"This is not surprising." Einstein shook his head.

"You disguised yourself very well and are fully qualified as an assistant."

"But... you may not know that being Dr. Tesla's assistant requires more than just a good work attitude."

"Hey! You messy hair! Can you please speak clearly next time? It seems like I am abusing anyone." Tesla crossed his arms, but saw his colleague reaching out to stroke his curly hair.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Tesla. I just want to express my admiration for the assistant who always catches the cup of water accurately when it's about to be decapitated by your palm."

"That kind of habit can't be copied by quick reaction."

This sigh made the person in front of him understand the essence of his exposure.

"So...you actually knew I was fake the first time you saw me?"

"of course."

"Then I'm curious, since you've already discovered it, why did you still bring me here? Aren't you afraid that I'll ruin your meeting?"

"No, you misunderstood." Einstein held up a finger.

"We don't actually know what you are going to do, but I think that sabotaging this coronation and making the Destiny lose face in the eyes of the people can buy more time for your World Snake's next plan."

"After all, even for your world snakes, the cooperation between Destiny and Anti-Entropy and the praise of Destiny by the whole world are not good things, right?"

This is a very simple result that you don’t even need to think about it.

Someone will definitely disrupt this coronation. Pulling down Tianming, the world overlord, will be a good thing with no harm and only benefits for some people, especially the World Snake.

That's why Bronya and the others are needed for this coronation. It not only ensures the appearance, but also makes it difficult for those who are interested to take action.

After all, it is not an easy task to interfere with the special effects and pomp of strong people of Bronya's level.

Even the later Titan forces were directly controlled by Bronya and were under her powerful position, which made it difficult even for the World Serpent to cause trouble.

"Hmm... Is that what you think?"

"But I'm sorry, it seems you misunderstood something."

Raven took off his coat and put on his hood, his bright red claws flashing coldly under the light.

"We are not here to buy time. That is meaningless."

"And compared to this, your situation seems to be even worse, right?"

"For example, right now, if I were to take action against two highly respected doctors..."

He raised his paw, and the necks of Einstein and Tesla were reflected on it.

"You are in danger."

"That might be a little difficult." The door slowly opened, and Yulandel, with long golden hair, wearing silver armor and holding a knight's spear, slowly walked into the house.


Raven was a little surprised.

"Look, Destiny's Strongest Valkyrie, I thought you were going to appear at the next coronation."

"It will be hard to catch you if we don't take you by surprise!" It was Tesla who responded to her.

Naturally they fell into a trap for this coronation.

In name, Yulandel was assigned as a member of the Bishop's personal guard, but in reality she was waiting here to cooperate with the doctors in catching mice.

"Is that so? Then I was really careless."

The raven that had been surrounded did not seem to be nervous. He put one hand on his waist and glanced up and down at Yulandel with a relaxed look.

"This is unbelievable. Should I be happy that a divine messenger could set a trap for me?"

Yulandel was not surprised that Raven knew her identity. Instead, she was a little surprised by Raven's calmness.

Looking at the other side's fearless attitude, it seems that they are not worried about being caught at all.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's your turn to confess. Let us beat you up first!" Tesla raised his voice while shaking his fist.

"Then you tell me everything."

"Don't." Raven opened his hands and made a gesture to stop being impulsive.

"You ask, I'm very open-mouthed."


"What is your purpose?"

"Well..." Raven hesitated. Faced with Einstein's question, he did not choose to answer, but asked a question in return.

"I hope your design also includes the little girl named Xi'er..."

"Xi'er?" The three of them looked at each other.

"Is she your target?"

"Of course not." Raven shrugged.

"We don't have much time to waste on that little girl, but some people are very curious about her."

"Hato, have you heard of it?"


"Well, judging from your silent expressions, I know you don't know about the existence of Yutu."

"Anyway, whether it's to cause trouble for your coronation or to kidnap a cute, innocent and kind little girl, it's just incidental."

"So if it wasn't for helping Hatagi, I would have run away by now and wouldn't have been caught by you guys."

She shrugged, appearing somewhat helpless.

"What do you want to do to Xi'er? Also, what is your real purpose?" Tesla took a step forward. She did not have as much patience as Einstein.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm just a small character. I only deserve to know this much with the salary I get."

This was not a lie, and this was indeed all Raven knew.

The main reason they came to Anti-Entropy, or Hyperion, this time was to find an old man.

The Lord wanted to see Him, and what he said at that time was... even more mysterious.

“He knows my thoughts and sees everything.”

"When thousands of tracks intersect, He will come before me. Otherwise... the time has not come yet."

Look at what he said! How cool!

So does He really never consider whether His subordinates can understand Him?

The riddle is a bit of a puzzle, but there's a good chance that Raven still understands it.

In plain words, there is an old man, very awesome! I don’t see him all day long! But now I want to see him! But he didn’t come to see me, which proves “You are so anxious!” But I think the time has come, you go tell the old man for me!

That’s probably what it means…


As for Xier and causing trouble for the coronation, those were just their personal thoughts.

Now, the mission is accomplished.

They saw the old man. When they approached him, he was lying on an armchair, drinking leisurely and bragging to a passing Valkyrie.

That's just bragging! I was a top-level driver back then! A five-star car god! A broken-down taxi and a supercar! Akina Mountain certified!

As a result, he was backstabbed by a yellow-haired guy, his car was confiscated, and his driver's license was revoked! This was the end of a generation of car gods...

Of course, the old guy must have known that they were coming.

In the past, the two cups of tea prepared on the table were proof of this.

"A full cup of tea is a disservice to guests, old sir. It seems that you do not welcome our arrival." At that time, Yutu picked up the full teacup and chuckled, speaking in her standard soft voice without too much emotional fluctuation.

Raven can't deal with Feather Rabbit because no matter how you talk to her, her attitude is the same, treating you as a barking child.

You can't beat her in a fight, you can't convince her in a conversation, so she'll just press your head and say something to you impulsively.

"That's all."

Engage in mentality.

But the old man was very direct. He went up to her and took the teacup from her hand before she had any chance to react.

"You little girl, you don't care, but you understand these twists and turns of humans, haha... it's really strange."

After saying "Slurp!" he drank half of the tea, put it down gently and sat back.

"Okay, now I'm dissatisfied."

To be honest, that was the first time Raven saw an expression of surprise on Yutu's face.

That was probably the first time she was helpless against someone.

That old man is just a piece of shit, he doesn't look like a master at all.

Logically speaking, shouldn't we pass the message, you respond, and then we negotiate?

No matter how profound your language proficiency is, you should at least have this, right?

You have to talk about it!

But this old man doesn't! His message is... as it is passed on.

They wanted to pass on a message, but what came out of their mouths was...

“Can you tell us a little bit about your car-god past?”

After that, listen to him brag for three hours.

Finally, this old man came.

"I already know why you are here, go back."

Is it infuriating?

You say it's infuriating?!

Do you know what you are farting about?!

Whenever he thought of this, Raven couldn't help but frown again.

"Did you go to see that senior?"

Yulandel seemed to have seen something, which made her, who was always serious, almost laugh out loud.

That old man is Xiao Tianqi's master. Xiao Tianqi learned most of his shamelessness from him. You two want to fight him? He was in a good mood after being tormented for three hours.

Raven didn't want to talk and took a look at the live broadcast.

"The strongest Valkyrie of destiny..."

"Hiss... No, I should change my words."

"Madam, young master?"

"Young Master and Husband?"

"Or the little master's nemesis?"

"..."Yulandel calmly put her hands on her hips, and moved the knight's spear in her other hand forward a little.

"Looks like I spoiled your fun." Raven spread out his hands, not feeling his death approaching, and remained calm.

"No matter who it is, don't you worry about that little girl?"

Although it feels a bit disappointing to say it now, Yutu really cares about that girl.

Because that might be the only life exactly like her, a stigmata life.

But at this moment, Raven suddenly received a call from Feather Rabbit.


"Wait a moment." He put down his raised hands, made a pause gesture to the three people in front of him, and opened the communication in his ear.



Yutu sent her a voice message.

roughly means.

"Thank you for buying me some time, but someone kidnapped her before I could. The target has been lost, so we can retreat now."


Are you sure today isn't April Fools' Day?

Is there anyone other than them who can kidnap people at the Tianming headquarters? !

Raven subconsciously looked at the live broadcast, and the coronation was almost over at this time.

It's very strange, where is Kiana? Why doesn't she appear?

But it doesn’t matter, because at this moment in the live broadcast…

“Perhaps everyone had many thoughts when they learned about Honkai, curiosity, fear, and even anticipation.”

"Some of you may expect this world to be like in your fantasy, where heroes are born to lead mankind towards a better future."

“I even fantasize that I am that hero.”

"But destiny won't be like that, and neither will I..."

"Everyone who works hard to defeat Honkai deserves to be called a hero. I also prefer heroes to be a spirit rather than a responsibility imposed on a certain person."

"Hereby, I, Theresa Apokalis, take this oath."

"No matter what the future holds, destiny will always be at the forefront."

"That's all I have to say."

With these words, the coronation was coming to an end.

But Theresa always had a question in her mind.

"Where's Kiana? Shouldn't she appear with Bronya?"

At this moment, in the high sea of ​​clouds, Bai Mo saw that the coronation was about to end.

"I don't know how Kiana and Mei are talking. Should we go secretly..."

"No, no, no!" Shaking his head, Bai Mo suppressed the little impulse in his heart.

How can you peek? That's wrong!

How about...just take a look?

One glance?

(Thirty-five degrees! I’m going to get a heat stroke o·(? ??????????? )?o)

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