Inside the school...

"As the population concentrates in cities, the number of cars increases rapidly, and roads become insufficient. Please think about it, students, is there any way to solve this problem?"

The teacher was giving a lecture on the podium, and suddenly there was lightning and thunder outside, which looked like the arrival of a mythical beast... ahem.

The sudden thunder startled the classmates. Lie Xiaoshuai turned to look at Isa's position with concern, as if he was thinking about something.

"Didn't Isha come to school today?" the teacher asked. It had been several days.

The students looked at Isa's empty seat and were discussing something.

Maybe they didn't know why Isa didn't come, but Lin Feng understood it as soon as he saw it.

It is estimated that after he left that day, Lie Xiaoshuai asked Li Ang for help, and then went to Isa to reason. Isa was so excited that she said everything, and then the two started a magical showdown, but as expected, Lie Xiaoshuai should be She lost, but Isa didn't take away Lie Xiaoshuai's magic car god, and then disappeared, I don't know where she went.

……………………(crazy water word count)

Lin Feng went home directly after school because he had to seize the time to train his own magical chariots, including the Xuanwu Turtle, in order to deal with the next battle against Bonda and the giant gods and new magical chariots when he went to another world.

And... there will be a duel between myself and Li Ang in about a few days.

The scene turned and came to Lie Xiaoshuai. He searched all the places where he had seen Isa so far, but found nothing.

Lie Xiaoshuai asked Li Ang to go under the bridge where they first fought.

"Are you still looking for the missing Isa?" Li Ang asked.

"Do you like her?" Li Ang then showed a disgusting expression.

I'm sorry, Xiaoshuai, I guess I can't do what you want. Even if you like it, it won't work. I understand.

"No, please stop talking nonsense, okay." Lie Xiaoshuai shouted.

"I just don't believe that Isa collected the Magic Car Gods just to freeze them."

Li Ang turned into that solemn expression again.

"So can you help me one more time, use your magic radar to help me find where Isa is." Lie Xiaoshuai's expression was very...pleading.

"Huh, why should I help you?" Li Ang refused.

"Besides, you are an Earthling after all and have nothing to do with our world, so please stop interfering in our affairs. This is a private grudge between our Scarlet Abyss and the Blue Domain." Li Ang said solemnly.

"Now, here, let's have a magical showdown with me. This time I will definitely beat you, and then grab all your magic cars. In this way, you will no longer be able to interfere in our affairs. You still Forget about the Magic Car God."

"And that Lin Feng, one day, I will also snatch away all his magic cars."

Li Ang's words directly confused Lie Xiaoshuai.

"What are you talking about? Does Lin Feng also have a magic car god?" Lie Xiaoshuai asked.

"Stop talking nonsense. Although that guy is very strong, I am not weak either. Come and fight me."

Now that Lie Xiaoshuai is certain that Lin Feng also has the Magic Car God, Lie Xiaoshuai plans to go back and talk to him because Lie Xiaoshuai wants Lin Feng to fight the Black Mirror together and also wants to become friends with Lin Feng.

"I don't think I can fight you now." Lie Xiaoshuai was silent for a while and then suddenly spoke.

"Huh, now you know what you're afraid of." Li Ang mocked.

"Oh, I'm not afraid." After Lie Xiaoshuai finished speaking, the two of them were silent for a while. "

"The main thing is that all the magic cars I have now have been sent to find Isa, so I can't fight you."


Li Ang was probably speechless as well.

"Tch, you, an Earthling, don't come in the way of things between us anymore, understand?" After Li Ang said that, he left without looking back.


The scene turned again, coming to Dali and Dana.

The two of them were sitting on the climbing frame of that famous little square.

"Brother, if we don't go to Master Bonda to recover, we will be scolded for being late." Dana said.

"Haha, it's too late." Dali smiled heartlessly, then jumped off the climbing frame, and then Dana also jumped off.

"Brother, where are you going?" Dana asked casually, and then ran after Dali.

The scene turned again, and Dali and Dana were swinging on the swing.

"Dana, are we going back empty-handed?" Dali asked.

Yes, they don’t even have a magic car anymore.

"The Pegasus was snatched away by that guy Lin Feng, the Phantom Ghost was also snatched away by Isa, and the Night Zombie that has left." Dali said with a melancholy look on his face.

"Master Bonda will be very angry." Dana's face turned pale with fright.

The image of being punished by Bonda came to mind, the pressure of the dark aura, and the red eyes, and I felt scared just thinking about it.

But don’t ask me what kind of punishment it is, how could I, a decent man, know about it (manual funny).

Dali also stopped when he heard this.

"Maybe there will be more terrible punishment." Dana's face turned dark.

Dali was so frightened that he lost his grip on the swing, flew straight out, and then... landed perfectly.

Then he ran away again.

Dana looked at Dali confused.

"We must not return to Lord Bonda until we get the Phantom Ghost back."

"You must not return to Lord Bonda." At this time, Dana also followed and said in agreement.

"Let's compete with Isa again." Dali burned the flames and then slid down the slide.

"I must get Phantom Ghost back."

But because she couldn't dodge, Dana was knocked away by the sliding down...

"So, we need an updated Magic Car God." Dali's eyes flashed with golden light.

"Get the stronger Magic Car God!"

"Get it!" Dana also echoed.

At this time, they suddenly found a group of children next to the slide looking at them like...looking at fools.

"Weird brothers and sisters." The children said.

"What are they doing? Let's go. My mother told me not to play with fools..."

"What are you looking at? We are not monkeys in the zoo, okay?" Dali said.

"How's the monkey?" Dana echoed.

"Let's go, let's go. Let's see which hospital these two people ran out of." I don't know who said this in the crowd.

Then the kids all walked away.

"What's that, brother, do you realize it? They look at us as if they are looking at something full of wisdom."


"Dana, I heard that there is a magic car god in the Ghost Castle. Let's go together."

Then the two of them walked towards the castle.

ps: I think a friend is right, plagiarism is wrong, so from this chapter on, I have been watching the animation and writing it in my own language. I only glance at it occasionally. In fact, I want to write the chapter more than the first season. Season [-], so I have to work hard on typing, but I guess it will be a bit similar if I write it in my own language. Anyway, I will try my best.

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