Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 378 That Woman

Chapter 378 That Woman

Continuing along the road outside the stone house, there is a stony wilderness.

The grass and flowers are all showing up.

Not too far ahead, there is an uphill slope, and the number of trees begins to increase. It should be a mountain forest area.

"I may have thought wrong." Lin Fan looked at the densely packed plants and said, "I originally thought that the plants in the courtyard were planted underground. But if based on my previous guesses, these were all true, then I think , these things should not be underground."

Such a large area of ​​plants cannot grow without light.

Even now, in agricultural research, indoor crop growth needs to simulate the sunlight environment, let alone in ancient times before the Han and Wei dynasties.

"It can petrify living things and sink into the ground..." John Woo lowered his head and said nothing.

Lin Fan instantly thought of Qian Lao and Senior Brother who had the power to move mountains and seas.

I don’t know how they operate it, but it may have this effect.

In this way, doesn’t the person who caused this result have the same strength as them?

Sister Xu also thought of this feature, and her expression became even colder. Turning back to look at the other two people, "I'm not sure what's ahead. Do you still want to continue?"

If she is really at the level of Mr. Qian, the magic weapon in her hand may not be effective...

Although the internal actions of the task force must be obedient, they will still vote when encountering such dangerous situations.

After all, everyone's life is precious, and no one has the right to decide life or death for others.

Lin Fan saw Sister Xu looking at him, then subconsciously looked at John Woo and found that he was also looking at him.

She thought about it carefully and said. "I don't see any real danger now. If I just retreat after guessing... I think it's better to take another look. And I have stars, so I shouldn't be afraid..."

"Okay, then go." John Woo nodded to Sister Xu.

It is impossible for veteran team members like them to retreat based on an unfounded guess of danger, and it is not like they have never seen strong winds and waves.

Even if he is really at the level of Mr. Qian...

It may not be a bad result...

"Okay, let's continue." Sister Xu nodded and continued to lead the way.

Walking through the stone forest is a unique experience.

Lin Fan looked at his watch and it was already pointing to 5 o'clock, and sighed, "It should be dawn outside, right?"

"Yes." John Woo responded, "If the area is not cleared in another two hours, rescue will be dispatched. I don't know who will come."

"Two hours...can we handle it?" Lin Fan asked.

Rescue, doesn’t that mean you can’t do it? They are clearly doing okay so far.

"It's hard to say." Sister Xu said coolly from the front, "We don't know how far ahead we are, and we don't know what we will encounter. Two's hard to say."

"And haven't you noticed? The headphones are no longer working."

John Woo doesn’t have headphones, so of course he doesn’t know. Lin Fan only discovered it after she reminded him.

Because several people stood together and could hear their words without going through earphones, Lin Fan didn't pay much attention to whether the sound in his ears was coming from the air or from the earphones.

Listening carefully now, the headphones are indeed ineffective.

"Is this an illusion again?" Lin Fan asked after fiddling with the headphones and finding that they had no effect.

"No, it's a magnetic field." Sister Xu stopped and opened the compass for the two of them to see.

The hands did move slightly and couldn't settle down.

"What does the magnetic field change mean?" Lin Fan asked.

"Energy changes." Sister Xu looked at the compass carefully for a while. After she couldn't see anything more, she put it back in her pocket. "Since the beginning of the stone world, the magnetic field here has changed, and there is invisible energy."

"Is it the energy that causes the domain?" John Woo asked.

"It's not clear yet. It's possible." Sister Xu continued to walk forward, "Anyway, there is something that affects the magnetic field. I hope it is a dead thing."

Dead things are easy to deal with, but if they were living things...

Ha ha……

Lin Fan shivered and worshiped all the Bodhisattvas and gods he knew, including God, hoping that they would not encounter any living creatures.

But generally speaking, most things in this world don't go as expected.

The three of them walked along the road and came to a cave. After groping forward, they saw a foreshore inside the cave.

What surprised them was that there was water in this shoal, forming a large pond.

I wonder if there is still water left in the ancient artifacts from many years ago?

Lin Fan didn't understand, but Sister Xu and Wu Yusen immediately thought that there should be a spring here, and it had not dried up for so many years.

Beyond the pond, there seems to be a small island-like land. There are some shadowy things on it, but I can't see them clearly.

Sister Xu took a deep breath and continued to move forward along the slender trestle-like passage.

The cold green light illuminates the front bit by bit.

On an isolated island, there is a tree with not too thick branches. It looks like it has only grown for two or three years, with no leaves and no flowers.

Just looking at the silhouette, I would have thought that this tree was made of stone like the trees outside.

But Lin Fan had good eyesight. She felt that the color of the tree trunk was different from the previous stone tree. When she was about to take a closer look, Sister Xu stopped her in front of her.

She looked to the side without knowing why, and then she discovered that there was a... figure lying on the ground not far from the tree?

Lin Fan was shocked. It was not a good thing to see a human figure in this place.

Whatever you are afraid of will come to you.

Sister Xu and John Woo looked at each other, took a step forward, and then smiled at each other.

In fact, at such a close distance now, once danger breaks out, the difference between who is in front and who is behind is not very big.

They just habitually want to get in front of their teammates.

Before Lin Fan understood why the two of them stopped suddenly, he saw them walking forward together again, and naturally followed them step by step.

As the light gradually intensifies. All three of them saw what was lying on the ground. It was indeed a person, or a woman.

Her clothes were not gorgeous, but rather simple. Her clothes looked like they were made of linen and were gray in color. They were like a thigh-length skirt with a belt.

The legs are trousers with tight pleats on the calves. On his feet were shoes made of hemp or grass.

But except for the face, neck, hands, and feet, not much skin is exposed.

As he got closer, he gradually saw the woman's face clearly.

Her eyes were gently closed, her expression was peaceful, as if she was asleep.

The oval face is not particularly beautiful, it is just kind of gentle and good-looking. There is nothing wrong with it, but it is not exquisite either.

Compared with others, her long hair is particularly eye-catching. It is black, shiny and long, spreading under her body, and is much longer than her entire height.

Part of the hair extended under the tree, part fell into the water, and many of them were scattered irregularly, which looked somewhat weird.

Is this person dead or alive?

The three of them were confused.

Under the green cold light, a person's skin color cannot be displayed normally, and it is impossible to judge just by looking at it.

"I'm going to check my breathing." Sister Xu said as she prepared to step forward. She took one step forward but was held by Lin Fan.

"I'll go." Lin Fan's serious eyes seemed to be shining.

This is a role I specially arranged, hahaha, it takes a lot of thinking.

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