Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 99 Rumors about the Underground Palace

Play ball?

To be honest, Lin Tianlang thought of many answers, but he never thought of this one.

"Well, that's no problem, but why do you want to learn to play ball?" Lin Tianlang asked curiously.

"Ah, this, this is because..." Long Xinyu suddenly became a little panicked: "How about forget it... just pretend that I didn't say anything..."

"It doesn't matter. To be honest, it's easier to teach you to play than to teach you to fight. After all, as long as you learn a few rules and basics about playing, you can get started quickly. And there are many opportunities to practice." Lin Sirius Said with a smile.

"Well... if there is a reason, can I not tell you?" Long Xinyu hesitated. She would definitely not tell Lin Tianlang that she was a little envious because she saw Lin Tianlang and Xu Weiwei having fun playing together.

"Haha, it's okay, it's not a big deal." Lin Tianlang laughed loudly: "But as for fighting... To be honest, I can't beat you now, and I can't teach you anything. And I heard that you are in the third grade. Your dragon clan has a special martial arts course... so if you want, from now on, the 'fighting class' on Tuesday and Thursday can be replaced by 'basketball class'."

"Is it really possible?" Long Xinyu's eyes shone a little and he said quickly.

"No problem, then it's decided. It's getting late today, so you should go back quickly. Good night!" Lin Tianlang grinned: "I have to go for a run, so I won't go back with you. !”

"Oh, oh..." Long Xinyu lowered his head slightly: "Well... good night..." After saying that, the red-haired girl turned and left. Her pretty face was slightly red, but she looked a little happy.

The basketball tournament ended like this, and the students returned to their peaceful campus life.

Just as Lin Tianlang promised Long Xinyu, starting from this Thursday, Lin Tianlang will instead teach Long Xinyu how to play basketball when he was originally used to practice fighting.

Practicing basketball naturally starts with dribbling. The red-haired girl always couldn't control her strength well at first. She hit the ball too hard and the ball bounced high. The same goes for shooting practice. Others throw the ball in a parabola, but Long Xinyu directly fired a cannonball.

Other than that, there's nothing special, classes in all subjects are progressing steadily.

"Okay, it's time to fill your empty heads with some truly useful knowledge." In a Potions class, Griffin said to the students in the audience in a cold tone.

Hearing this sentence, many students gasped. Every time Griffin says this, it means learning something new. When learning new knowledge, it is definitely the time when you are most likely to make mistakes, and it is also the time when you are most likely to be scolded. Lin Tianlang was no exception. He knew that he would definitely have to take his exclusive seat on the podium again in this class.

However, Lin Tianlang's deskmate Sherry seemed to be very interested. Her eyes were shining. Instead of fear, she could see a little excitement.

This girl really likes refining medicine... Lin Tianlang thought in his heart.

"Mr. Class Representative, do you still need me to remind you?" Just as Lin Tianlang expected, Griffin "invited" him to the podium again.

"In the first hour of this class, I need you to refine the basic potion. This is also a review. After the refining is completed, we can move on to today's topic - the refining of the refreshing potion."

After practicing for such a long time, Lin Tianlang is now very skilled in refining basic potions. Although Griffin was given an hour, it only took him forty minutes to refine the potion. All the other students also passed the level, and no one failed to refine it.

"Haha, no one failed, very good, my mood improved by one percent." Griffin snorted coldly: "Then, you can put your potion textbook aside. In this lesson, we will study Refining a refreshing potion. The effect of this potion is very simple. It can keep your brain active and improve your mental vitality..."

If it were another teacher's class, the students would probably start talking about it now. But because they knew Griffin's temper, everyone suppressed their desire to communicate with each other.

Overall, the results of this Potions class were pretty good. Following Griffin's instructions, Lin Sirius successfully refined a bottle of "barely usable" refreshing potion, once again shattering Griffin's wish. Laugh at your own thoughts.

From then on, the courses gradually became more and more intensive. First it was theory, and everyone soon ushered in the second magic theory exam for the second grade.

"Same as the previous rules, those who fail will use the activity class time to participate in tutoring until they pass the next exam." Nelvi walked into the classroom with a graceful step, and then with a move of her finger, everyone immediately appeared in front of them I got a paper full of test questions.

Three days later, the test results came out and were posted on the back of the classroom door. Of course, some people are happy and some are worried about the results, but the happiest person is a guy who has never passed.

"Oh yeah!!!! Oh yeah!!!!" Carlion danced excitedly, looking as if he had won a 100 million grand prize.

"I passed, I passed!! Oh, my God!! Thank God!!!" Carlion yelled like crazy. His score was 61 points, passing the theory test for the first time ever.

"Oh, it's just 61 points, congratulations." Next to Carlion, Morissa quietly passed by with her perfect score paper, and then said calmly.

The corners of Carion's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say. "A mere 61 points" and "Congratulations" made Karion a little confused as to whether the black-haired girl was laughing at him or praising him.

In the magic practice class, everyone learned a new magic spell-the impact spell. The effect of this spell is somewhat similar to the knockback spell, but it has a wider range of applications than the knockback spell.

Just like Sirius's treatment in Potions class, Kalion has almost become Corodor's exclusive target. Every time there is a new spell, Korodor will definitely invite Kalion to come up and demonstrate it. Seeing Carion being knocked away by the impact spell, the students couldn't help laughing.

"Targeted, this is definitely targeted!" Kalion cried sadly, not understanding why he was so cared for by Corodor.

After a brief explanation, the remaining time of the course is free practice.

"The spell is recited too fast! It's easy for you to pronounce it wrong like this. Make sure the pronunciation of the word is clear. It's #impactcurse#, not #STRIKESpell#." While patrolling below, Korodor gave instructions. Looking at Jiangshan, he looks very proud.

"Keep your eyes firm. Although he is your partner, you must treat him as your enemy at this moment. Don't laugh and laugh!"

"What, is it funny? Come on, come on, something interesting happened, let me come and have fun too?"

"Learn to dodge! If you can't dodge, try to use other spells you have learned to resolve them, instead of standing there like a piece of wood and doing nothing!"

"Take the move, # Lightning Spell #! No, no, no, the reaction is too slow. If you do what you did just now, you will be dead in a real battle!"


Soon, more than a month passed. More than half of the first semester of the second academic year has passed, and in two months it will be winter vacation.

However, something seems unusual these days. No matter where he goes, Lin Sirius can always hear a word being mentioned repeatedly.

Underground Palace.

It was the ruins of the underground palace. If nothing else, Lin Tianlang thought it should be the one he visited during the summer vacation.

During today's recess, Lin Tianlang heard someone discussing something related to the underground palace ruins again, so he couldn't help it anymore and went over to join in the fun.

"Hey, have you heard? There is a huge collapsed cave next to Egland Town, and there is an underground palace buried in it for who knows how long!"

"Yeah, I've heard about it a long time ago. It's said that the underground palace is as big as a city. Although it's not as big as St. Lunt City, it should at least be much bigger than Egland Town!"

Boy C and boy E are discussing mysteriously. Lin Tianlang walked over and interrupted, asking: "What underground palace were you talking about just now?"

"You don't know about the underground palace, which is so popular recently?" Boy C looked a little surprised.

"I'm from the human world. I don't know how normal it is!" Boy E slapped Boy C and said angrily.

"Oh oh oh, yes, I forgot about it." Boy C slapped his forehead and said: "That is to say, in our magic world, near the town of Egland next to the city of St. Lunt, a man buried underground appeared. Mysterious Palace..."

"That palace is not only very big, but also has a long history. No one knows how many treasures are hidden in it..." Boy C said with a look of yearning on his face.

"If I have the chance, I would also like to go there and visit." Boy E said.

Lin Tianlang secretly smiled. If he told them that he had already visited the underground palace during the summer vacation, I wonder what these two people would think?

"Go there to take a look? What are you looking at? A corpse?" Unexpectedly, boy C suddenly showed a sarcastic look: "The underground palace is now under strict management because I heard that it seems to be haunted. Several expedition teams went out to take risks in search of treasure, but without exception, none of them came back."

"Huh?" Boy E looked surprised. Even Lin Tianlang was surprised.

"Yes, and it is said that one of the teams tried to search for survivors, but guess what?" Boy C suddenly said mysteriously.

"Oh, what's going on? Stop showing off." Boy E said impatiently.

"They found the bodies of the members of the previous team that entered the underground palace to explore. The entire team was wiped out, and no one survived."

ha? Hearing this, Lin Tianlang suddenly felt a creepy feeling. According to boy C's description, the underground palace might really be haunted. Moreover, it is not clear whether there are ghost forest wolves in this world. After all, there is magic, ghosts and gods, etc., there should be no exception...

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