Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 578 Landing Location

Before the stars broke into the clouds, they passed by several reconnaissance planes.

The ground issued aerial reconnaissance orders early. It's just that the stars arrive first, much faster than them.

Through the thick clouds, the sky in the stratosphere is also dark.

In the endless black sky, the target she was looking for was not obvious. Even the good eyes of the stars cannot see the location of the invasion target at a glance.

Fortunately, she followed the positioning of the telescope, so there was not much difference whether she could see or not.

Lin Fan didn't know how intentional Gro's actions were in the middle of the night.

Because you know that Lanxing people have to rest at night, and their defenses are at their lowest in the middle of the night? Or is it because of poor visibility at night? Or maybe both...

But think about it again, it's daytime in the Western Hemisphere opposite Lanxing, and I heard that Country P is facing the same situation as them... Think about it again, they were also attacked during the day...

Lin Fan also felt that the timing might be a coincidence.

The stratosphere is much higher than the troposphere below the clouds. The airflow here is stable and the air is thin, so it is suitable for planes to fly levelly.

It didn't take Lin Fan long to see what she was looking for in the dark night.

From a distance it looks like Nenniu Wufang, and a bit like Lao P's Starfish Building.

She subconsciously glanced at the distance marked on the eyepiece and felt that the size of this thing was really quite large.

The famous stadium in Gaohe where concerts are often held may not be bigger than this thing.

She felt a little heavy in her heart.

The bigger the volume, the harder it is to handle. I don't know what's in there yet.

In a blink of an eye, the two swords had slipped into his hands.

"Report, the target has been found and is approaching. Everything is normal now." Lin Fan promptly reported to the general control.

Xingchen's first-person camera can capture the picture and synchronize it to the main control room, but it still looks dark.

However, they also knew that Xingchen's eyes were far away from Lanxing's technological level. Even if they couldn't see anything, they trusted him wholeheartedly.

"General Controller understands, please pay attention to safety in Xingchen. Our reconnaissance plane is entering the stratosphere to provide support for you."

"Xingchen understands." Lin Fan replied, "Apart from the one in front of me, what about the other situations?"

"A total of five UFOs were detected, all of similar size. When they were outside the atmosphere, they were distributed in orbits at equal distances; after entering the atmosphere, they moved towards the land."

"Are they trying to land?" Lin Fan frowned.

Look at the size that is still far away, but obviously huge.

"If they really land, that won't be good!" She said solemnly, "This thing is like a complex building. If they really land successfully, I think it will be harder to remove than the beacon. too much."

"Yes, we also speculate whether they want to establish some kind of temporary base in Lanxing." The general controller replied.

The flying objects entering Lanxing this time were much larger than the previous advance ship.

If we say that the previous advance ship can still see a little bit of transportation, it will facilitate movement.

Judging from the shape this time, it is not the kind of flat and elongated aircraft. Instead, it is suspiciously heavy.

But if they are planning to land, then it all makes sense.

Apart from the sonic attacks that worried them, once Jean Grotto established a temporary foothold on Lanxing, their opponents descended from an altitude of thousands of miles to the ground.

At that time, both the opponent's high-tech weapons and the insect soldiers carried inside will be more difficult to control than in the air.

The shortening of distance also drastically shortens the reaction time of all confrontations. In addition, their current firepower is not particularly powerful. Thinking about it, they are really going to suffer...

Isn’t there another sentence? It is easy to ask God but difficult to send Him away.

What's more, these guys are uninvited scourges.

Therefore, the current high degree of global unity means that these uninvited guests cannot be allowed to descend or even land.

Lin Fan's heart sank, wondering what chance he had of winning against such a huge guy.

"Wait a minute!" A sudden idea flashed in her mind, "If all five aircraft are to land, will they correspond to the five continents?"

At present, the aircraft is still moving and the target position has not been determined.

Like the one in front of her, the vertical position is still at sea, but according to the movement trajectory, it will eventually fall into country H.

It is the target closest to her and the biggest threat to Country H, so it is the first target to be eliminated.

In fact, geographically speaking, there are seven continents in Lanxing, but Antarctica is uninhabited all year round, and South America and North America are collectively called the Americas. So many times, it is also called the five continents.

"We had some suspicions before, but because they are still moving and their trajectory is undetermined, we can't be completely sure." The general control replied clearly.

"But judging from the current trends, Antarctica has been ruled out. It is too cold there and is not suitable for insects to survive, even mutated insects."

"The one in front of you should be heading towards us. The one above is above Country E and is still moving west. There is also one above Oceania and Africa and it is also moving."

"On the contrary, only one target has been identified in the Western Hemisphere, which is already in North America. Apollo has already gone up to intercept it."

"South America failed?" Lin Fan quickly turned over the world map in his mind.

If there is only one target in a place as big as America, then the remaining four are all on her side, and the pressure is not ordinary!

"It may not be a failure. According to the current trajectory, it is very likely that the one over Africa will eventually land in South America. The one near Oceania may fall in Africa."

"Is Oceania going to fail?" Lin Fan asked.

From an area point of view, Oceania is the smallest, surrounded by seas. It is larger than the land area, and it does not seem to be the best target for the relatively connected two major plates of Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas.

And in terms of distance, Oceania is very close to Country H. If Oceania fails, it will be much less stressful for Lin Fan.

"Not sure. Oceania is surrounded by sea. If used well, it will be an excellent military location. I don't know what Gro thinks." The controller replied.

"What is basically certain at the moment is the two in front of you and Apollo, and the one currently in the sky above country E, which should reach Europe. It is recommended to deal with it according to priority."

"Copy that." After Lin Fan understood the general idea, he stopped being distracted.

With a twist of his hands, he assembled the two swords into a long spear and held it tightly, preparing to get acquainted with the behemoth he was about to come into contact with.

She didn't know if she was too nervous, but she felt her heartbeat was a little fast, her heart was a little depressed, and she felt like vomiting.

"Xingchen, your data has changed significantly. What happened?" The chief controller sent a prompt inquiry.

Lin Fan didn't hide anything and told his guess.

"Are you nervous?" The chief controller felt that Lin Fan's voice sounded fine, not like what she said.

"I think it's okay. Maybe my body is nervous?" Lin Fan wasn't sure either.

Ordinarily, she has experienced a lot of things. Although she has some uncertain worries about unknown things, when it comes to the physical aspect...

She felt something was not right and stopped in mid-air.

Stopping, that strange feeling became more obvious.

The hairs on his body seemed to stand on end. It was not a reflection of fear in his heart, but it was like his skin felt the cold and reacted automatically.

After experiencing it carefully, she could distinguish subtle differences.

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but I seemed to feel a vibration."

Two big words instantly appeared in everyone's mind.


After being stuck for 3 days, I finally wrote it.

It’s not easy. Why should I write Alien Attack? It’s hard for me to write this without having seen two sci-fi movies.

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