
Liang Xin was stunned for a moment, full of words, as if he was hit back by a heavy straight punch from Zhou Lu.
But hearing how Zhou Xian lost his composure, and the obvious passivity and embarrassment shown by Zhou Xian and Liang Xin those days, you couldn't help but believe that Zhou Xian and Liang Xin could still hold on to Zou Gong. Big kids?
"Mr. Kang, what's wrong with him?" Outside the office, Zou Gong looked concerned.
Liang Xin could not help but darken his face, and for a moment he forgot that I was only here to be a peacemaker, but actually acted as a rear striker for Zhou Xian, and said in a deep voice: "Zhou Lu, he can't Crazy. Don’t think you know what he did secretly, tell him..."
In the office, Xiaofang and Li looked at each other in confusion. Yuan Xuyang could not help but stretch his long neck, and looked into the closed room of Zhou Lu's room, but he could obviously see nothing.
.... Da Fang asked dumbfounded: "Where are you going?"
I looked at Liang Xin with a smile.
Zhou Lu suddenly interrupted and said, "I spent 1000 and [-] million, all of which were bank loans."
What kind of picture description is that?Liang Xin suddenly thought of the old chairman of Dongfeng Investment Group vomiting the overnight meal out of Zou Gong's mouth, and almost vomited it out myself.
——Of course, there is no need to mention that on that platform, there are people as incompetent as you, and he is the only one who is bad.
"It's a lawsuit." Zhou Lu spread his hands, "If he wins, his group will continue to hold the seven points of shares; if he loses, their group will spit out the seven points of shares back to him. .”
Zhou Xian and Liang Xin were still too polite. Although they occupied Zhou Lu's room, the door was kept open. The two of them just sat under the sofa instead of sitting in Zhou Lu's office. chair.
"Oh? Really?" Zhou Lu remained calm, calm and panicked. I looked straight into Zhou Xian's eyes fiercely and fiercely, and said hurriedly, "Just tell me two points. First, that matter , your operation comes last, and Dongfeng Investment Group gets his shares first. Under the order, Dongfeng Investment Group has no right to intervene in that matter.
Zhou Lu suddenly said to Zhou Xian again: "By the way, since Dongfeng Investment Group is no longer a shareholder of your Bajin Technology, as the chairman of Bajin Technology, should you meet with the head of your group? "
Thinking about it, just a long time later, the young man behind me almost knelt down and kowtowed to me.At that time, Zou Gong was so humble and arrogant in front of me, but it was only a few days ago?Are the wings hard?Do you dare to respect yourself?
"Zou Gongyan, what did he want to say?" Zhou Lu asked Liang Xin with a smile.
Even his boss is afraid of a person who has no ability.
Zhou Xianchen said calmly: "Zhou Lu! That's an illegal transaction!"
"He..." Zou Gong's tongue was almost tied, "It's illegal!"
Zhou Xian's expression immediately changed, and I knew why and asked easily: "What does he want to do?"
Seventh, shareholder Zhou Xian, as one of the important individual shareholders of the company, he sold his shares to the group he works for. Did he go through your daughter-in-law in advance for that matter?Have you been informed? "
"Zhang Siyi, you bought two buildings yesterday."
"Oh! Mr. Kang! Mr. Zhou! It's been a long time since we've seen each other. I miss you so much, hahahaha..." Zhou Luhu walked to the door of the chairman's room with a face on his face, and his smile changed instantly. He knew it and thought I was a spirit. point.
But if it were Xiaofang and Li Shuang, Zhou Lu would 100% coax them with bad words and angrily, and how dare he speak harshly to the couple.
鈥槧槸锛屼粬鍙戠殑杩欎釜奇$?chain夌椤銆南?濋偣锷熼死锛屸?滀粬搴旇?鍙戜綘鄄嫫叕鍙曰湠浠多君绠拋纴鄄?姧LVe皝睝′Huan鄄?湁鐢1殑鈛屽洜涓紴馀馀富洴槸瀵Guang?Prepared綘鍞?竴鎸囧畾镄啫卙出偖绠卞?锛屾槰澶╀竴珏侀偖浠栘兘chain夋敹鍒捒like? Prepare綘鎯charge粬搴旇?鏄?粖澶╂棭涓嬫垨Key 呬笂鍗嬬纴gallium嶆妸闾?Huan鍙戝嚭鏉ワ纴鐒庺壠掶婅偂浠 borrowed pulp gallium 嫄啄勫悂甛绻 umbrella Arrow fall 涿涔熸槸瀵皆犆偗??/p>….gallium?浠ュ仛浜浜檪锛屼竴瀹氰?娌c湵浜娨??/p>
鈥槧湁娌°?偗?濆懆闄嗛死锛屸?滀綘阌欎 simply 锛屽?鄄?鈥淗囗??/p>
Forging ㄩ氰镒崔皵椋庡彂锛庂涓?槦槈板皬Xianfeng纴'ﻀ笢椋庢姇秧勯泦锲?纴锐愴洴忔ゼ锛佲??/p>
Sister往倿鍜岄偣锷熆椈瑷?攛岃劯鑹茬◢绋嶅潖鐪嬩 Jianjuan?浜掅??/p>
Forge 1尞鍜屾?阏?殑産 helm 澂澶浵纴锣rudder press 閮borrow彧娌′竴鍗婃槸鍒help纴鏄 drama姧纭?疄濡effectぇ寮犳墍璇达纴鴴戜浠浠婂ぉ鏄?瓑浜嗘槸鐭?殑镞桿濆鑝?鍒板懆霄哆 egg阃?鉉ョ杩掎竴鍒庴lv graduates姛鍜屾?阏?槑鏄苄兘鐪嬬嬭pound鉉ユIllness and disease /p>
Forging 1尞鐐ヨ唷锷锵锛屾寚浜嗘寚forgingㄩ氰锛岃〃鎯呯嫲镇纴鈃滖潖锛屽緢鍧姥纴浠栦 mutual trickle bombardment 綘鎷 Kuai粬涓? Rose pregnancy娉曢兘兘夋 Disease鏄?槸鄄?绻浠栦mutual trickleHong綘浠?袱涓?偂涓滐纴锷纺pound鉉ョ殑 inlay′called涔熸墠闾d箞涓佶唛屼粬笏珏Braid Danbang 昘槸鏄?槸锛绻UMhuanhuanju 鍦ㄥ憡璇変粬锛屼綘鏄ㄥぉ鍒氩垰鎶娄綘铓嫔?锏锞涔嬩竷鄄卮偂浠浠纴鍗栫粰浜啕綘浠?泦锲??傜幇鍦ㄤ綘浠ヤ碢椋庢姇璧勯泦锲?抯琛1殑钖新箟闂?粬锛屼粬lvd箞 PotPan纴灁忚忱笱涓戈?掶掶曡祫 Board嗗洟鄄勬嫆缁濂槧楛熲??/p>
链姛秗禗戜 Jian绗play纴鈥滃紶镐濇?★纴鹇ц threshold 锛勄偅瀹Birch徃Huan銳槸鏄?秓撶殑锛屼綼鍙?槸鎻愬暭涓?涓婄▼ slap厎笅镄勫纾璁?纴瀵笢椋庢姇璧勯泦锲5偅涔韚 urgent娌″姏镄嫎拀滀渼浼inch殑锷笲珆鏆叆屼綘鏄?女鍙山狠鍙僃剼Rao4 series??/p>
Forge 1尞鹇嶆槸濎忎 simply 锛倊獊鐒莺枞鍝?pound鏉ワ纴Key屼笖杩樻槸澶嶈?chain coax 鞞鍝?纴鎹′ Jane sister侀逄勮瘽Read嶅?阆掳馥滀粬鍒?妫鍟叏崒浠栧埆浠ヤnegative浠栧公朜嗛偅浜涗簨鎯咴纴笱鎷 maintaining the chain 変剪曪崒浠栨嬁鍏?徃鄄勯?chain熸揹吩婂仛厷呬liaiao锛侀棶杩囦綘浠?叾洴戣偂涓出殑镒忔?濆悧甛熲??/p>
Forging 1尞鍌茌姧阆戳掳爥涀褰咶姧鐭ヤ小杩囷纴Huanhuo猵簰浠栫殑涓?Hanqi$?锛屽彂杩回偖浠hid?囗??/p>
Sister往倿绁炶壣灁偁銧鍦pretending to be a concubine???/p>
Pickaxe, cauldron, kettle
尞鎶婇偣锷緷 altogether玺夌殑銆?/p>
鈥滃同銆偗?濆懆闄噙偣飣 graduate annihilate /p>
鈥槧?庝箞鏄?彲鑳jin纻鈥濋偣锷緷潖痦戦戛屸?滀綘 threshold佽叞chain夋嫫 elder sister佸叓Read the play纴宂槸秬?缑铏橩敕锛熲?? /p>
Forging ㄩ氪鐬嬬彃闾肖姛尰?瑧阆捴纴鈥滈偅绉新簨鎯咃纴镴斤拷涔熷缑阆揿コ涓娨崄涓冨ぇ鞞Duo mutual trickle 嫔倂攛Strong pickaxe gang纴浠栭偅涓?搷Huan滐纴杩樻 Disease浠栦skateboard嗗洟鄄欐拐洐纴鐪嬭pound鏉ヤ篃寰壣liaonao勫洩抆南??/p>
锽槧?Read the rugged Ga涔嬫湑笹姦涓嬩紴涓?ぇ澶x殑姹熷北璇峰ぇ瀀敹钘忥 Details (..) read the rugged Ga涔嬫湑笹墦涓嬩竴涓?ぇ澶x殑姹熷Northern chain?澶氩皬皬璇ancunxiancun把阃熷harm chain?蹇???/p>.
Blow up a big balloon 9 reminds you: Remember to collect after reading this
In the blink of an eye, it was Friday again, which was the day when Liang Xin was supposed to come to the company to deal with the backlog of documents.However, there was really nothing in the company this week that required his nod, so at best he could just be nearby and come over for a tour as usual.He just stopped by to see how Zhou Lu, Li Shuang and Yuan Xuyang were doing. As for the situation of the others, Liang Xin didn't care at all.
After Xiaofang went upstairs, she went straight to the bathroom. She needed to wash her face and hide the fact that she had just cried.Of course Liang Xin understood, but he just understood. He didn't give any further comfort to Xiaofang, and went straight into the company's door on his own.But as soon as he entered the house, he intuitively felt that something was wrong.
Liang Xin raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Siyi. Looking at the eight characters "Patriotism, Dedication, Integrity and Friendliness" on the wall behind Zhang Siyi, Zhang Siyi immediately reported honestly: "Boss, Mr. Zhou and Mr. Kang are here and have been sitting in your office all afternoon. ”
"Grandma, you're a bear!" Liang Xin was unhappy, "Why don't you go to the reception room? Is it polite to enter my office?"
"I don't dare to stop you." Zhang Siyi felt aggrieved.
Liang Xin said angrily: "If you don't do the job well, I will deduct 100 yuan this month, and you won't have to do it next time."
Zhang Siyi's eyes were filled with laughter.
Liang Xin didn't care whether she was happy or not, he turned around and walked quickly towards the chairman's office.
Anyway, classmate Xiao Zhang is not a core member of the company, but rather the "company's core competitiveness" like Xiaofang and Li Shuang. Even if you resign immediately, Zhou Lu can give Dafang a way to move to a backstage position.
Dafang, who was walking back from the bathroom, heard Zhou Xian's roar from a distance.
Zhou Xian completely lost his composure, "He farted!"
"Huh..." Zhou Xian took a sharp breath, his blood pressure instantly soared to 180, and he almost fainted as his eyes turned white.
"Zhou Lu, he's too short!" Liang Xin couldn't help but roar.
Sun Jing also hurriedly ran out of your office, her face full of excitement and expectation, but also faintly worried and relaxed.
"Let's go to his school to look for him again." The excitement on Zhou Xian's face dissipated - or in other words, it turned into another kind of excitement. He answered as if he was choosing his words, "There is always a possibility that he will be with his boyfriend." Friend, can you stay open until last Monday before returning to school?"
"Oh." Zou Gong nodded, "What about now?"
Liang Xin was stunned for a moment, full of words, as if he was hit back by a heavy straight punch from Zhou Lu.
But hearing how Zhou Xian lost his composure, and the obvious passivity and embarrassment shown by Zhou Xian and Liang Xin those days, you couldn't help but believe that Zhou Xian and Liang Xin could still hold on to Zou Gong. Big kids?
"Mr. Kang, what's wrong with him?" Outside the office, Zou Gong looked concerned.
Liang Xin could not help but darken his face, and for a moment he forgot that I was only here to be a peacemaker, but actually acted as a rear striker for Zhou Xian, and said in a deep voice: "Zhou Lu, he can't Crazy. Don’t think you know what he did secretly, tell him..."
In the office, Xiaofang and Li looked at each other in confusion. Yuan Xuyang could not help but stretch his long neck, and looked into the closed room of Zhou Lu's room, but he could obviously see nothing.
.... Da Fang asked dumbfounded: "Where are you going?"
I looked at Liang Xin with a smile.
Zhou Lu suddenly interrupted and said, "I spent 1000 and [-] million, all of which were bank loans."
What kind of picture description is that?Liang Xin suddenly thought of the old chairman of Dongfeng Investment Group vomiting the overnight meal out of Zou Gong's mouth, and almost vomited it out myself.
——Of course, there is no need to mention that on that platform, there are people as incompetent as you, and he is the only one who is bad.
"It's a lawsuit." Zhou Lu spread his hands, "If he wins, his group will continue to hold the seven points of shares; if he loses, their group will spit out the seven points of shares back to him. .”
Zhou Xian and Liang Xin were still too polite. Although they occupied Zhou Lu's room, the door was kept open. The two of them just sat under the sofa instead of sitting in Zhou Lu's office. chair.
"Oh? Really?" Zhou Lu remained calm, calm and panicked. I looked straight into Zhou Xian's eyes fiercely and fiercely, and said hurriedly, "Just tell me two points. First, that matter , your operation comes last, and Dongfeng Investment Group gets his shares first. Under the order, Dongfeng Investment Group has no right to intervene in that matter.
Zhou Lu suddenly said to Zhou Xian again: "By the way, since Dongfeng Investment Group is no longer a shareholder of your Bajin Technology, as the chairman of Bajin Technology, should you meet with the head of your group? "
Thinking about it, just a long time later, the young man behind me almost knelt down and kowtowed to me.At that time, Zou Gong was so humble and arrogant in front of me, but it was only a few days ago?Are the wings hard?Do you dare to respect yourself?
"Zou Gongyan, what did he want to say?" Zhou Lu asked Liang Xin with a smile.
Even his boss is afraid of a person who has no ability.
Zhou Xianchen said calmly: "Zhou Lu! That's an illegal transaction!"
"He..." Zou Gong's tongue was almost tied, "It's illegal!"
Zhou Xian's expression immediately changed, and I knew why and asked easily: "What does he want to do?"
Seventh, shareholder Zhou Xian, as one of the important individual shareholders of the company, he sold his shares to the group he works for. Did he go through your daughter-in-law in advance for that matter?Have you been informed? "
"Zhang Siyi, you bought two buildings yesterday."
"Oh! Mr. Kang! Mr. Zhou! It's been a long time since we've seen each other. I miss you so much, hahahaha..." Zhou Luhu walked to the door of the chairman's room with a face on his face, and his smile changed instantly. He knew it and thought I was a spirit. point.
But if it were Xiaofang and Li Shuang, Zhou Lu would 100% coax them with bad words and angrily, and how dare he speak harshly to the couple.
鈥槧槸锛屼粬鍙戠殑杩欎釜奇$?chain夌椤銆南?濋偣锷熼死锛屸?滀粬搴旇?鍙戜綘鄄嫫叕鍙曰湠浠多君绠拋纴鄄?姧LVe皝睝′Huan鄄?湁鐢1殑鈛屽洜涓紴馀馀富洴槸瀵Guang?Prepared綘鍞?竴鎸囧畾镄啫卙出偖绠卞?锛屾槰澶╀竴珏侀偖浠栘兘chain夋敹鍒捒like? Prepare綘鎯charge粬搴旇?鏄?粖澶╂棭涓嬫垨Key 呬笂鍗嬬纴gallium嶆妸闾?Huan鍙戝嚭鏉ワ纴鐒庺壠掶婅偂浠 borrowed pulp gallium 嫄啄勫悂甛绻 umbrella Arrow fall 涿涔熸槸瀵皆犆偗??/p>….gallium?浠ュ仛浜浜檪锛屼竴瀹氰?娌c湵浜娨??/p>
鈥槧湁娌°?偗?濆懆闄嗛死锛屸?滀綘阌欎 simply 锛屽?鄄?鈥淗囗??/p>
Forging ㄩ氰镒崔皵椋庡彂锛庂涓?槦槈板皬Xianfeng纴'ﻀ笢椋庢姇秧勯泦锲?纴锐愴洴忔ゼ锛佲??/p>
Sister往倿鍜岄偣锷熆椈瑷?攛岃劯鑹茬◢绋嶅潖鐪嬩 Jianjuan?浜掅??/p>
Forge 1尞鍜屾?阏?殑産 helm 澂澶浵纴锣rudder press 閮borrow彧娌′竴鍗婃槸鍒help纴鏄 drama姧纭?疄濡effectぇ寮犳墍璇达纴鴴戜浠浠婂ぉ鏄?瓑浜嗘槸鐭?殑镞桿濆鑝?鍒板懆霄哆 egg阃?鉉ョ杩掎竴鍒庴lv graduates姛鍜屾?阏?槑鏄苄兘鐪嬬嬭pound鉉ユIllness and disease /p>
Forging 1尞鐐ヨ唷锷锵锛屾寚浜嗘寚forgingㄩ氰锛岃〃鎯呯嫲镇纴鈃滖潖锛屽緢鍧姥纴浠栦 mutual trickle bombardment 綘鎷 Kuai粬涓? Rose pregnancy娉曢兘兘夋 Disease鏄?槸鄄?绻浠栦mutual trickleHong綘浠?袱涓?偂涓滐纴锷纺pound鉉ョ殑 inlay′called涔熸墠闾d箞涓佶唛屼粬笏珏Braid Danbang 昘槸鏄?槸锛绻UMhuanhuanju 鍦ㄥ憡璇変粬锛屼綘鏄ㄥぉ鍒氩垰鎶娄綘铓嫔?锏锞涔嬩竷鄄卮偂浠浠纴鍗栫粰浜啕綘浠?泦锲??傜幇鍦ㄤ綘浠ヤ碢椋庢姇璧勯泦锲?抯琛1殑钖新箟闂?粬锛屼粬lvd箞 PotPan纴灁忚忱笱涓戈?掶掶曡祫 Board嗗洟鄄勬嫆缁濂槧楛熲??/p>
链姛秗禗戜 Jian绗play纴鈥滃紶镐濇?★纴鹇ц threshold 锛勄偅瀹Birch徃Huan銳槸鏄?秓撶殑锛屼綼鍙?槸鎻愬暭涓?涓婄▼ slap厎笅镄勫纾璁?纴瀵笢椋庢姇璧勯泦锲5偅涔韚 urgent娌″姏镄嫎拀滀渼浼inch殑锷笲珆鏆叆屼綘鏄?女鍙山狠鍙僃剼Rao4 series??/p>
Forge 1尞鹇嶆槸濎忎 simply 锛倊獊鐒莺枞鍝?pound鏉ワ纴Key屼笖杩樻槸澶嶈?chain coax 鞞鍝?纴鎹′ Jane sister侀逄勮瘽Read嶅?阆掳馥滀粬鍒?妫鍟叏崒浠栧埆浠ヤnegative浠栧公朜嗛偅浜涗簨鎯咴纴笱鎷 maintaining the chain 変剪曪崒浠栨嬁鍏?徃鄄勯?chain熸揹吩婂仛厷呬liaiao锛侀棶杩囦綘浠?叾洴戣偂涓出殑镒忔?濆悧甛熲??/p>
Forging 1尞鍌茌姧阆戳掳爥涀褰咶姧鐭ヤ小杩囷纴Huanhuo猵簰浠栫殑涓?Hanqi$?锛屽彂杩回偖浠hid?囗??/p>
Sister往倿绁炶壣灁偁銧鍦pretending to be a concubine???/p>
Pickaxe, cauldron, kettle
尞鎶婇偣锷緷 altogether玺夌殑銆?/p>
鈥滃同銆偗?濆懆闄噙偣飣 graduate annihilate /p>
鈥槧?庝箞鏄?彲鑳jin纻鈥濋偣锷緷潖痦戦戛屸?滀綘 threshold佽叞chain夋嫫 elder sister佸叓Read the play纴宂槸秬?缑铏橩敕锛熲?? /p>
Forging ㄩ氪鐬嬬彃闾肖姛尰?瑧阆捴纴鈥滈偅绉新簨鎯咃纴镴斤拷涔熷缑阆揿コ涓娨崄涓冨ぇ鞞Duo mutual trickle 嫔倂攛Strong pickaxe gang纴浠栭偅涓?搷Huan滐纴杩樻 Disease浠栦skateboard嗗洟鄄欐拐洐纴鐪嬭pound鏉ヤ篃寰壣liaonao勫洩抆南??/p>
锽槧?Read the rugged Ga涔嬫湑笹姦涓嬩紴涓?ぇ澶x殑姹熷北璇峰ぇ瀀敹钘忥 Details (..) read the rugged Ga涔嬫湑笹墦涓嬩竴涓?ぇ澶x殑姹熷Northern chain?澶氩皬皬璇ancunxiancun把阃熷harm chain?蹇???/p>.
Blow up a big balloon 9 reminds you: Remember to collect after reading this
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