Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 656 Equator Ring Plan

Maybe Antonio thought that energy intake from eating or drinking was an individual difference.

But Lin Fan received an important message - Antonio did not need extra energy on weekdays.

She hid her thoughts by lowering her head and eating.

So she always needs to eat to make up for her huge energy deficit. Is it possible that 818 is not fully absorbed and evolved?

When Antonio saw Lin Fan lowered his head and remained silent, he thought she was unhappy.

After thinking for a while, he quickly explained.

"It's not that I'm an alcoholic, it's just that I was really short of money that time. I need to drink more. You know."

"I understand, I understand. I understand that my body is hollowed out." Lin Fan smiled and raised his head to answer.

She was afraid that Antonio would discover the difference between the two and quickly make up for it. "But I like to eat. I always liked it before. No, I won't get fat anyway. I can eat as much as I can."

"I understand, I understand." Antonio didn't know whether he believed it or not, and smiled heartlessly. "For you girls, not being fat is simply a blessing from God."

"Yeah, right!" Lin Fan pretended to be excited and gestured to Antonio with both hands, "I know you understand me."

John Woo quietly watched the interaction between the two, stretched out his hand to push up his glasses, and smiled.

With such familiarity, who could have guessed that these two people were on opposing sides, having just met yesterday?

Life is all about acting.

His family, Lin Xiaoguai, had a hard time.

While Lin Fan was eating, Antonio chatted with John Woo.

While chatting, Lin Fan found that the topic turned to outer space deployment.

I have to say that John Woo is still awesome.

In the same conversation, all Lin Fan talked about was eating and drinking, while John Woo's words rose to the level of strategic planning.

Lin Fan decided to go back and ask this senior special agent for advice on speaking skills.

The two people in front of them have already talked about Lanxing's external defense system.

"Equatorial ring?" Lin Fan heard this word for the first time and felt very fresh.

"Yes, we are building a comprehensive space system outside Lanxing around the equator." After all, Antonio often hangs around Ovi and knows a lot about it. "It's like Lanxing's artificial star ring, which gathers various satellites and space station functions, and also has transit, defense and attack systems."

Lin Fan rummaged through the rings of Saturn in his head and had a rough idea.

"Isn't that a circular space station?" Lin Fan simplified it using his own concept.

"Yes." Antonio said with a smile, stroking his hands, "Isn't it a circular space station?"

"It seems that Gro's sudden invasion has given everyone a wake-up call." Wu Yusen crossed his arms and smiled faintly, "Once the equatorial ring is established, the defense system will expand from the Lanxing mainland to space. Like this time Incidents of mass destruction should never happen again."

Although Country H is relatively well-preserved, in terms of the preservation of the entire Lanxing culture, many ancient buildings have been destroyed into ruins.

Not to mention the large number of modern buildings and casualties.

Many small G's are almost overturned, and hundreds of years of history are destroyed in one fell swoop.

In the history of human history, it can be regarded as the darkest moment.

If it weren't for H country's frequent tactics, it's unknown what Lan Xing would be like now.

But culture has never been unique. Country H is the only country. From the perspective of Q power, it is indeed very popular. But the annihilation of other cultures is equally lamentable.

Therefore, after the dust has settled, in addition to the upper-level competition for Q power, scientists are actively looking for ways to avoid repeating the next tragedy.

The advanced research results released by Country H in a timely manner gave everyone more inspiration, so it only took a few days from the concept of the "equatorial ring" to be perfected.

Lack of technical skills aside, the plan was perfect.

As for technology...

After Country H showed the plan to the ugly woman, the other party raised her eyelids and did not curse, but also gave relevant information.

Country H is overjoyed. Although they don't quite understand it, the concept of the equatorial ring is not a problem at all when it comes to female ugliness?

As for technology, it can be conquered sooner or later and achieved great success.

This matter is not a secret among the upper-level and scientific research circles, but the special office's usual business scope does not include this, so even though Zhu Cunjun knew about it, he did not spread it to the public.

After all, there is still a long way to go from concept to completion.

They were more concerned about the unknown aircraft than the equatorial ring.

This is also the reason why Lin Fan obviously has a high status and John Woo is well-informed, but he heard the news from Antonio.

"Yes. Once the equatorial ring is completed, all external forces that want to enter Lanxing must first pass through the defense of the equatorial ring. I heard that the technology is very good, but I don't know if I will be able to see it in my lifetime." Antonio smiled.

<divclass="contentadv">The development of the space station has gone through countless years, and it has only matured in the past few years.

In the entire Lanxing, only Country P and Country H were able to successfully launch and build successfully.

The equatorial ring is much larger than the space station, and the technology is countless times more complex. It is truly a technological product that you may not be able to see with your own eyes in your lifetime.

Lin Fan raised his head and thought.

If the equatorial ring is built, people should be able to live in space for a long time.

The space will definitely be much larger than that of a space station, it may be as spacious as a shuttle, and maybe it can be accommodated in a shopping mall or something.

By then it should be more convenient to travel to and from space. There will be shuttle-like aircraft traveling to and from space, which will be as convenient as airplanes.

Maybe not even. Wasn't there a science fiction movie a while ago that used a space elevator?

If the equatorial ring is built and rotates together with the Lanxing, then the space elevator can be realized.

Three people who are not very proficient in technology are all imagining the bright prospects of the future.

Gro's sudden appearance played a great role in promoting the development of Lanxing's technology.

So good fortune and misfortune depend on it, and everything cannot be looked at in isolation.

After happily finishing breakfast, Lin Fan was about to take Antonio home.

Antonio was looking forward to it. Anyway, it doesn't matter where he goes with Lin Fan.

Going back to pick up their luggage, John Woo took the two of them to the high-speed rail station.

Tickets to Gaoshi were not tight, so Wu Yusen easily changed Lin Fan's tickets and booked seats next to each other for the two of them.

"You really don't need me to accompany you?" Before the security check, John Woo handed the bag in his hand to Lin Fan and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's okay. Just keep your heart in your stomach and go home to be with Father Wu and Mother Wu." Lin Fan took the luggage bag and patted John Woo's shoulder with his backhand. It doesn't look like I'm still worried about this in the morning.

"Okay." Wu Yusen didn't bother much, smiled and took out the woolen hat she had thrown on the sofa in the office from his pocket. "You'd better take this. It's cold. Your head will definitely be cold in a place without air conditioning."

Lin Fan took the hat, said goodbye to John Woo with a smile, and quickly disappeared into the crowd with Antonio.

There are quite a lot of people on the train during the Spring Festival.

It wasn't Antonio's first time taking the high-speed rail, but it felt very fresh with Lin Fan.

The two of them were chatting about this and that in the car, and they were quite happy.

After getting off the high-speed rail station, we still took a taxi back to the community. This time the taxi didn't take any detours and drove the two of them to the gate of the community as quickly as possible.

Lin Fan took Antonio inside, and when he was downstairs in his unit, he couldn't help but give him a vaccination.

"My mother has a somewhat...excited personality. If this offends me..."

Antonio interrupted her with a smile, "What are you talking about? What is our relationship? Your parents are my parents, don't worry!"

He stretched out his hand and pushed Lin Fan's shoulder to make her move forward. Lin Fan had already said this as soon as he obeyed, and it was not good for him to continue to expose his mother in front of others.

That’s all! Just improvise.

Mother Lin was watching TV and eating melon seeds at home, holding a plastic shell-spitting tray in her hand.

"Why hasn't Xiaofan come back yet?" She looked at the wall clock and saw that it was almost time.

Stand up and prepare to go to the window to take a look.

After taking two steps, there was a noise at the door.

Mother Lin smiled, "Xiao Fan must be back, old man, go and heat up the food."

Father Lin stumbled into the kitchen, and Mother Lin didn't even have time to put down the plate in her hand, so she ran two steps quickly to open the door.

As soon as Lin Fan inserted the key into the keyhole, the door opened from the inside before he could even twist it.

Mother Lin stood at the door with a happy face, but when she opened her mouth, she complained. "What took so long? You..."

Lin Fan didn't want his mother to give Antonio a bad first impression, so he quickly interrupted her. "mom!"

The next moment, Antonio walked up the stairs to Lin Fan.

It was the first time that Lin's mother saw a living foreigner. Before she could react, she saw the foreigner smiling at her with a scornful expression and yelled in a fairly standard H script.


Lin's mother's mood was explosive at that time.

The plastic basin in his hand hit the floor directly, making a huge noise, and then kept spinning, with the frequency getting faster and slower until it stopped...

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