Naruto: Soul penetrates Naruto, setting off a martial arts craze

Chapter 67 Four Great Ninja Villages Gather in Konoha

Naruto's madness caused waves in several major countries, and the four major ninja villages seemed to see the sword being unsheathed.

The four great ninja villagers, Terumi Mizukage, Rasa Kazekage, Ai Raikage, and Onoki Tsuchikage, plan to go to Konoha to discuss countermeasures with Konoha.

Originally, only Sunagakure Village could go to Konoha for the Konoha Chuunin Examination. This time, all the five major shadow villages went to Konoha Village. If this continues, their cake will be lost.

They were nominally a chuunin, but actually they were boycotting the Qianlong organization. Therefore, except for Sunagakure Village, the other three villages only brought one person, and he was still an insignificant person. They didn't care whether they won or lost. They came here just for discussion. The countermeasure is to contain the Qianlong Organization.

There are many people in Sand Shadow Village. Of course, this time the protagonists Temari, Kankuro and Gaara are on the line again.

Gaara is still the same, a super troubled boy, his coldness is as cold as an iceberg, chilling the soul. Of course, without Naruto, Konohamaru did not cause trouble in the research, and there will be no disputes with the few people who have not collided with the Sand Shadow Village. .

Rasa was not killed by Orochimaru, nor turned into a puppet. This time she brought Gaara here with the intention of showing off.

Sunagakure Village entered Konoha, followed closely by Terumi Mei.

Hearing the noise, Luo Sha and the others stopped, turned around, and saw people from Kirigakure Village, Luo Sha said: "It turns out that Mizukage has arrived."

Terumi Mei said: "Kazekage-senpai!"

Rasa is indeed a senior in front of Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei's eyes swept over Gaara and the others, especially lingering on Gaara. She knew that this was the Jinchuuriki of Sunagakure Village, and praised: "As expected of the Kazekage-senpai's child, It’s really powerful.”

Luo Sha showed a smile and said, "It's not because of me, it's because the children worked very hard."

It's just that there was no warmth in Gaara's eyes. His person and his heart were cold, so he said, "It's time for us to leave."

The two teams walked towards the Hokage Building together, and Rasa was discussing with Mei Terumi on the way.

"Shuiying, you and Qianlong Village are only separated by a sea. Have you ever sent anyone to Yanlong Kingdom to get some information about the Qianlong Organization?" Luo Sha asked.

Both Gaara and Kankuro pricked up their ears. What is attracting the most attention right now is the Hidden Dragon Organization and Uzumaki Naruto.

Terumi Mei said: "Senior Kazekage thinks highly of me. Since I took office, I have been dealing with a village that is riddled with holes. I dare not provoke the Qianlong Organization."

This is true. The fourth Mizukage, Gotachibana Yagura, implemented a cruel rule and persecuted ninjas with blood inheritance limits. It was known as the "Village of the Blood Mist", leaving behind a Kirigakure Village riddled with holes. The fifth Mizukage Terumi After Ming came to power, she changed the policy and became an "open village", heading towards the road of rebirth. Under her leadership, Wuying Village is getting better and better. I have to say that her decision-making is very smart.

Terumi asked: "Is Uzumaki Naruto really that powerful?"

Luo Sha said: "There should be. Without qualifications, how could he be a container?"

Terumi Mei also thought about Uzumaki Naruto's Jinchuuriki. As for the Nine-Tails, Terumi Mei also knew how powerful it was. It was the most powerful war weapon.

Terumi Mei said: "I just don't know if he has perfect control."

Luo Sha said: "This is the purpose of our coming here."

If Naruto Uzumaki fully masters the power of the Nine Tails, it will be a disaster for everyone.

Gaara thought in his mind: Uzumaki Naruto?After leaving Konoha, I will come to Qianlong to find you.

Among the several great shadow ninjas, the one with the lowest strength is Rasa, the most conspiratorial is Ohnoki, the one with a bad temper is Ai, the most beautiful one is Terumi Mei, and the most scheming one is Hiruzen Sarutobi.

The news traveled back to the Qianlong organization. Naruto got the news and just smiled.

Zhishui asked: "Lord Dragon King, can we prepare?"

Naruto said: "No need!"

Tsunade Ji said: "Naruto, this matter is very serious. I hope you will consider it carefully. The people of Yanlong Kingdom are very happy."

During this time, she once again felt the kindness of Yan Long. This kind of humanity, even if it is an enemy, his mentality will change after being here for a long time.

Naruto smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, it's okay!"

Orochimaru smiled slightly and said: "Lord Dragon King is indeed far-sighted. There is really no need to worry about the alliance of the five major ninja villages."

Now Orochimaru has changed a lot. His dark hair has been dyed light yellow and tied up. His snake eyes have also been shaved off. He has also put on some foundation and his clothes have also been changed. Dressed in playboy clothes, the sinister and evil Orochimaru is no longer there, Sunshine is much more handsome, and with a slight smile, he is just a sunny boy.

Orochimaru appeared in front of Tsunade for the first time after dressing up. Tsunade did not recognize Orochimaru and asked: "Naruto, where did you find a master again?"

Naruto said: "Tsunade-hime, please identify it carefully."

Tsunade identified it carefully and exclaimed: "Orochimaru?"

Orochimaru said helplessly: "It's me!"

Tsunade said in disbelief: "How did you become like this?"

Orochimaru said: "It depends on the Dragon King. The Dragon King said he wanted to change my appearance, so I became like this."

Tsunade said to Naruto: "I have to say, brat, your hands are very dexterous. This Orochimaru looks more sunny."

Naruto said: "That's right, I have to find a wife for him and give birth to a bunch of babies."

Orochimaru saw that the two men were outrageous, so he turned into a snake and slipped away.

Uchiha Izumi asked: "Why? After all, Lord Dragon King, your strength has been spread, and your threat is chasing the former Uchiha Madara. In order to eliminate you, alliance is the only way."

Naruto said: "Because I am just a threat now and have not really shared the cake with others. The only direct threats we have now are only the Country of Fire and only the Leaf Village. The Country of Wind, the Country of Thunder and the Country of Earth are different from us. It is completely isolated by the Kingdom of Fire, and the Kingdom of Water faces us by the sea, and the sea is a natural barrier."

Uchiha Izumi said: "I still don't quite understand."

Naruto continued: "Let's put it this way, whether it is the Kingdom of Wind or the Kingdom of Clouds, if they want to attack us, they must pass through the Kingdom of Fire. If hundreds of thousands of troops from the three major countries want to enter the Kingdom of Fire, you Do you think the Fire Nation will agree?"

This is definitely not the case. If the three countries secretly join forces to carve up the rich land of the Fire Country, it will be much more valuable than the Great Hidden Dragon Country.

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nod. This would not attract allies, but hungry wolves.

Tiantian said: "Brother Naruto, the five hidden villages can unite. If they attack, wouldn't we be in danger?"

Naruto said: "This will not succeed. In the war, who knows how many people will die. The entire Fire Country is dead with spies. How long can this country survive?"


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