The cannon fodder of Quick Travel got what he wanted

Chapter 309 My cousin doesn’t want to be the control group 3

When Xiao Jiu was taken down, Maomao's face was stiff, except for his two eyeballs, which were still moving around flexibly.


"Are you still alive? Squeak..." Ruan Qiaoyin flicked Xiaojiu's ears. Xiaojiu trembled and spit out one word "squeak——" from his mouth.

Oh, you're still alive, that's it.

When he arrived home in the afternoon, Ruan Qiaoyin opened the door, took off his shoes, put on his sandals and turned on the electric fan to blow the air, which was very comfortable~

The younger brother Ruan Ruixing is in the second grade of junior high school, and the older brother Ruan Ruiping dropped out of school and stayed at home. After the Chinese New Year, he went south to work with a cousin.

Ruan Ruiping himself was not happy to study. He felt that he was not good at studying and was not interested in studying, so he simply dropped out of school.

When Ruan's father found out about this, he didn't ask him why at the first moment. Instead, he scolded him when he caught him.

There are three children in the family. Ruan's father and Ruan's mother have the same attitude. They treat them the same way they treat Ruan Qiaoyin.

Ruan Ruiping was rebellious when he was angry, and Ruan's father was the kind who didn't listen to explanations and thought he was good to you. The father and son had a big quarrel and fell into a cold war.

Ruan Ruiping was very face-conscious. Even if he was called useless and idiot in front of his close family members, he felt uncomfortable immediately, his face was gloomy and his eyes were slightly red.

We had a cold war and didn't speak for half a year.

In Ruan Qiaoyin's memory, Ruan's father never lowered his face to give him a step down. The two of them were in the same house, just like familiar strangers, ignoring each other, and Ruan Ruiping didn't even look at Ruan's father.

Ruan Ruixing was often told by Ruan's father that he was useless. Whenever he made a mistake, he would be scolded immediately.

Ruan Ruixing has mastered a set of golden bells, pretending to be deaf and dumb, heartless, and letting him say so, pretending that he didn't hear it anyway.

She is a bit like Ruan Ruiping. If she gets too excited when quarreling with relatives, she will feel aggrieved and want to cry.

They have a slightly incontinent constitution. Since their parents don't understand them, the three children in the family dare not tell their parents anything they encounter.

Because they know that if they speak up, what they will get is not heartache and comfort, but scoldings, saying that they deserve it if they make mistakes, and it is unreasonable to make mistakes. In short, if they make mistakes, it is their own problem.

Regardless of whether he was injured or had some problem, Father Ruan opened his mouth and said: "Why are you so useless? What will you do in the future..."

"If I can't do anything anymore, what should I do..."

"You're just can't do this well..."

Opening your mouth means suppressing and belittling. How can this make people feel comfortable?

Ruan Qiaoyin also felt uncomfortable. People need to give appropriate praise, but it seemed that she did not have this word in her memory, and she did not get even a word of praise from her parents.

The same goes for the two younger brothers. They didn't study well when they were young. Ruan's father seemed to have determined that they would always be bad if they didn't study well.

It is true that the two younger brothers have not been good at studying since they were young.

Ruan's parents had never cared about them, but when they remembered later that they were going to higher education, they became a little anxious to get them to study well.

How to do this well?


Ruan's parents only have primary school education and cannot teach.

Ruan's mother just stared at Ruan Ruixing doing his homework for a while. Ruan Ruixing was having fun at that time, and it was impossible for him to sit still.

It felt like there were nails on his butt. Not long after he sat down, the nails were so severe that he was distracted. His eyes were on his homework, but his thoughts were already flying with the wind.

It's also quite speechless. They obviously didn't care about their studies, but on the contrary, they said that if they don't study, they will have to work in the fields as migrant workers in the future.

At the same time, he stimulated the three of them vigorously, saying, "If you don't work hard, you will have to work hard like us..."

"Work harder and see how comfortable your aunt is as a teacher..."

It seems that Ruan's father and Ruan's mother only have the option of becoming a teacher. In other words, if they work hard and go to college, they can become a teacher.

Luo Qiaoyin Ke didn't want to be a teacher at all. Students at any stage were very troublesome. She was afraid that her temper would get to her, so she would beat the students directly.

These days, teachers are great, but they are not easy to be, and the risks they bear are quite high.

The three siblings have a close relationship. Ruan Qiaoyin did not resent his parents for favoring his younger brother when he was a child. Instead, he felt that the three of them were in the same boat, and the grievances they suffered from their parents made them all resonate with each other.

Ruan's father didn't say derogatory words to any one person. He clearly hoped that they would have a bright future and that their children would become successful, but he said hurtful words that were extremely destructive and made them unable to recover.

Ruan Ruixing's mentality has been adjusted very well. He can hear it in one ear and out the other. He can even imitate the words that Ruan's father often talks about, mockingly and coldly: "You are of no use. Sooner or later you will be finished. What will you do in the future?" manage..."

Ruan Qiaoyin didn't understand, what was the point of attacking people like this?

Can it stimulate them to work hard and make progress?

Heart-wrenching words can make people's lungs explode. Ruan Ruiping and she are so sensitive and timid inside. When they hear these words, they will always think too much, worry and be irritable.

Have dinner as a family of four.

Ruan's father and Ruan's mother seemed to hate that Ruan Ruiping was not studying. They stayed idle at home for a month and began to type: "What did you do at home?"

Ruan Ruiping's expression was dull, and he was holding the dishes without a smile. There was boredom in his eyebrows: "I didn't do anything..."

"You've been staying at home like this, is it possible that you have to rely on us to support you?" Ruan's mother asked jokingly, with a look of sadness on her yellow face.

Ruan Ruiping stopped talking. He was really annoyed by his parents asking him questions every now and then, as if he was a little waste at home.

Ruan Qiaoyin ate the meal without saying a word. He sat together to eat, feeling restless and upset. He seemed to be in a snake's nest, trembling all over. He felt uneasy and uneasy. The atmosphere was weird and hard to describe. The soles of my feet were oiled and I wanted to run away.

This depressing and dull atmosphere is really uncomfortable.

Ruan Qiaoyin didn't speak, and it wasn't her turn to speak. If she did, she would probably be ignored.

After all, in the hearts of Ruan's father and Ruan's mother, she is just a child. Do their adults need to listen to the child's words? unnecessary.

Although he didn't say it to her, Ruan Qiaoyin seemed to take it in. His heart was high and he wanted to shake his legs when he was worried. He silently glanced at the table and kept shaking his legs, as if he had Parkinson's disease in his legs. Similar.

Needless to say, she felt uncomfortable in such an atmosphere.

People say it lightly, not to mention that she is still a student who needs to rely on her parents for survival.

"Follow me to the construction site tomorrow..." Ruan's father said without any doubt while eating his meal.

Ruan Ruiping said nothing, but he had no intention of resisting. He did not want to communicate with Ruan's father, so he acquiesced.

Listening to Ruan's father talking a lot more, "You are idle at home, why not help me?" "It's okay anyway. If you go and experience it, you will know how wonderful life is now..." "I wonder how we could have such a good life in the past. Have a good life..."

"What do you think, what we ate before was..." Yikusitian began, and Ruan's mother joined in when she said this.

The siblings were forced to listen to the nagging for another half an hour. The purpose was to make them feel how wonderful life is now, and also to hint to them that they must be able to endure hardships. It is already good to eat these, so they should not be picky, etc. …

Ruan Qiaoyin frowned, speechless, slightly irritated and unhappy.

What do you mean they are picky?

Are they picky if they don't eat what they don't like?

Ruan's father and Ruan's mother don't choose, but it doesn't mean that they don't choose. Because they don't eat bitter melon, they are said one way or another.

Ruan Ruiping rolled his eyes and said, "I'm just picky. I'd rather eat chili rice than bitter melon. What's wrong?"

Ruan Qiaoyin also hates bitter melon. It is unpleasant and has a strange taste. There are many people who don't like bitter melon. Are they being picky?

Don't understand, don't want to understand.

However, neither sister nor brother refuted them, they were just stubborn and refused to eat bitter melon.

Ruan's father and Ruan's mother frowned at the same time. What's going on with these two children? There's something wrong with their ears?

They are not considerate at all. They have good intentions, but their words fall on deaf ears.

It's really a bit disrespectful to them...

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