Shanghai City, on the bank of Huangpu River.

Yao Luoxuan's eyes widened. She never expected that after Mo Ling smiled slightly, she would actually be here.

After looking around, Yao Luoxuan noticed what she was wearing. Then she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and looked at the time on it.

This time actually showed that it was the day when he and Nian Hao met half a year ago.

I actually came back to this day.

When Mo Ling said before, give him a chance to start over, could he be referring to this.

But now, facing the previous world, who are I?

Yao Luoxuan stood on the bank of the Huangpu River, filled with confusion. She thought about Mo Ling's words carefully, trying to clarify her thoughts. On that day half a year ago, I met Nian Hao. At that time, I was still confused about the future. I never thought that my life would undergo such earth-shaking changes. Now, fate seems to have given her a chance to come back to this day. So, how should I seize this opportunity and embark on a different path?

No, it's all twisted. When we return to the original place, we should also move towards the world we have already traveled through, rather than staying where we are.

Yao Luoxuan shouted loudly to the sky: "Mo Ling!"

But no one responded, only the surrounding crowd looked at her from time to time.

No, I can't be here, I want to return to the original world, even if everything is broken, Yao Luoxuan thought.

Suddenly, Yao Luoxuan saw his former self sitting on a chair on the bank of the Huangpu River. A familiar figure, Nian Hao, was walking towards her.

At that moment, Yao Luoxuan felt a strong impulse in his heart, wanting to step forward and change his past encounter with Nian Hao. But she knew that she couldn't do this because she knew how things would develop next. She took a deep breath, strengthened her determination, and began to trot along the river, looking for a way to return to her original world.

The scenery along the Huangpu River is picturesque. When night falls, the neon lights shine on the river, shining with charming light. But when you come, you come, there is no such thing as going back.

At this time, Yao Luoxuan thought, could such a world be another space created by Mo Ling? In her confusion, Mo Ling's words came to mind in her ears: "This is your past. If you want, stay here. Just replace the past you. This is not a space I created, it is just yours." The past. Your past.”

As Yao Luoxuan ran, he recalled the process of his acquaintance with Nian Hao. She knew that this time when she returned to the past, she could no longer follow the same old path and must find an opportunity to change her destiny. The scenery along the Huangpu River passed by in a hurry, but she had no intention of admiring it. Her determination to return to her original world became stronger and stronger.

Soon, Yao Luoxuan came to a familiar place - it was a cafe, where she and Nian Hao had their first date. Memories came to her mind and she couldn't help but slow down. At this time, she saw her former self and Nian Hao walking into the cafe.

Yao Luoxuan stood in the distance, watching them quietly. At that moment, she seemed to see her former smile in front of Nian Hao, so innocent and shy. She knew that at that moment, she was still full of expectations for the future and had never anticipated the twists and turns of fate.

Yao Luoxuan took a deep breath and stepped into the cafe. She knew that she had to find an opportunity to change her destiny, otherwise she would lose this opportunity again. She walked to the table where she and Nian Hao used to be, hesitated for a moment, and then sat down.

"Hello, I'm Yao Luoxuan." She said to her former self.

My former self looked at her in surprise: "Do you know me?"

"Yes, I know you." Yao Luoxuan said with a smile, "I know him too." She pointed at Nian Hao.

At that moment, Yao Luoxuan saw the blush on his face. She knew, in that moment, that she had succeeded in getting her attention.

But at this moment, the huge sound of the explosion resounded through the sky. Everyone quickly looked back and saw a giant dragon that existed only in the Central European century on the Huangpu River outside the cafe. The flames in the dragon's mouth continued to splash. And when the giant dragon breathed at the vehicles on the side, those vehicles and buildings exploded one after another.

Flames lit up the night sky, and panicked crowds fled. The former Yao Luoxuan's eyes widened. She had never seen such a shocking scene. But now Yao Luoxuan knows that this world is completely different from the world she once had. There is a mysterious power here that she has never seen before. However, this did not deter her, but instead aroused her determination to find the truth.

Her former self looked at the giant dragon in front of her in horror, while Nian Hao stood tightly in front of her. Yao Luoxuan rushed over without hesitation, took their hands and fled the cafe. In the process of escaping, she couldn't help but lament the impermanence of fate, and at the same time she was grateful that she had returned to this special moment.

After a while, a ray of light flashed in the sky.

Yao Luoxuan has seen this kind of brilliance. During the Battle of Shanghai City, the appearance of this brilliance would bring many strange creatures.

Battle in Shanghai? Yao Luoxuan thought of everything he had experienced before. But the Battle of Shanghai City happened long after he and Nian Hao met. Why is it happening now?

Yao Luoxuan was full of doubts, but she knew that this was not the time to dwell on these issues. She dragged her former self and Nian Hao and trotted along the river, looking for a safe place to avoid the dragon's attack.

After running some distance, they came to an abandoned factory. Yao Luoxuan remembers this place, it was an unforgettable night she spent with Nian Hao before. She prayed silently in her heart, hoping that she could survive the crisis safely here this time.

The giant dragon raged along the Huangpu River, and the flames devoured everything in its path. Panicked people fled in all directions, and screams and explosions filled the night sky. Yao Luoxuan held his former self and Nian Hao tightly, hiding in a corner of the factory, and nervously observing the situation outside.

Suddenly, she remembered what Mo Ling said before: "This is your past. If you want, stay here. Just replace the past you. This is not a space I created, it is just your past."

Yao Luoxuan's heart moved. She understood that she could not change her past destiny, but she might be able to use this opportunity to find an opportunity to change her future. She decided to take the risk and try to contact the dragon.

While the dragon was raging, Yao Luoxuan led his former self and Nian Hao to quietly approach the dragon. The flames illuminated their figures, but they were not afraid, because they knew that only by facing the challenge of fate could they find the possibility of changing the future.

Getting closer and closer to the dragon, Yao Luoxuan felt a strong energy fluctuation. She knew that this was an area that she had never been exposed to in the past, and it was also a path that she needed to explore in the future. At this moment, she had no room to retreat and could only move forward bravely.

Finally, they came to the dragon. Yao Luoxuan looked at the dragon nervously, trying to find a way to communicate with it. Suddenly, she felt a strong energy pouring out of the dragon and heading straight towards them. Yao Luoxuan immediately blocked the energy with his body, protecting his former self and Nian Hao beside him.

After the energy impact, Yao Luoxuan felt a sharp pain, but she did not give up. She knew that this impact was just a warning from the dragon to them, and they had to break through this warning before they could contact the dragon.

Gathering strength again, Yao Luoxuan bravely walked towards the dragon with his former self and Nian Hao. This time, the dragon did not stop them, but instead took the initiative to give way. Yao Luoxuan felt happy, she knew that they had been recognized by the dragon.

But at this moment, countless soldiers dressed in Central European costumes suddenly appeared in front of them. As soon as they appeared, they divided their work and ran wildly to various parts of the city. Apparently, they were out to capture the city.

Facing the sudden appearance of soldiers, Yao Luoxuan couldn't help but feel confused. She knew that these soldiers were not from her era, so how did they appear in this time and space? However, she had no time to dwell on this issue, because the actions of the soldiers had threatened her, her former self, and Nian Hao's safety.

After the soldiers dispersed, Yao Luoxuan was keenly aware of their target - the giant dragon. She understood that the dragon was the key to this time journey, and she could not let the soldiers harm it. So, she decisively decided to take her former self and Nian Hao with her and escape from this dangerous place with the dragon.

In the process of escaping, Yao Luoxuan observed the movements of the soldiers while looking for obstacles that could be used to block their sight. She led the dragon, her former self, and Nian Hao through the city's alleys, skillfully avoiding the pursuit of soldiers.

Just when they were about to be overtaken by soldiers, Yao Luoxuan suddenly remembered Mo Ling's previous words: "This is your past. If you want, stay here. I just need to replace you in the past. I did not create this place." The space is just your past." Her heart moved, and a plan gradually emerged.

She led the dragon, her former self, and Nian Hao to a tall building, and then said to the dragon: "I believe you can understand what I mean, and now we need your help." The dragon looked at her, His eyes shone with wisdom, as if he understood her intention.

With the help of the dragon, Yao Luoxuan, his former self, and Nian Hao successfully hid in the building. They found a safe place in the building and temporarily hid from the soldiers. At this time, Yao Luoxuan finally had the opportunity to explain her plan in detail.

She told her former self: "We are in your past now. I can't change the fate of the past, but we can use this opportunity to find an opportunity to change the future. Our goal is to find that mysterious opportunity and then prevent it." The occurrence of the Shanghai-Chengdu War.”

After hearing Yao Luoxuan's plan, my former self was a little worried, but still nodded firmly. She knew this was their only chance and they had to seize it.

With the help of the dragon, they began to search for the mysterious opportunity in every corner of the city. In the process, they encountered many difficulties and obstacles, but they never gave up. They know very well that only by finding that opportunity can they save the future of Shanghai and themselves.

After countless searches, they finally found the mysterious opportunity. It was a mysterious device hidden in the basement of an abandoned factory. Yao Luoxuan and his former self looked at each other and knew that this was what they were looking for.

They nervously activated the device, a flash of light flashed, and they were transported to the future city of Shanghai. They know that now is the time for them to play their role. They must prevent the Shanghai-Chengdu War from happening.

In the future of Shanghai, they encountered many challenges, but they did not flinch. With their firm belief and wisdom, they finally found the key figure to prevent the war. That person is Nian Hao.

They knew that only by persuading Nian Hao could they prevent the war from happening. So they tried their best to explain their plans and future crises to Nian Hao. After careful consideration, Nian Hao finally agreed to their request.

With Nian Hao's help, they successfully prevented the Shanghai-Chengdu War from happening. The shadow of that war disappeared from the future, and peace returned to Shanghai. And they finally found an opportunity to change their destiny and save each other's future.

When everything returned to calm, they returned to the original starting point. The starting point of that time journey. There, Yao Luoxuan said to his former self: "We have changed our destiny. There will be no more wars in Shanghai in the future. We can finally live a peaceful life."

My former self looked at her, smiled and said, "Yes, we have both found true happiness. Thank you, Yao Luoxuan, for making me understand what cherishing is."

Yao Luoxuan smiled and hugged her, his heart full of emotion. She knew that this time and space journey not only changed their destiny, but also made them cherish everything in front of them more. There is still a long road ahead, and they will continue to move forward hand in hand and face various challenges in life together. And all of this comes from them bravely facing their fate and looking for opportunities to change the future.

At this time.

A "pop" sound rang in Yao Luoxuan's ears.

Everything just now has completely disappeared.

It turns out this was all a dream.

Yao Luoxuan woke up and was lying on his bed.

At this moment, Yao Luoxuan felt extremely surprised and disappointed. He originally thought that he had escaped from that dream, but he didn't expect that all this was just a flash in the pan and disappeared without a trace. He lay on the bed, eyes widened, trying to calm his inner turmoil.

His heartbeat was as fast as a drum, and the gap between the beauty and reality of what had just happened appeared in his mind. What I thought was real turned out to be just a dream. The feeling of loss was like losing a precious thing, which made him feel even more painful.

Yao Luoxuan tried hard to recall everything just now, trying to grasp the smoke-like memory. However, no matter how hard he tried, those scenes were like sand in an hourglass, passing by and disappearing from his mind. He knew that those good times had left him forever, and he could only accept this reality helplessly.

No, what reality am I in now! Yao Luoxuan panicked.

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