Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 283 Giving Gifts

Chapter 283 Giving Gifts

The eldest aunt left without staying much after the meal.

When I left, I could tell that I wasn't that happy.

Xiao Tao was in a good mood, but when he saw Lin Fan coming to see him off, he remembered the previous conflict and made a face to her.

"It's finally clean..." Father Wu closed the door and let out a long breath.

Their family is not a fan of excitement. If possible, he just wants to live happily with his wife.

But in life, these social favors are always inevitable.

Therefore, Father Wu never spoke much in front of outsiders and gave people the image of a taciturn good man, but in front of Mother Wu, he was always eloquent.

John Woo has eaten enough dog food for so many years and feels that he is redundant.

It is precisely because his parents are independent that John Woo feels guilty about his decision not to start a family, but he is not that worried.

"Okay, what are we going to do this afternoon?" Father Wu happily leaned back on the sofa and spread his hands comfortably on the armrests.

"Us?" John Woo's eyes widened.

If he understood correctly, this "us" includes him and Lin Fan.

"Yes, your mother said that she wants to go out to play with Xiaoguai, so of course I have to go with her." Father Wu glanced at his son matter-of-factly.

"What? You take Xiaoguai out to play, can't we come together?" Wu's mother came out of the room and asked curiously.

"That's not true." John Woo shook his head. He just didn't expect them to suddenly participate.

"That's okay." Wu Ma breathed a sigh of relief, "I heard from your eldest aunt that when you and Xiaoguai were shopping in the mall yesterday, you were very close to each other. It didn't look like we just met."

It’s not like we just met. John Woo complained inwardly.

Wu Ma walked to the sofa, sat down next to Lin Fan, and gently stroked her little head. "Grandma also wants to be close to Xiaoguai. Xiaoguai, okay? Grandpa and grandma will play with you?"

"Okay." Lin Fan had no objection, she was just responsible for playing.

"Okay. Let's go together then." John Woo hadn't gone out to play with his parents for a long time, and suddenly he felt a little hopeful.

"Where are we going?" Father Wu asked, "Children's playground?"



Lin Fan and John Woo spoke at the same time.

No matter how much Lin Fan wanted to accommodate, he couldn't play childish games with a group of chattering children.

"It's only half day in the afternoon. Let's go shopping first. I didn't have time to buy clothes yesterday." John Woo sat down on the sofa and asked Lin Fan for his opinion. "In the next few days, you can go to ancient towns, tourist areas, film and television cities, etc. We also have a famous ocean park here. Do you want to go?"

Lin Fan shook his head decisively. She had seen countless Ocean Parks, so there was no need to waste time on them.

"Okay, let's go to the mall today." Wu Ma smiled and got up and went into the house to get her bag.

Dad Wu put on his coat and took the car keys, but was stopped by John Woo. "Take my car, it has a child seat."

"Oh," Father Wu was startled, then immediately realized and put down the key again. "Okay, just take your car."

Several people packed up and went out.

Lin Fan was naturally held in the back seat. Father Wu and Mother Wu sandwiched her on the left and right. John Woo was driving in front.

"Not to mention, we are really like a family like this." Wu Ma suddenly smiled, "It's just that you still need a wife."

Not bad, let’s just sit on his wife!

Lin Fan suddenly remembered that Jin Sichen had said that being overbearing was about John Woo's wife, and he silently answered in his heart.

... Put it this way... it really seems like a family is in order...

There are several large shopping malls in Ningcheng. The one I went to this time was not the one last night. There was a large comprehensive supermarket.

Wu's mother and Wu's father held Lin Fan's hands one by one, and Wu Yusen followed behind with a smile.

My heart feels warm...

Wu's mother really loved Lin Xiaoguai and would buy her whatever food and entertainment she saw along the way. When I passed the children's floor, I wanted to rush in and buy a few more sets of clothes. Was pulled by John Woo.

Just kidding, Lin Fan already bought a lot of clothes yesterday. After a while, these clothes will no longer be worn, and buying them will be a waste.

Moreover, he bet that Lin Fan would not like the clothes her mother bought.

Wu's mother was also impulsive. After being persuaded, she quickly thought of buying so many clothes for her children, as if her parents didn't give their children clothes to wear, which was not appropriate.

Oh, it would be great if she was my granddaughter...

Wu Ma glanced at Lin Fan, then looked at John Woo sadly.

At this time, I really hope what my sister-in-law said is true.

John Woo probably knew what her mother was thinking, so he put his hand on her back and rubbed it gently to show comfort.

Lin Fan didn't know why Wu Ma was unhappy. After thinking about it, he dragged her to the jewelry counter on the first floor.

"What do you want to buy, little darling?" Wu Ma was dragged along by her, and she didn't know why when she saw the shiny gold and silver jewelry.

"Buying a gift for you." Lin Fan looked around and found the jade counter.

Wu Ma was stunned for a moment, then laughed. "Xiao Guai is so kind to grandma, but there is no need to buy her a gift."

"Yes." Lin Fan turned around and said seriously, "You bought so many gifts for me, and I want to buy them for you too."

"Okay, okay, little boy is so sensible." Father Wu was very happy after hearing this and touched Lin Fan's head, "Then what do you want to buy us?"

"This." Lin Fan stood at the jade counter and pointed at the green jewelry inside.

...This thing is not cheap!

Wu Ma, who had a jade bracelet, was immediately stunned.

It was given by John Woo a few years ago. She didn't know much about water, but it looked pretty good. The invoice said more than 200,000.

She was always afraid of breaking it, so she kept it locked in the cabinet and didn't wear it much.

"Xiao Guai, do you know what this is?" Wu Ma knelt down and asked.

"It's jade." Lin Fan replied, "It's better for the elderly to wear it."

In fact, it is not only the elderly who wear them well.

Jade has been said to nourish people since ancient times, and it has certain benefits for those who wear it.

A modern scientific explanation is that it can improve the body's microcirculation, help eliminate toxins from the skin, relax nerves, resolve irritability, and calm people.

Therefore, jade bracelets and jade pendants have been highly respected from ancient times to the present. If it were not for the price, the number of purchases and collections would definitely exceed that of gold jewelry.

"Little darling is so smart." Mother Wu thought she understood Lin Fan's filial piety, "But this thing is not cheap. Our little darling's thoughts are appreciated by the grandparents."

"I have money." Lin Fan took out his bank card from his bag.

Wu Ma held her hand and put the card back into the small bag. "Xiaoguai, keep the money for yourself. Don't take the card out casually. It's not safe. Do you understand?"

Lin Fan saw Wu's mother talking to her little friend, and felt the inconvenience of becoming a child, so he looked at Wu Yusen for help.

"Dad, Mom, just take a look." Wu Yusen understood instantly. "Xiao Guai gave you a gift, why don't I pay for it?"

A few years ago, the meme "I treat you and you pay" was popular for a while, haha, does anyone know?

(pick up the morning)

As for the New Year period, let me explain to you why I wrote it. Lin Fan is currently in good health and has almost recovered mentally, but as a person with two parents, the lack of interaction between her family in the entire article is a logical flaw, right?

I didn’t want to give her the setting of an orphan at the beginning, so I came up with the setting of Mother Lin and Father Lin. It's not that we don't love each other, it's just that we tend to hurt each other easily. So choose to stay away. This emotional pattern is actually very common in our lives. This makes it reasonable for her parents not to show up for a long time, right?

When Lin Fan died, You Baozi asked her to explain her parents, but I think it's better to handle it this way now.

Because Lin Fan almost died, he became more tolerant of Lin Ma. Lin Ma also deliberately restrained himself because of the unpleasantness of their separation last year. So a good start.

The appearance of the aunt's family was to prove that Lin Fan was now very powerful. Lin's mother got recognition of her daughter from others, and Lin Fan's status in her heart increased. I will be more cautious in my actions in the future.

Aunt Wang appeared to give Lin Fan a reason to leave home. Because You Baozi didn’t want to watch Lin’s mother, I reduced her scenes. The reason for making it smaller is to take over the plot before and after.

The human trafficker was to show Lin Fan's helplessness after he became small, and the young lady who rescued people was to give John Woo a chance to pick up people. The original setting was that he was kidnapped, and the series followed. . . Anyway, let’s shorten it, and take the opportunity to praise how many good people there are. (Unfinished)

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