Zombie Crisis: Survival comes first

Chapter 673 If you don’t want to die, just follow me

At this moment, Fu Qian suddenly said softly: "Brother Chen Yu just told me again that if there are zombies coming later, open the door and let the old people and children come in and hide."

As soon as these words came out. Dazhuang smiled happily and murmured: "This guy always says he is cruel, but in fact he just says it to outsiders..."

Dazhuang has always understood that Chen Yu always talks the truth when dealing with those evil people, and never talks nonsense when he can take action.

But when facing some unarmed survivors, he will still retain a trace of kindness.

It was precisely because of this that Dazhuang followed Chen Yu willingly.

Because he knew very well in his heart that if he or Yang Zi were in danger one day in the future, the one who would rush to the front, besides him as the elder brother, would definitely be Chen Yu.


A group of people were walking lazily on the road in the middle of the forest.

Song Cheng looked at the two zombies rushing out from the side, took out arrows and killed them quickly, then looked back at the ten people behind him.

Most of them looked weak, even haggard.

Seeing this, he walked to the corpse, pulled out the two arrows, frowned and said: "Look at you like this, which camp dares to accept you?!"

Hearing this, the woman who had spoken before put her hand on the shoulder of the person next to her and said helplessly: "Ah Cheng, we are all a bit old. It's no problem to light a fire and cook a meal or something on weekdays, but those zombies... ..."

"What Sister Fang said actually makes sense. Ah Cheng, we people will only be holding you back if we follow you."

Every time he mentioned this, these people started to act pitiful, and Song Cheng felt extremely annoyed.

It's not that he hasn't thought about leaving these people behind, but it's hard for him to take care of his wife and baby on his own.

At the very least, whenever zombies appear, each of these people will be more frightened than the last.

In a way, at least Song Cheng doesn't have to worry about his wife and children being attacked by zombies.

Keeping these people can also serve as a warning.

After all, they are not good at doing things, but they are still good at fearing death.

So Song Cheng didn't lose his temper, but now that he finally found a good campsite, this group of people started to be lazy again, which simply made an unknown fire rise in his heart.

"Hmph, if you don't want to die, follow me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he placed the arrow and started running towards the southeast, completely ignoring the people behind him.

But as soon as Song Cheng ran, three of them followed him. The remaining seven looked at each other and had to start running forward.

After all, in the current environment, without Song Cheng, once it gets dark, they will definitely die.


After about half an hour of walking and running, Song Cheng, who was sweating profusely, stopped.

Within sight, a small town did appear a few hundred meters ahead, with several abandoned cars blocking the road.

Occasionally you can see zombies walking back and forth.

A few minutes later, people began to appear next to him, but their faces were red and they were out of breath.

Song Cheng walked over, patted the man on the back, and said softly: "Is everything okay, Sun Hua?"

Hearing this, the boy named Sun Hua waved his hand, raised his head and smiled: "Fortunately, Brother Acheng, I can hold on!"

Hearing this, Song Cheng also smiled, and then whispered: "When you enter the hospital later, remember to hide with your sister, be careful of being betrayed by those uncles and aunts."

As soon as he said this, Sun Hua suppressed the discomfort after running and nodded seriously: "Yes! I remember it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another young girl with short hair also climbed up the slope, then sat on the ground and spat frequently.

The girl is about 27 or 28 years old. She has a pretty face and fair complexion. She always wears a baseball cap on her head, but she seems to be afraid of the sun.

Seeing the girl sitting down, Song Cheng walked over and prepared to help her up. At the same time, he said: "Sun Han, you can't sit down just after running. You have to stand up for half an hour."

Hearing this, Sun Han helped Song Cheng stand up.

Then she extended her thumb with her right hand, tapped it twice, and then smiled.

Song Cheng shook his head: "You're welcome. Remember to hide later. Just like before, I will come and take you away when you are done."

If Chen Yu saw this scene at this time, he would definitely be even more moved. Song Cheng's team included not only the old and the weak, but also the deaf.

You know, this is not the world before the end of the world.

Soon, other people appeared intermittently, but they were all too tired.

Although three kilometers is not far, part of the way here is uphill, which can be very tiring for some people.

After counting the number of people, Song Cheng nodded and said: "As before, three people will be on guard, three people will attract the zombies' attention, and the other four will follow me to search for supplies!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the small town.

"Sister, are you okay?" Sun Hua asked with a worried look on his face while supporting his sister.

Sun Han shook his head and kept caressing his chest with his left hand.

Then she pointed at her brother, then gestured with her hands, and then pointed at Song Cheng's back in front of her.

Seeing this, Sun Hua said, "Are you trying to say, let me work harder so that I can help him in the future?"

After finishing his words, Sun Han waved his hand again and changed his movements.

"Not later, but now?"

Then Sun Han nodded.

"I know, don't worry, I have already planned it. After entering the camp this time, I will pester Brother Song to teach him archery and hunting. Then, I will make you stew and drink it every day!"

Although Sun Hua was only twenty years old, he understood the responsibilities on his shoulders and said with a smile while helping his sister walk.

Song Cheng listened to the conversation behind him, and some warmth rose in his heart.

Although some people in the team are quite lazy, there are also people who work very hard, such as the two siblings Sun Han.

Soon we arrived at the small town. Since there were not many zombies, Song Cheng had only one goal, which was to go to the hospital to get supplies and then evacuate.

After wandering through various streets for almost ten minutes, everyone finally saw their destination.

Sister Fang took a few breaths and said, "Fortunately, there are not many zombies..."

I don't know if it was the reason for this sentence. As soon as she finished speaking, the next second, there was a sound of shattering from the glass on the streets on both sides.

Looking at the dozens or hundreds of zombies, Sister Fang immediately shut her mouth and retreated behind the team.

Seeing this, Song Cheng turned to look at Sun Hua and winked, then rushed toward the iron gate on the right with a knife.

Sun Hua quickly patted his sister's arm and said hurriedly: "Sister, hide and don't run away!"

There were so many zombies that it was impossible to kill them. Song Cheng planned to lure them into the nearby market.

Others didn't dare to rest. They picked up the glass bottles on the ground and threw them over there, trying to attract them with their voices.

A few minutes later, dozens of zombies were all led in, and Sun Hua quickly blocked the door with a broom.

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