Seeing this scene, Bai Mo was so angry that his hair stood on end!

"By the way, where's Mei?"

At first glance, Mei Raiden was chasing a few little ones.

But the little ones were running around everywhere, and there were stray cats holding them back, so Mei Raiden couldn't catch up with them at all. She was even ambushed by a stray cat, and her hair was messed up by the scratches.

After a while, in this victorious war, a few little ones came strolling out with their short legs, carrying large and small bags of snacks.

Dun, Dun, Dun~!

After taking a big gulp of happy water, Xiao Xiao Fengzai burped happily towards Bai Mo, then pointed behind him.

"Give me money."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Bai Mo wanted to catch them, but he saw the stray cats, led by a big cat, lined up in front of Bai Mo like an army.

Bai Mo was speechless. He was wondering why you were helping those guys so much.

"Woo...!" The stray cat growled and showed no intention of moving away.


"They said that the owner of this store always relabeled expired food and continued to sell it, so they came to help the hero punish evildoers."

Mei Raiden walked over, tidied her messy long hair, pulled a stray cat that was biting her arm off her arm, carefully placed it on the ground, then stood up and shook her head and spoke.


"Mei, do you understand?"

Bai Mo was surprised, but saw Raiden Mei shaking her head.

"Lei Lu told me."

Bai Mo turned around and went into the convenience store, but found that the store was not actually messy, and what the kids took away were not what they liked to eat.

Upon questioning, it turned out that the little ones took only expired items and some cat food.

That’s right, they are not afraid of getting sick from eating. The difference between expired and non-expired food is just the taste.

As for cat food, we also need to distribute food to the summoned army of cats.

After figuring out everything, Bai Mo wrote an IOU for two thousand yuan. Of course, she said she was only willing to be responsible for the cat food. As for the expired food, not only would Bai Mo not pay for it, she would also report it to the relevant departments.

As for why the cat food costs two thousand yuan, with so many cats, the cat food was almost completely eaten up by the little ones. How could it not be expensive?

However, the other party was not very satisfied with this proposal, and even threatened Bai Mo to stop interfering in other people’s business, saying that if he dared to report it, he would suffer the consequences!

Bai Mo was so angry that he slapped the reception desk in front of him and broke it, scaring them all.

At last……

Cat food costs two thousand, and the front desk, computers, cigarettes and alcohol at the counter, plus all other miscellaneous items, total ten thousand.

Bai Mo is in debt, twelve thousand...

Bai Mo regretted it after he went out.

"I was impulsive, Mei~ I was impulsive. People really shouldn't be too impulsive (╥╯^╰╥)"

Raiden Mei: “…”

But... what makes Bai Mo happy is that although these guys seem to be rude and causing trouble, their actions hide a hidden gentleness.

This is good, at least it proves that they just like to play and don't want to hurt others.

Of course, this "other" does not include Bai Mo and Tesla.

But soon this thought disappeared.

When Bai Mo found them again, it was in an Internet cafe.

As soon as I entered, I saw the network administrator tied to a pillar!

And you can hear the cries of the little ones from a long distance away.

"Output! Output! You big fluttering moth, output!"

"Ah~! Damn it! How can you be so bad? You bring the highest economy to give up! I will beat you to death!"

I can tell he's getting really angry.

When Bai Mo was about to catch these guys, he found that there was no one on the seat. Only the back door was opened and was shaking in the breeze.

They ran away so quickly that even students who skipped classes professionally were probably not as fast as them.

After chasing all the way, Bai Mo finally stopped in front of a barbecue stall.

Looking at the messy ground, Bai Mo knew that something bad must have happened here.

I hurried over with Raiden Mei and saw a few little guys sitting at the table, holding bottles of wine, drinking, eating skewers, and bragging to the people around them.

"Hiccup! Do you know destiny?"

"I've heard of it. Wasn't there something about it a while ago, that destiny is protecting the world and fighting against that collapse...what was that? It sounds amazing." Someone agreed, but little Xilin was seen holding a wine bottle and curling her lips.

Tons, tons, tons!

He tilted his head back and took a sip.

"Humph! Little Destiny! I've taken it apart before!"

Just listen to what she says.

"I~! Tore~ it~ apart~!"

After finishing it, he still felt it was not enough, so he stomped his feet and a peanut flew into his mouth.

"You've all seen those big mechas on TV, right?"

"I..." Pointing at herself, little Xilin looked drunk!

“It has been demolished!”

"S-class Valkyrie of Destiny! Do you know?"

"My mount!"

"Then the doctor... builds the mecha, me! The mount!"

First of all, it is impossible for a little herrist to be drunk, but these guys acted like they were drunk! They staggered and talked without restraint, and looked like they were pointing fingers at the mountains and rivers.

Those who were fooled by the people around were stunned.

But it is not appropriate to say that it is a lie. After all, it is a fact that little Xilin makes her home on his and Tesla's heads every day.

"I'll go and pull them over."

Mei Raiden couldn't bear to watch it anymore and felt that if they continued talking, Tianming would be worse off than the doghouse on the side of the road.

So she had to go over and pull those guys who were making trouble back!

But I saw the boss coming over at this time.

"You two, are you parents?"

"Ah?" The boss in front of me was quite kind, and the smile on his face did not show any anger.

"Forget it, right..."

Bai Mo knew that there was no escape and he had to pay for the sins committed by the little guys himself.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for the loss I caused you..."

"Can I write an IOU?" (Not confident)

But I didn't expect the person in front of me to wave his hand.

"You have misunderstood."

"I also want to thank these little heroes. Although they are young, they are very courageous."

Bai Mo was stunned. She really didn't expect this.

The little ancestors are called heroes?

It's over! Could it be that these little guys have gotten into trouble because of someone's anger?

"Just now, two people were drunk and had some conflicts, so they started fighting." Fortunately, the timely response of the person in front of him broke Bai Mo's brainstorm.

"I... originally wanted to go up and try to stop them, but they got even more violent and even started using bottles of wine."

As he said this, he showed the wound on his arm that had just been bandaged.

"If these kids hadn't suddenly appeared and kicked two of them away, there wouldn't have been any serious consequences. Otherwise, the outcome would have been..."

Shaking his head and sighing, even though he said it was a relief, it must have been quite dangerous at that time.

"is that so?"


Bai Mo glanced into the distance.

"Eat whatever you want. This meal is on my table." The boss was very generous.



"Well... I'm not looking down on you, I just think that what you said might be a bit hasty."

"You might... regret it."

"Ah?" The boss in front of him was a little confused.

But he soon found out.

Half an hour later, the boss, who was busy in front of the oven and saw sparks, was sweating profusely as he looked at the skewers on the ground.

The little ones were all confused by him.

This person eats too much. Is he still a child?

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he admitted that he was indeed a little careless.

“Thank you for your hospitality.”

Bai Mo sat quietly in the corner and did not disturb the little guys.

Let them play. The paradise has been suppressed for so long, it’s time to let them have some fun.

However, seeing that the boss was so pitiful at this time, Bai Mo and Raiden Mei looked at each other, smiled at each other, and stood up.

"They have almost had enough fun, and the frustration they have been holding back in Paradise should be vented out."

"Come on, I'll go get them."

"It's almost time for us to go back."

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