Star Railroad: I, Apollo, will chop everything down!

Chapter 114 This chapter is so short...


Apollo stretched out his hand to keep Otan, but in the next second he felt his eyes were blank. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was on a grassland.

"Are you leaving..." Apollo stood on the grassland and stared blankly at the sky. What should he do next?

By the way, the matter on Magapang's side has not been resolved yet, so he does what he says. Although the devil over there is nothing to him, it may be much more difficult for Magapang and the others.


Apollo looked around, feeling familiar but not sure where this place was.

"Hey, you finally woke up?"

A familiar female voice came from his ears. Apollo turned around and saw Saron leaning against the tree.


Apollo was not surprised by Saron's appearance. After all, he had already appeared here, so Saron must be nearby.

Saron smiled and waved at Apollo, quickly ran to Apollo's side, pinched Apollo's face and smiled: "Haha, Apollo, what did that old guy say to you? Tell me. explain?"

Apollo allowed Saron to pinch his face casually, and said calmly: "There are three stars in the Milky Way now, one for the supreme god Otan, one for you, and one that is fused with me."

"Then what? Isn't that all? Then that old guy really has Alzheimer's disease, right? (-?_-?)" Saron let go of his hand and sat on the lawn, waving to Apollo: "Stand Not tired? Sit down."

"Saron, I think you should respect the supreme god Otan..." Apollo did not sit down, but still stood and answered Saron's question: "The attraction of three galactic stars to each other will lead to the fusion of originally different universes. , Ultan once again chose to sacrifice himself to stop the universe from merging."

"This is what that old guy would do..." Saron held his chin with both hands, suddenly realized something, and shouted excitedly: "Oh no, that old guy beat you to death and why do you still respect him so much?" What are you doing? You don’t know how to lick a dog, do you? Apollo? You can’t lick me? (??へ??╬)”

"I can't help it if you think like this. Otan no longer means a mentor or a creator to me, but a father-like existence. If I can't even show such respect, then I am not worthy of being a star god." Apollo retorted Saron.

"Tch, the devil knows why he created us..." Saron shook his legs and looked up at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking: "He can't kill you anyway."

"..." Apollo looked at Saron and didn't know what he thought. He pondered for a while and said, "Thank you Saron..."

Apollo's words reached Saron's ears like a depth charge, causing Saron to jump.

"Ah?! No, wait! You, what did you just say?! No, you, you, you, you!" Saron pointed at Apollo with trembling fingers and slurred: "You, you, you, you just said that again?! ( (((;°Д°))))”

Apollo didn't care when he saw Saron like this, and continued: "Thank you for coming to help me, Saron."

"Hmph, you finally know what I'm saying, okay?" Saron puffed out his chest proudly after listening to Apollo's thanks again, then realized something was wrong and quickly changed his words: "But you owe me a favor now, go back Remember to pay me back! ψ(`?′)ψ”

"As long as I don't touch the bottom line, I will do it..." Apollo looked at Saron who was still proud and said, "Saron, can I owe you another favor?"

Saron suddenly realized something and pointed at Apollo and cursed: "Okay, okay! That's how you play, isn't it?! Are you overwhelmed with debts?! (???Dan??)??3??"

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