lunch time

Mu Xingshuang was lying on the table with a look of exhaustion, and next to her, there was still half a manual that she hadn't finished reading.

Lin Changye: It’s pretty good. I’ve already finished half of it.

As he spoke, Lin Changye placed a bottle of drink on Mu Xingshuang's head.

Mu Xingshuang took the drink down helplessly and said: After all, it is related to safety. We can't just take a quick look and ignore it, right?

After hearing Mu Xingshuang's answer, Lin Changye nodded with satisfaction and said: Well said, safety should always be put first. If you can't even protect yourself, don't even think about protecting others.

Mu Xingshuang: Is it necessary to protect yourself first before protecting others?

Lin Changye: After all, if you die, you can't do anything. I'm not saying that protecting others is wrong, but it also depends on whether you have enough ability to solve the problem, otherwise you will only create more trouble.

Mu Xingshuang: So I can only watch from the sidelines? Oh no!

After hearing Mu Xingshuang's words, Lin Changye tapped her forehead and said.

Lin Changye: Silly girl, is it possible that if you can’t do it, no one else can?

Mu Xingshuang: Huh?

Lin Changye: Don’t just think about solving problems by yourself. Sometimes, things that are troublesome to you can be easily solved by others.

Mu Xingshuang: Depend on others?

Lin Changye nodded and said: Yes, after all, your connections are also your power, but you also have to know how to use them. For example, your friend needs wild boar meat for cooking. Would you choose to hunt it yourself or ask a hunter friend for help?

Mu Xingshuang: Well, should I ask that hunter friend for help?

Lin Changye: Why?

Mu Xingshuang: Because if it were me, I might not be able to catch a wild boar even after spending a whole day. But if it were a professional hunter, he would be able to catch it easily, right?

Lin Changye: That’s right because it’s a common thing for hunters but not for you.

Mu Xingshuang: So I have to find the right person to help me? ...I always feel like you taught me a lot in one go.

Lin Changye just smiled and said: Haha, is that so?

Mu Xingshuang: Teacher, although I can generally understand it, but you didn't plan it all out from the beginning, did you?

Lin Changye tapped her forehead and said: You're thinking too much. I'm not that free yet. Get ready to eat. You still have classes to attend next.

Mu Xingshuang: Oh.

after lunch

Lin Changye: That means you two can’t come back yet?

Li Yisheng: They planned to wipe us out in one fell swoop, after all, we were originally going for the flower of the soul.

Lin Changye: Okay, I guess I have to teach this girl all day, as Charlotte has something else to do.

Li Yisheng: Haha, keep working on it.

Lin Changye: You too.

After saying that, Lin Changye hung up the phone.

Mu Xingshuang: So I don’t have to attend class this afternoon?

Lin Changye: Well, after all, they are all busy, so you should take this opportunity to finish reading these manuals.

Mu Xingshuang: ...Okay.

At this time in Lin Xinglin's office

Lin Xinglin: It’s finally done!

Lin Xinglin jumped up happily as he spoke.

Luo Yuan: So how should we deal with it?

Lin Xinglin: There’s no rush. We just need to wait for them to fall into our trap. Now there is nothing stopping this kid from becoming the youngest general in history.

Luo Yuan: Daughter-control freak, calm down. Let me get to the point first. I still want to go back and play video games.

Lin Xinglin: Ahem. Anyway, I have asked Xi Qiling to spread the news that my brother will attend the inauguration ceremony as a teacher. Those guys will definitely show up then.

Luo Yuan reacted quickly and said: Is it the same scene as you predicted?

Lin Xinglin: Well, it’s just that I had just rushed back from somewhere and you guys were not there.

Luo Yuan: It means that you may have just killed a god somewhere at that time, but reality and prophecy are different, especially for us.

Lin Xinglin: I know, but if they really come then...

Luo Yuan: Then the captain will let me kill all those gods, but he has never taken back the authority to liberate them.

Lin Xinglin: So your true ability is sealed in the armor after it is released.

Luo Yuan: After all, my ability is very dangerous. By the way, Charlotte, are you okay?

Charlotte put an ice pack on her forehead and said: There is nothing wrong with me except the bump on my head.

Luo Yuan: You were too careless. Even if it was the price of a miracle, it wouldn't have been so tragic if you had been more careful.

Charlotte: I see. By the way, what should we do now?

Luo Yuan: Since you are still unlucky now, I will wear armor and attend in your place. The reason is easy to find. Then I will act together with Luo Xiaoyao and of course I will be responsible for taking action.

Lin Xinglin: Do you plan to take this opportunity to reduce the number of enemies?

Luo Yuan: It depends on the situation. After all, establishing authority is my job.

After saying that, Luo Yuan used the armor, opened the space door and left.

in conference room

Luo Xiaoyao: That guy is coming?

Xi Qiling: Well, after all, he has always been quite punctual.

Luo Yuan said as he came out of the space gate: I'm here.

Luo Xiaoyao was a little surprised when he saw Luo Yuan and said: It's really rare for you to show up like this, Hei Yan.

Luo Yuan leaned against the wall and said: If possible, I wouldn't want to come to such a boring place, but Feng Ling has no deterrent power at all.

Luo Xiaoyao: Does the Knight King know?

Luo Yuan: I have the full right to take charge, and you know what kind of style my Majesty has.

Luo Xiaoyao: What about Feng Ling?

Luo Yuan: She went to deal with other tasks. After all, she had accumulated a lot of work to do.

Luo Xiaoyao: I see. You really are still as indifferent to hostility as ever.

Luo Yuan: If I cared, I would have fought with you. After all, you can't just sit there and watch me kill these guys who can't even figure out the difference in strength.

As he spoke, Luo Yuan released his murderous intent. In an instant, the invisible murderous intent enveloped the entire conference room. Except for Luo Xiaoyao and Xi Qiling, everyone felt as if a sharp dagger was held at their neck.

Luo Xiaoyao: I tell you to stop playing. I have already dealt with those guys who speak without thinking. It would be better to say that most of these guys have been beaten up because of someone.

As he spoke, Luo Xiaoyao looked at Xi Qiling who was making a "yes" gesture towards Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan: Ling did a good job.

As they spoke, the two of them high-fived.

Luo Xiaoyao said with a twitching mouth: Even if your two masters are a couple, isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to do this?

Luo Yuan: Even though you said that, please at least hide your smile.

Luo Xiaoyao: That’s our style. Okay, let’s get ready for action. Our target is one of their strongholds. I estimate there are dozens of gods in it, right?

Luo Yuan: Should we kill him or keep him?

Luo Xiaoyao: It’s probably a trap. But this place is a laboratory after all, so you should understand what I mean.

Luo Yuan: Do you have a goal?

Luo Xiaoyao: Unfortunately, there aren’t any, so please let everyone of them live.

Luo Yuan: Just staying alive is enough, right?

Luo Xiaoyao: Yes, anyway, even if you follow a large army, you will be able to defeat the enemy without anyone noticing, right?

Luo Yuan: You have so many requests. It's obviously easier to kill him, but since I've been paid, I'll just do it.

After saying this, Luo Yuan disappeared in a flash.

Luo Xiaoyao shrugged and said: Let’s continue the meeting.

Xi Qiling took the opportunity to send a voice message: (Every time that guy uses this style, I want to punch him.)

Luo Xiaoyao: (There’s no way. That guy only listens to Lin Changye. Don’t you also only listen to Li Yisheng?)

Xi Qiling: (Have you ever seen a vampire who doesn't listen to his master? Those traitors in TV shows and movies don't exist in reality, okay? Do you think there is no cost to creating a follower? Unqualified guys are not qualified to be selected at all.)

Luo Xiaoyao: (Yes, yes, is this information accurate?)

Xi Qiling: (Don't worry, you know my skills. Besides, there is a bomb in their place and they don't have time to care about the authenticity of the news.)

Luo Xiaoyao: (Has the news about Lin Changye spread?)

Xi Qi Ling: (Strictly speaking, the Knight King will attend the inauguration ceremony of his important student as a distinguished guest.)

Luo Xiaoyao: (Really? Do you have enough pipes?)

Xi Qiling: (Of course it’s enough. After all, I’m the queen of the dark world. I have both ordinary pipes and disposable ones.)

Luo Xiaoyao: (I see. How long will this useless meeting last?)

Xi Qiling: (Who knows, that’s why that guy ran away first.)

Luo Xiaoyao: (By the way, what are you doing now?)

Xi Qiling: (This bastard who is going through the level with Luo Yuan won’t wait for anyone.)

Luo Xiaoyao: (…….)

An hour later, outside a research institute hidden in a broken nebula, Luo Xiaoyao was fighting a large army alone.

Luo Xiaoyao: Oh, you don’t plan to retreat?

A man in black armor raised his sword and spoke to Luo Xiaoyao.

I'm sorry, Master Sword Immortal, I won't let you take another step forward!

Luo Xiaoyao: That’s quite courageous, but are you sure?

As he spoke, Luo Xiaoyao took a step forward. The pressure that was usually hidden burst out here. At this moment, many gods in the army felt as if they were pierced by countless swords and lost a trace of pain. At this time, only a few gods were able to rely on the power of the domain to barely resist.

Luo Xiaoyao: If you can withstand this pressure, I will give you a chance.

As he spoke, Luo Xiaoyao put away his pressure.

what do you want to do?

Luo Xiaoyao: I'll give you a chance. Just hit me once and I'll let you go. How about that?

As he spoke, Luo Xiaoyao took out the mithril sword that Lin Changye had mass-produced and blocked the sword of one of the gods.

Luo Xiaoyao: Not bad. Then I’ll take it as your agreement.

Just when everyone's attention was attracted by Luo Xiaoyao, no one noticed that an illusory moonlight was covering the research institute.

In the research institute

As a few dark shadows flashed by, the limbs of gods were chopped off by the swords burning with the pitch-black fire of hell. However, their expressions did not show any pain. Instead, they lost consciousness with blurred eyes.

Just at this time Luo Yuan appeared from the darkness and opened the door to let Xi Qiling in.

Xi Qiling: Really efficient.

Luo Yuan: Of course. I will continue to deal with these gods and you go to the computer room to allow Alpha to invade the system.

Xi Qiling: Well, see you later.

After saying that, the two of them high-fived each other and headed towards their destinations.

five minutes later

Luo Yuan: There are ten life reactions all in the same area, it’s really convenient to gather them together.

At this time, a man in the laboratory shouted madly

Damn it! What the hell are you doing? The enemy has already broken in!

The fully armed man at the side said: Please calm down, Professor Milfield, the space has been blocked and we can't escape... How is the data backup operation going?

Damn it! From what I've seen, hackers are attacking the control program. If I back it up, the virus will be backed up as well! ...It's a pity, but I can only discard some of the data and start the initialization!

Just when Professor Milfield made up his mind to discard some of the information, a series of alarms sounded.

Oh no! Professor Milfield's system's firewall has been breached! The virus seems to have absorbed our defense system and strengthened it!

Are you kidding me? No, pull out the hard drive! I don’t care about the loss of data anymore!

While yelling, Professor Milfi pushed away a researcher and began to fight the virus in the computer room outside.

Xi Qiling: What is the status of Alpha?

Alpha: Their protection system tastes pretty good, in human terms?

Xi Qiling: What an interesting analogy. The Knight King will certainly be very interested in it. So what about the control over the system?

Alpha: We have already seized 75% of the permissions. They can't even force a shutdown now, but the data has been copied to nearly 95%. Give me another five minutes and I can do it.

Xi Qiling: Well done. Now we just have to wait for them to lose their composure. After all, Luo Xiaoyao’s space blockade has trapped us as well, otherwise there wouldn’t be any need for all this trouble.

Just at this moment, a harsh sound of metal friction was heard.

Xi Qiling rubbed his ears helplessly and said: Oh, it seems that someone is too lazy to waste time on decrypting it, so Alpha should concentrate on copying the data and don't worry about permissions or anything like that.

Alpha: Got it.

At this time, outside the laboratory, Luo Yuan kept swinging his sword at the door and forcibly split the 30-centimeter alloy door open.

Then Luo Yuan swung his sword upwards to block the enemy's attack and shot at the joint of the enemy's arm. Under the continuous attack, his sword was directly broken and flew out. Then, one clone after another appeared and chopped off his limbs.

Luo Yuan said as he looked at the man who still maintained his spirit even after his limbs were cut off.

Luo Yuan: I never thought that there is someone who can remain rational in such a situation. You are the first one I have met. But it would be better if you just fall into the nightmare honestly, right?

The man looked at his subordinates and researchers falling one by one and roared at Luo Yuan.

Who are you anyway!

Luo Yuan: He's just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember that.

Xi Qiling: It’s time to stop playing tricks or I’ll stab you, believe it or not.

Luo Yuan: Stop kidding. I’m not some magenta world destroyer and you don’t use a rapier and don’t have special attacks. Do you think all the key information has been copied?

Xi Qiling: Okay, they are copying the data now, that’s a great help. The space blockade has been lifted and we are just waiting for someone to come and take them away. This guy has a very strong mental strength and he didn’t even fall into a nightmare.

Luo Yuan: So I'll leave it to you and you know how to remove it, so I'll leave first.

Xi Qiling: Hey, hey, how can this be possible!

As he spoke, Xi Qiling still used magic to hypnotize the man on the ground and waited for Luo Xiaoyao to bring people.

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