Zombie Crisis: Survival comes first

Chapter 654 Surrounded by tens of thousands of zombies

Although there was a zombie attack, Chen Yu didn't panic at all. He held the dagger down with his right hand and waited for it to get closer.

Seeing that the distance was shortened to less than one meter, Chen Yu's eyes narrowed, now!

He raised his hand and approached the zombie, inviting it to open its mouth and bite, then pulled back a little.

Then he quickly grabbed the zombie's scalp and pushed it down. Chen Yu's upper body was facing forward, holding the dagger upward with his right hand, and stabbed it in from the lower jaw...

After the completion, Chen Yu felt a little shaken. Killing zombies at such a close range without revealing too many flaws was really extremely dangerous.

If something unexpected happened, these nearly tens of thousands of zombies would chase them at the same time, and they would probably trample them to death.

Fortunately, there was no other situation. The remaining zombies just walked back and forth with their heads lowered, not paying attention to this side.

Chen Yu nodded to Uncle Wa and continued to lead the way over there.

If it was half a year ago, Chen Yu could only follow behind Uncle Wa.

But now, he can arrange the plan in detail and then execute it step by step.


Along the way, various zombies were very close to each other. The two of them could only breathe very slowly, and they were always careful about where they stepped.

After half an hour of hard work, Chen Yu finally saw the large truck that looked like a hill.

Because there are some zombies standing on it, it is very obvious.

Just as they were gradually moving over there, a sound suddenly came from the sky.


Upon hearing this, the two people's expressions changed slightly and they looked at each other.

The sound of thunder made the usually steady Uncle Wa panic, and there was even fear in his eyes.

Not only him, but Chen Yu even had cold sweat on his palms!

In an area surrounded by tens of thousands of zombies, even if the two of them were only on the periphery, it was still quite dangerous.

But at this moment, thunder came from the sky? !

It took almost an hour for Chen Yu and Uncle Wa to approach the large truck. If it rained and the zombie flesh and blood was washed away by the rain, their lives would be in danger within an instant.

Just when Chen Yu was hesitating whether to move forward or retreat directly, a second thunder continued to sound in the sky.


What's even scarier is that the light begins to dim and the wind picks up.

Seeing this, Chen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, then looked at Uncle Wa, and moved his right hand without any trace.

The next second, he moved forward, not even bothering to imitate the walking path of the zombies.

There were low roars all around and the smell of rotting meat, which kept affecting people's minds, but Chen Yu's eyes were full of perseverance.

The reason why he chose to take the risk of getting close to the truck was because he couldn't help it.

It took the two of them nearly an hour to get here from the cliff, but at this time there was thunder in the sky and the light began to dim.

Judging from the experience of staying there for such a long time, Chen Yu was sure that raindrops would definitely fall within five minutes.

In such a short time, let alone getting out of the zombie circle, you can't even walk two hundred meters!

Chen Yu's heart was pounding as he walked. He had calculated all the reasons that could lead to failure, and even anticipated the falling stone.

But the only thing he didn't pay attention to was that the weather could change instantly...

What's more, the sun is shining all day long and the temperature is very high. It doesn't look like it will rain suddenly.

And now that there is no electricity or Internet, there is no way to check the weather forecast. Chen Yu never cares when it will rain or when it will be sunny.

Under this factor, he basically ignored this point, so he used the plan of pretending to be a zombie to get in.

At this time, Chen Yu could no longer think about the diesel. He needed to safely send Uncle Wa up there!

Even if he was alone here, Chen Yu would not be nervous at all. At worst, he could secretly kill a few zombies on the spot, then fall to the ground and cover himself with the corpses.

But there is still someone here, and Uncle Wa trusts him, so he follows him unconditionally into the tide of corpses.

In this case, Chen Yu will never let him be threatened in the slightest.

Just when there were still more than ten meters away from the big truck, a drop of water suddenly appeared on Chen Yu's face.

The next second, more drops of rain appeared in the sky, and at the same time, his face instantly became solemn.


In the woods, Zhang Yin followed Chen Yu's instructions and walked around in the woods, attracting a large number of zombies.

Most of them were missing arms and legs, but despite this, they still didn't feel tired and followed them from a distance.

Zhang Yin walked to the encirclement that had been blocked with sticks in advance, then clapped his hands and started shouting loudly.

A few minutes later, more than twenty zombies were led in by him, and then Zhang Yin retreated, rolled down, and quickly left there.

Then he increased his speed, taking advantage of the zombie's inability to turn around quickly, and quickly closed the entrance.

Then he confirmed that it was very secure, and then slowly left the woods.

With Zhang Yin's skills, as long as he is not in a dead end, he will basically not be touched by zombies.

But despite this, he still acted very cautiously and did not relax his vigilance at all.

Not long after leaving, thunder came from the sky.

Zhang Yin looked up and muttered: "It's strange. The sun was so bright a second ago, is it going to rain again?"

Although he said that, he walked a little faster.

Encountering several zombies on the road, Zhang Yin also used a knife to deal with them.

After a few minutes, raindrops began to fall.

Since it was getting darker and the light in the forest was even worse, Zhang Yin simply concentrated on his way and didn't care about the zombies next to him.

Anyway, after a certain distance, they will be thrown away.

Just as he was passing a big tree, a zombie suddenly fell down from the tree, only one meter away from him!


The zombie in front of him only had his upper body left, but his legs were completely missing.

Zhang Yin took a few steps back, wiped his wet face with the back of his hand, and looked up.

I saw a circle of rope hanging on the tree trunk, and a pair of rotten legs next to it, which looked quite disgusting...

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yin guessed that this person had been chased by zombies before and chose to spend the night in a tree.

I was worried about falling, so I tied myself up with a rope, but for some unknown reason, I never untied the rope.

Seeing this, the lightning and thunder became louder and louder. Zhang Yin thought about it and decided to take it off.

After all, given the current situation, it would be nice to have an extra bundle of rope. What if it comes in handy?

As everyone knows, it was Zhang Yin's choice at this moment that rescued Chen Yu and Uncle Wa at a critical moment a few hours later.

Then he took out his dagger and stepped forward to kill the half-remaining zombie.

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