Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 326 Relax

Chapter 326 Relax

The sweet voice of the flight attendant came over the radio, and she said a lot of things to the effect that everyone should fasten their seat belts. The plane will take off soon.

Shen Bei helped Lin Fan adjust the seat back to its original position, and sat down on the seat himself.

"Isn't there any stewardess coming?" Lin Fan put on his seat belt and looked around.

In the past, flight attendants would stand in the aisle and demonstrate how to buckle seat belts and use oxygen masks.

I can't see it all of a sudden, and it's a bit strange.

"No, they can't get through. If anything happens, we can handle it." Shen Bei was also wearing his seat belt.

"What about eating?" Lin Fan was not afraid of being hungry. She had a bag of food, but it seemed that no one else had brought any food.

This flight lasted thirteen or four hours, and you are so hungry?

Shen Bei pointed to the front, "Hey, there is a small kitchen at the front. Everything has been prepared, and the bathroom is over there. I brought a lot of extra food for you this time, don't worry."

Lin Fan wanted to explain that she didn't mean it, but after thinking about it again, there was nothing to explain, so he stopped.

The plane soon began to taxi and take off.

I don't know if it was because of the person sitting on it, but Lin Fan felt that the angle of elevation this time was not as big as the previous times, and the overall feeling was quite comfortable.

Her seat was facing the string window, watching the buildings on the ground gradually move away, the color of the sky becoming lighter and darker, and finally entering the white clouds.

The leader at the front has been reading the document with his hand in hand. Even if the plane takes off, it will not have any impact on him.

It wasn't until the plane announcement rang again that the two secretaries Cen Fangyuan stood up from their seats and continued to assist with their work.

"Do you want something to eat?" Shen Bei had already unbuckled his seat belt and asked beside her.

"Well, you can just stop eating for the time being and just stay with everyone." Lin Fan thought for a while and felt that it would be better to be steady.

Although everyone knows that she wants to eat more, it would be too unimageable to eat right away.

"Okay, let me get you some drinks." Shen Bei could probably guess what she was thinking and didn't force it. "Coke? Orange juice? Coffee?"

Lin Fan chose Coke. Then he watched Shen Bei and the bodyguard sitting at the door get into the kitchen in front, and soon came out with a tray.

The bodyguard went to the table with supplements. Shen Bei first gave his wife a glass of orange juice and then came over with a whole bottle of Coke.

When Lin Fan took a plane for the first time, he saw the flight attendant pouring a small drink and thought that it would be nice if he left the whole bottle for her.

Now this wish finally came true, but why wasn't she so happy?

"Now, I know you're embarrassed to eat, so it's the same thing if you drink more." Shen Bei poured her a large glass. "There's still plenty in the kitchen, drink more."

In his concept, it is energy intake anyway, and there is not much difference between eating and drinking.

Lin Fan looked at the others, but no one paid attention to her.

Fine! No one took it seriously, so why was she being pretentious?

After a few mouthfuls of "Gudong Gudong", I wonder if the "Happy Water" had an effect, and she gradually became able to relax.

After chatting for a while, Shen Bei learned that she was playing a game, and he excitedly took out his mobile phone and expressed that he wanted to connect with her.


Lin Fan glanced at him suspiciously and then looked ahead.

Maybe it was because their voices were not loud, but no one looked here.

Two secretaries were working around the table, and the lady was doing something unclear on the chair. The bodyguard at the front was sitting in his seat, holding his cell phone and looking at something unknown.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't worry." Shen Bei saw her looking forward and urged with a smile, "You don't think that as bodyguards, we have to stare like bells all the time. We can't do it for a moment. have a rest?"


Lin Fan's doubtful expression was too obvious, and Shen Bei shook his head in confusion, "It depends on the occasion. In the National Taiwan Theater, we basically don't have much to do. There are guards."

"Now, at an altitude of thousands of miles, the inside and outside of the plane have been strictly inspected. There will be no danger. We will do some chores on behalf of the flight attendants and have some leisure time. We will be nervous when the plane lands."

"Seeing as you are dawdling like this, I guess you didn't fight very well. It's okay. I'm good at fighting. I'll take you flying." Shen Bei urged boldly.

Lin Fan played this game for a while when he was studying the new mobile phone when he was a child. She wasn't that interested in the game herself, and since she didn't have time later, she hadn't played it for a long time.

I originally wanted to play games, but now my hands are back to normal, how bad can it be? As a result, he was killed shortly after entering.

Shen Bei pursed his lips and smiled secretly while comforting her to help her get revenge. After a few games, Lin Fan's skills didn't improve much, but with Shen Bei leading her, she could basically win.

Seeing the game level rising slowly, Lin Fan suddenly thought of John Woo. He seemed to be quite good at games as well.

Are boys naturally better at games?

Or is she stupid?

After having fun, Lin Fan unknowingly put aside his worries and immersed himself in it. A certain sense of trust and tacit understanding has been established for Shen Bei.

Shen Bei took the time to raise his eyelids and glance at the person who was staring at the phone screen. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly and he shook his head without leaving any trace.

It was not easy, but I finally relaxed.

Lin Fan's tension was felt by everyone except herself. It's just that everyone thoughtfully pretended not to know and didn't want to put extra pressure on her.

Although she is an entourage and does not need to perform escort duties, it is not okay to stay like this.

He also thought of many ways to make her relax. Fortunately, playing games worked.

So, when the relationship is tense, just play games with others.

If one game doesn't work, just two games. Play a few more games and any problem can be solved.

Thanks to the game, Lin Fan was already in a relatively relaxed state by lunch time.

When she was summoned by the old man and sat in front to eat with them, her body was no longer tense, her hands and feet were in the same position, and her brain was dizzy.

I can still eat and reply at the same time, and my state is relatively natural, which seems to be a relief in the eyes of others.

"Xiao Lin, can your stomach bear it after eating so much?" Madam had already finished her share of the meal, and she couldn't help but feel surprised when she watched the little girl eating one piece after another.

In fact, other people have such questions, but because of their identity, it is not easy to ask.

"Sometimes I feel a little full after eating too much, but most of the time I don't feel it." Lin Fan was a little embarrassed and quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and replied, "My stomach... I didn't feel it a long time ago. Now I don’t feel hungry, and I can’t taste anything. I just know that eating more will give me strength.”

Lin Fan wasn't sure how much the leader's wife knew, so he deliberately thought through it when he replied, speaking more conservatively and understanding everything.

"Hey? What's going on? Have you seen a doctor?" The lady couldn't help but become concerned.

"Oh, it's nothing. I haven't fully recovered from the sequelae of the previous illness." Lin Fan smiled brightly at her, "Except for this, everything else is healed. Don't worry, I'm in great shape. I can kill a tiger with one punch. "

After saying that, he raised his biceps to show off, making his wife laugh.

She thought Lin Fan was joking.

The others looked at the laughing little girl and continued to eat with their heads down, feeling awe-inspiring in their hearts.

This girl can really kill a tiger.


I avoided it again. People who read it yesterday will tell me what I wrote.

I found that as long as the writing is realistic, it will be avoided, even if it is straightforward.

If you can avoid this, then don’t you also need the new plot I just finished later?

Here are some manuscripts I just saved. . . .

I. . . . .

I originally wanted to write about encountering css abroad, and then Lin Fan came out to save people and beat them up, but it seemed like they were going to die again.

I was wrong, I shouldn't have written the above. But if we don’t rise to that level, how can other GJ mechas come out?

In pain. .

ah. . . I am dead

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