Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 930: The Abandoned

Outside the door was Qiu Yi. His expressionless face looked even more anxious under the flashing red light.

"Sir, please don't be anxious." I don't know if it was an illusion, but although the tone was flat, the speaking speed seemed to be much faster.

"What do you want to do?!" Antonio took the lead and reached out to grab the other person's collar, but was pulled back by Jin Sichen.

"Listen to what he says first." Jin Sichen was no longer polite. He pulled up his glasses and looked directly at Qiu Yi with his pink eyes. "What's going on?!"

"The Abandoned Hermits are rioting, and the hubs of Yuehua Star have been occupied. The first-level defense alert has been activated." Qiu Yi answered with a blank expression.

If Lin Fan hadn't seen his pupils shrink quickly, he would have thought that he was not hypnotized.

It is indeed difficult to tell whether Yuehua people are hypnotized or not in this state. They look cold and indifferent, with advanced technology and a good social order where overtime is not allowed. Even they are yearning for it. Why did they suddenly riot?

Everyone just thought that this was a conspiracy by Yuehua people against them, and they were ready to fight. But now they say it has nothing to do with them. Who could have expected this development?

"Abandoned Hermits?!" Cen Fangyuan's brows twisted into a big knot. "What are the Abandoned Hermits? Where are my people now? I can't contact them."

"This is a historical issue, and it's a long story." Qiu Yi said expressionlessly, "The guests' companions are exactly why I came here. The production area where they are located has been occupied by the Abandoned Hermits. The guests have been intercepted and controlled. We are trying to rescue them..."


Even though Lin Fan knew that Qiu Yi's expressionless face was due to objective reasons, he still wanted to hit him twice when he saw him speaking calmly.

"where is it?"

"Lead the way quickly!"

Qiu Yi originally came to inform the situation and do some comfort work, and had no intention of taking people to the front line. But at this time he had been hypnotized, and all his actions were based on Jin Sichen's instructions, and he led everyone there without knowing it.

"Deputy Cen, Jin Sichen, you go up Peter Pan first." Lin Fan ordered while running.

"There's no signal and we can't get in touch." Cen Fangyuan's voice was filled with anxiety.

Of course, he knew that in this situation, he was a hindrance, but without a signal, he couldn't contact Peter Pan unless they went to the helipad. But that was the opposite direction of the production area where Dupu and the others were.

"How's the situation at our parking lot?" Jin Sichen asked Qiu Yi while running.

"That area has also been occupied by resistance forces. The plane you are on has taken off when it saw something was wrong. Please rest assured." Qiu Yi's feet kept moving, but her face was still that dead look.

Don’t worry!

Cen Fangyuan couldn't help but get angry.

Peter Pan was in the air, and they couldn't get in touch, so they could only go to the production line. But the production line... such a large-scale production area was occupied, and it was obvious that there must be more Abandoned Hermits. The risk factor rose sharply.

"What happened to the signal?" Jin Sichen asked again. "Is it destroyed or blocked?"

Without signal transmission, the Noah might not even be aware of their current situation and might think everything was fine.

"The signal path was cut off and the repeater was interfered with," Qiu Yi replied, "Because of the signal failure, many situations could not be conveyed in time."

"What is the story of the abandoned hermit?" Antonio asked. "Don't talk about history, keep it short."

Qiu Yi ignored him, so Jin Sichen asked again.

"Yes." Qiu Yi responded, and after a few breaths of silence, she spoke again. "The Abandoned Hermits are those who were eliminated by genetic screening in the early days. Their genes were inferior and did not conform to the evolutionary concept of Yuehua Star, so they were eliminated a long time ago..."

"I was eliminated and I beat you guys?!" If the situation wasn't inappropriate, Antonio really wanted to whistle. "You guys are not very good at evolution."

"How did they get eliminated early on?" Lin Fan grasped the key point. "Since they were able to form a counterforce and cause the current situation, their scale must be quite large. Have you never noticed their threat?"

From Lin Fan's heart, when she visited the training institute, she felt sympathy for the Yuehua people who were eliminated through screening.

But sympathy is sympathy, and now that these guys are endangering the interests of their Noah, their stance and feelings are different.

Whether you feel pity or anger, just don't mess with my people!

"We have always known that there are inferior abandoned people who have been eliminated. But after hundreds of years of evolution, the inferior genes will be eliminated by natural evolution, and their numbers will be very small. Out of humanitarian considerations, we did not kill them all, but let them fend for themselves. We just didn't expect that they would grow to such an extent in a place we can't see." Qiu Yi replied.

"Aren't you technologically advanced? Are there any places on this planet that you can't see?" Antonio mocked.

"Yes. We never pay attention to the places below the foundation. Just like the moment the breeding institute puts the rejected embryos into the treatment pipes, which flow into the sewage pipes and then into the underground, we no longer pay attention to them. As for whether they can survive, it depends on their luck."

Everyone couldn't help but look back at Qiu Yi while running, but unfortunately he still had a blank expression on his face.

"You flushed the embryo down the drain, and you still talk about survival?!" Antonio was furious.

"Sewer?!" Cen Fangyuan was a little out of breath. Fortunately, they were already on the rail car and didn't have to run anymore. He said to Jin Sichen, "Who did you see earlier?"

"It's the Abandoned Hermits!" Jin Sichen said solemnly, "They live underground and come out of the sewers. You've always known that there are people underground? But you didn't care?"

"We know. But the solid infrastructure separates the ground and underground into two worlds that do not interfere with each other. There has been no sound for hundreds of years, and we thought they had been annihilated in time." After setting the destination of the rail car, Qiu Yi continued to explain, "This is a historical problem. In the past, those who were eliminated due to their bad genes voluntarily hid underground in order not to affect the development of Yuehua Star, and fended for themselves..."

"What a volunteer!" Lin Fan snorted, "If they really volunteered, why would they riot today?"

"..." Qiu Yi naturally couldn't answer this question. This was how the history of Yuehua Star was written, and this was how they learned it.

"That's about it." Jin Sichen paused for a moment and understood the whole story. "Many years ago, Yuehua Star was divided into two factions. The ancestors of the current Yuehua people who thought they had better genes, and the ancestors of the abandoned hermits who had worse genes and were abandoned by them."

"I don't know what happened. It was probably a battle, and the Abandoned Hermits lost, so they were forced to hide underground. I don't know why the Yuehua ancestors allowed their existence, maybe they couldn't win, maybe it was out of conscience, or maybe they thought they wouldn't amount to anything."

"For so many years, the Yuehua people have used infrastructure to seal off the planet, completely isolating the ground and underground. They are the superiors above, and they flush the eliminated embryos underground, where they are safe from sight. They may have thought that after so many years of living in the harsh environment underground, there are only a few Abandoned Hermits left, so they are not a concern. However, they did not expect that the development of the underground is far from what they imagined."

"Now, the abandoned inferiors have finally raised the banner of resistance, teaching these self-righteous superiors a most vivid lesson..."

"If you don't remove the roots of the grass, it will grow again in the spring breeze?" asked Antonio.

"Ugh!" Jin Sichen spitted at him in disgust, "Never use statistics to measure the superiority or inferiority of a race."

"The Yuehua people who thought they were advanced have now been caught off guard by the inferior gene people they eliminated. Can you still say that the Abandoned Hermits are inferior? It's not that I won't take revenge, it's just that the time has not come yet!"

Cen Fangyuan sighed with bated breath: "This is really an inspirational story of self-improvement and reversal. If we were not involved in it, I would applaud it. If I had known that you saw the whistle of the Forsaken Hermit, I should have sent Dupu and the others away in the morning!"

It's too late to say anything now.

"Hurry up!" Lin Fan urged harshly.

I hope Qi Mai and his team are lucky enough and don’t get defeated in the struggle on other planets…

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