"Sisters, there must be a misunderstanding. I got here by accident." Seeing that the atmosphere had relaxed a bit, Xu Fu started to lie.

"Misunderstanding? What is that in your hand?" Haitang felt the anger that had just been suppressed rush to the center of his eyebrows again, and he wanted to immediately burn the man in front of him into black coals.

"This... this is also a misunderstanding!" Xu Fu looked at the secret book of clairvoyance skills in his hand and said with a bitter smile. This time it was really mud that fell into his crotch - it was either shit or shit.

"Take it back and let Master make a decision!"

This female student named Haitang has a very important voice among the Seven Swordsmen. As soon as she gave an order, two people immediately stepped forward to capture Xu Fu.

Seeing that things have become like this, it must be difficult to be merciful. Just when he was debating whether to take action against the seven people, suddenly a burst of fog quickly poured out from the side of the mountain. Within a few breaths, it enveloped the eight people, and it became thicker and thicker. In an instant, Xu Fulian couldn't even see Haitang standing opposite him.

"Careful! Set up a formation!"

Haitang saw that the fog was strange and feared that someone might do something bad to them, so she hurriedly ordered everyone to form an array.



Several women's cries came from the mist. There was no one else here, so the ones who made the noise were naturally several of the Seven Swordswomen.

"What's wrong?" Haitang asked in a loud voice. Naturally, she could hear her junior sister's voice.

"Nothing, just tripped."

Someone in the thick fog said softly.

Haitang's face became solemn. She didn't believe that her junior sisters would be tripped so accidentally at the same time. Someone obviously did it intentionally. They just tripped, but they didn't take action. Haitang didn't know what her opponent was thinking, so she used the quick luck method. Jue, the magic sword carried the light of fire and struck towards the uninhabited place.

I saw a crack in the mist, but it quickly closed and still filled the surroundings of the girls.

At this time, seven people had gathered, and each of the six held their magic swords and turned their vests inward, surrounding Haitang in the center and forming a "Seven Treasures Lotus Array", each of whom was on guard.

But after half a cup of tea, no other abnormality was found. Finally, the thick fog slowly dissipated.

Seeing that the other six people were fine, Haitang breathed a sigh of relief. She turned around and looked at the thief, but she had already disappeared.

"Boss! Your legs and feet are too slow!"

"It's not entirely the boss's fault. He has experienced too few such scenes."

"The Seven Swordswoman really deserves her reputation. She can be detected from such a distance."

"It seems we have to go farther next time."


Naturally, the three of them who saved Xu Fu were She Yuan and the others. One of them was Shi Wu, one was tripping, and the other was helping. Xu Fu didn't expect that the three brothers could work together so skillfully. Even a young leader like the Seven Swordswoman could catch the trick inadvertently.

The four of them slowly returned to their residence, commenting on the female students they saw today. Little did they know that the Lady's Colony where the female students lived had already exploded.

It was heard that the Seven Swordswoman discovered that a prostitute was peeping, and even all seven of them failed to catch her, which made all the female students feel a little uneasy. Everyone volunteered voluntarily, and together with the students from the Qiushi Spiritual Academy, they walked around the surrounding hillsides. Unfortunately, they spent half the night and didn't see anyone suspicious.

The next day, after everyone had breakfast, they were led to an open space on the mountainside. This open space is extremely open, and more than 200 people gathered here without feeling crowded at all.

Three teachers, Wei Wu, Wei Wen and Bai Yu, were sitting on the viewing platform. Qinglu was also in the crowd, but she stayed far away from the four of them and did not even want to say hello.

In addition to these six people in Chuncai Spiritual Academy, Lin Mao, who had been missing for a long time, finally showed up, but he was still the same as before, keeping strangers away from him. At this time, a man was standing in the corner with his eyes slightly closed, wishing to " "Ignore me" were written on his face.

"Old Lin!"

She Yuan and Lin Mao were admitted to the hospital in the same year, so their relationship was naturally closer. Seeing Lin Mao coming, the three of them immediately came forward to say hello.

Seeing that there were three people, Lin Mao just nodded slightly as a response, and then closed his eyes again, obviously not interested in talking at all.

She Yuan and the others seemed to be accustomed to Lin Mao's indifference, and there was no displeasure on their faces. After saying hello, they got into the crowd and went to talk to other female students from the Spiritual Academy.

Xu Fu didn't have the hobbies of the three brothers, and he was too lazy to go to Lin Mao and Qinglu to ask for trouble. He could only look around boredly.

The viewing platform above the open space is not small in size. It is almost full of people at this time. In addition to teachers from various spiritual academies, there are also some dignitaries in gorgeous clothes. I heard that many people will gather after the competition. Getting an invitation was what Wei Wu had called "a future".

There are six martial arts arenas located lower around the open space. At this time, a large flag was planted in every martial arts arena, fluttering feebly in the weak morning breeze.

It has to be said that the martial arts arena built against a mountain does have a unique advantage. People watching the competition sit high up and have a clear view of the situation in the arena. Students competing at a lower place do not have to worry about hurting the audience. .

Xu Fu stood alone at the outermost edge of the open space, boredly counting how many weeds there were on the stone wall next to the nearest martial arts field, when She Yuan and the others came back with livid faces.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fu asked in surprise. The three of them were fine just now.

"No matter what, this time we must clear the name of Chuncai Spiritual Academy!"

"Yes, let these bastards know how short-sighted they are!"

"They don't know how powerful Senior Brother Lin is, they are a bunch of losers!"


"What happened?" The three people answered the question incorrectly, so Xu Fu had to ask again.

"Old Xu, you don't know how annoying I was just now!"

"That's it!"

The three of them said something to each other. Although it was a bit confusing, it was not difficult to understand. Just now, the three of them were chatting happily with some female students, but they were ridiculed by a few people from the Houtu Spiritual Academy. They were just the ones who were at the bottom of many competitions at the Spring Cai Spiritual Academy and would soon be kicked out of the Forty-Two Spiritual Academy. Rankings and more.

Although the three of them are smart and eloquent, they are not straight-forward and naturally weak in anger. It is already known to everyone that Chuncai Spiritual Academy has been reduced to a second-rate spiritual academy. No matter how eloquent they are, it is difficult to convince people.

Seeing the female students who were chatting happily looking at them change from admiration to contempt, the three of them felt like their hearts were on fire, and they wished they could use all their knowledge to knock those bastards from Houtu Spiritual Academy to the ground. But before the competition, private fights are strictly prohibited, otherwise they will be disqualified from the competition. They can only silently remember the appearance of the people in Houtu Spiritual Academy, put down their harsh words, and return to Xu Fu angrily.

Xu Fu just laughed at the indignation of the three people. The winner is the king and the loser is the eternal truth. Respect is never obtained through compromise. If you want to shut up these people, the best way is to defeat them in a big competition. them, defeat them. Xu Fu has not been in Chuncai Lingyuan for a long time, but it gives him a sense of belonging. This feeling is like learning alchemy with Li Danxin, which is practical and stable. Although his spiritual power is now sealed and his strength is greatly reduced, he has long been determined to strive for a high ranking for the Spiritual Academy. Moreover, Qinglong Shanling Academy also has the fragments of the Tongtian Jue, which may help him break through the seal. We cannot afford to slack off in this big competition between public and private affairs.

After the gong sounded, a teacher from Qiushi Spiritual Academy began to read out the rules and schedule of the competition.

The rules are the same as those mentioned by Wei Wu. For the first battle, each spiritual academy will have three people. As the organizer, Qiushi Spiritual Academy will have two more people. The forty-two spiritual academies have a total of 128 people, divided into four martial arts performances: A, B, C and D. There will be a competition in each venue, and the winner of each venue will be the top four, and then these four people will decide the leader. The rules of the Three Talents Battle are the same as those of the Leader Battle, except that three people compete at the same time and compete in another martial arts arena. It will only end if all three people from the same spiritual academy lose. Other rules are also very simple, you cannot hurt people's lives, you cannot destroy people's limbs, if one party surrenders or falls to the ground, it will be a loss, and you cannot continue to attack, etc. There are five teachers sitting in each martial arts arena, and the victory or defeat is determined by these four people.

After the rules were explained, another teacher from the Qiushi Spiritual Academy came to the students holding a simple large wooden box, and then shouted loudly: "Donlai Spiritual Academy."

Three students immediately came forward from the crowd, and there was a burst of murmurs in the crowd. The students were still very curious about the Spiritual Academy, which had won four consecutive competitions, and they also showed great respect in their words.

"Dao Ancestor's blessing, don't meet them in the first round!" Even She Yuan and the other two people were muttering to the side.

"What is that box used for?" Xu Fu, a newcomer who had never carefully understood the process of the Spiritual Academy Competition before, saw She Yuan and the others staring at the wooden box, so he leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"Inside it is a magic weapon specially refined for the Spiritual Academy Competition - the Hidden Spirit Pearl. I heard it has no other use. It is just used for drawing lots. It only needs to be infused with a little spiritual power... Look!"

She Jin pointed forward as he spoke, and saw three students from the Eastern Spiritual Academy taking out a transparent glass bead from the box and raising it above their heads. The glass bead flashed slightly, and several clear figures immediately appeared in it. Small print.

"B-5, B-30, D-18?" Xu Fu looked at the words in the three hidden spirit beads and immediately understood. It turned out that this was the selection of the competition venue and the order of playing!

The three students from Donglai Lingyuan had expressionless faces. After the teacher in charge finished recording, they put the Hidden Spirit Bead into a wooden box aside. The Hidden Spirit Bead immediately turned back to its transparent appearance.

"Feng Lai Lingyuan!"

The three girls carrying swords came forward, and the crowd immediately burst into cheers. Xu Fu did not expect that the Seven Swordswoman would be so popular. Looking at the figures from behind, Xu Fu sighed in his heart. Fortunately, he used the secret book to cover his face!

Xu Fu glanced at the crowd and found that there were indeed not many female students participating in the competition, and even fewer of them had outstanding looks. Although the Seven Swordswoman has always been veiled and her appearance cannot be seen, this makes people even more imaginative, imagining that under the white gauze is a dreamy face.

The drawing of lots went very quickly, and every time someone took out a spirit-hiding bead, someone would record the words on it, until the final one was Chuncai Lingyuan.

Xu Fu, Lin Mao and Qing Lu walked to the wooden box from different positions in the crowd. They looked a little strange to each other. The three of them didn't even make eye contact. It was as if they didn't know each other. They looked very strange. awkward.

"Ding Jiu, Jia Sanyi."

Lin Mao and Qinglu raised the Hidden Spirit Bead, and the words appeared, no different from the hundreds of people before. Only Xu Fu stood there "in a daze" holding the Hidden Spirit Bead.

After Lin Mao and Qinglu finished recording, they returned separately, but Xu Fu was the only one who did not lift the Hidden Spirit Pearl.

"What are you doing? Hurry up!"

"Haven't you seen enough? I'm waiting for you!"


Seeing Xu Fu dawdling there, many students became impatient. They had been waiting for such a long time, and many of them couldn't wait to show off their skills.

"This student, please hurry up."

Even the teacher taking notes on the side began to urge him, after all, so many people were waiting for him.

Others thought that Xu Fu was in a daze, but in fact he was desperately trying to activate the spiritual power in his body. She Yuan also said that just a little bit would be enough, but no matter how hard Xu Fu worked, the spiritual power still could not be activated at all. It seems that the practice of Wanxiang Gong is very effective. There was no use for him to break the seal.

"Teacher, since there is only one vacancy left, there is no need to look at it." Xu Fu said as he was about to throw the Hidden Spirit Pearl into the wooden box.

"No! The rules are the rules!" The teacher who brought the wooden box before had a cold face. After hearing what Xu Fu said, he immediately said sharply: "Didn't your Chuncai Spiritual Academy teach you to obey the rules?"

Hearing the teacher's unkind tone, Xu Fu took a closer look at him. He saw that this man had a narrow forehead, high cheekbones, fair complexion, and the wrinkles on his face made him look a little older. The chest of his outer robe had Zheng Rong embroidered on it. Two words, his face had been very gloomy since he was called to Chuncai Spiritual Academy, and he didn't know who had offended him.

Xu Fu took a deep look at Zheng Rong, but couldn't remember when he had offended him.

"You don't even have the spiritual power to activate the Hidden Soul Bead, right?" Zheng Rong saw Xu Fu holding the Hidden Soul Bead without any reaction, and asked with a sneer: "Wei Wu like you, why do you want to come? Chun Cai The Spiritual Academy is truly a crouching tiger, hidden dragon!”

Zheng Rong said this in a loud voice. Not only the students in the field, but also everyone in the stands could hear clearly. There was an uproar on and off the stage, and many teachers looked at Wei Wenwei who was sitting together. Wu, Wei Wen's face was livid, he glared at Wei Wu, then flicked his sleeves and left the auditorium, but Wei Wu didn't care and still kept his eyes on Xu Fu in the audience.

"You can't talk about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I don't have any other skills. I only have some strength. You'd better take this precious pearl back. If it gets crushed, I, a poor student, can't afford to pay for it." Xu Fu said while As he spoke, he handed the beads to Zheng Rong, his tone naturally unceremonious.

"Crush it?" Zheng Rong sneered, and then said: "What a shame! Crush one and I'll see. If you crush it, I'll apologize!" Zheng Rong's voice became louder and louder, even drowning out the noise in the crowd. I wish all the directors of the Spiritual Academy could hear what kind of students Chuncai Spiritual Academy has arranged to participate in the competition.


There was a muffled sound, and everyone suddenly fell silent.

Xu Fu stretched out his fist in front of Zheng Rong, slowly let go, and countless transparent crumbs slipped from his hand.

Zheng Rong looked stunned and froze on the spot.

"Teacher, how many days are left?"


The teacher in charge of recording looked very young. As the person closest to Xu Fu, it was naturally the first time he encountered such a change. He froze in his seat. When Xu Fu asked him, he blurted out and forgot to ask the person next to him. Teacher Zheng Rong’s opinion.

"Thank you!"

Xu Fu patted the remaining debris on his hands, turned around and walked back to the crowd, as if what just happened had nothing to do with him.

"You...you...how dare you destroy Dabi's treasures wantonly, how dare you..." Zheng Rong was furious, pointing at Xu Fu's incoherent words, a spiritual light was shining on his hand, and he was about to take action with anger.

"Zheng Rong!"

A sharp shout came from the auditorium, and it was like thunder in the ears of all the students. They only felt a buzzing sound, and Zheng Rong's spiritual power immediately collapsed. Then a very majestic voice came.

"Go to the Discipline Hall to receive your punishment. The competition will continue!"

Hearing this, Zheng Rong did not dare to say anything, but gave Xu Fu a vicious look, turned around and strode away.

"Everyone returns to his position, the competition begins!"

With another crisp gong sound, the spiritual competition is finally about to begin!

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