Genshin Impact: The Great Evil Dragon’s Death System

Chapter 11 Robbery of Beiguo Bank and encounter Hutao

Jing Fantian walked all the way from Bulu, doing evil all the way along the market. Although he was only a young dragon, his level was elite. He dealt with ordinary mortals just like he dealt with puppies.

[Resentment from fishmonger Lao Zhang, +2 talent points. 】

[Resentment from Hawker Abu, +3 talent points. 】

[Resentment from Auntie Wang, +4 talent points. 】

Jing Fantian snatched the biggest fish from the fishmonger and the candy from the hawker stall...

Jing Fantian did all the things that he didn't dare to think about before, or could only think about secretly, and he unleashed the animal nature in his heart wantonly.

Even if this kind of bestiality is not worth mentioning compared to the legend of the evil dragon, this is all that Jing Fantian dares to trample on.

"Little dragon lizard, I have sent someone here. How dare you threaten me? How can I blackmail you to death when I lie down?"

Uncle Yang from before had attracted Qian Yanjun, and the angry vendors picked up the stuff and wanted to greet Jing Fantian's mother.

"Brothers Qianyanjun are here, copycat, kill this little dragon lizard!"

"Straight bitch, I, Lao Zhang, will fight with you today!"

"If you dare to touch my belongings, I will chop you to death!"

When Jing Fantian saw the uncles and aunts chasing him with knives, he was so frightened that he got into the tunnel.

Jing Fantian escaped the pursuit of Qian Yanjun and quietly came to the door of Beiguo Bank.

Seeing that signboard, Jing Fantian felt that he could be a little bit worse and lower his limit.

Jing Fantian is extremely excited about robbing banks. Everyone has a dream of getting rich, but apart from real estate, the most profitable thing is robbing banks.

Countless green forest heroes have fallen under the threshold of the bank. They continue one after another, and they all tell the bad guys that robbing banks is the fastest way to make money and the most deaths. This is a game for the brave.

Jing Fantian took out the gangster's hood that he snatched from nowhere and had to have a sense of ritual in everything he did, because elegance never goes out of style.

Morax said: Even if I am penniless, I will enjoy the most expensive service elegantly and then pay for it.

The Zhidong guards guarding the gate are just ordinary people, not the elite troops of Zhidong. The wealthy executive officers are full of jealousy for Liyue's wealth, but they have nothing to say about the rule of law here.

Liyue is a country that values ​​contracts. Even though Beiguo Bank has swallowed up many of Liyue's financial industries, it is all business competition. Qixing cannot use official power to do evil, and everything is still within the scope of the game.

Beiguo Bank has a bad reputation in Liyue's financial circle, but it has a good reputation in the urban area. With its advanced management experience and methods, reasonable lending and turnover, even treasure thieves want to borrow money here.

They adhere to the concept that the customer is the Queen of Winter, rather than the banks that are bound by ancient traditions. They are the bosses, and the guys who save money are the wrongdoers.

There were twenty or thirty people going in and out of Beiguo Bank. When Jing Fantian passed by the winter guard, the other party didn't see him at all. He was too short.

Entering the Northland Bank, you are immediately surrounded by a hustle and bustle. The sound of noisy conversations, the calculation sound of the abacus and the rustling of paper come and go, filling the entire space.

The front desk of the lobby is a spacious and heavy bank counter. The bank employees are holding pens and abacus, focusing on financial records and accounting. Their fingers are dancing quickly on the paper, and they are calculating various transactions and capital flows.

There is an endless stream of customers in the bank, including businessmen, officials, rich people and ordinary people, all handling various financial transactions here.

Jing Fantian pushed aside a businessman in front of him, who was a little impatient: "What are you doing? Where is this kid from? He doesn't know how to queue up?"

Jing Fantian was a little nervous and polite: "Sorry, sorry, I was in a hurry to rob the bank. I'm really sorry."

The gorgeously dressed businessman reprimanded: "You have to queue up to rob a bank! Liyue is a country of contracts. Contracts about queuing up for work have been around since ancient times. Are you in a hurry to reincarnate?!"

People around him echoed: "That's right!"

"Everything we do must be done in a proper manner. This is our contract with God."

"Young man, you are in a hurry to rob the bank, but you have to follow the rules! Let the uncle rob first. The uncle has been waiting in line for an hour."


Jing Fantian was silent. He felt like he was being looked down upon by a group of people. They didn't take him seriously and thought he was mentally ill.

He knocked on the floor, and a violent vibration came. A large rock dragon lizard emerged from under the floor of Beiguo Bank. Jing Fantian sat on the head of the big rock dragon lizard, overlooking a group of Liyue people who were scared to death.

"Do I still need to line up now?"


I don't know who shouted: "Run!"

Chickens and dogs jumped, and the noise exploded.

All the people in Liyue who were still doing bank business suddenly ran away like someone whose wife had been caught stealing.

The old man who was waiting in line to rob the bank also ran away. There was no father and son in the trading field, and they were enemies in the same industry!

The winter guards were also scared away, and the executive officer went out to perform his mission. No one here is a match for this big rock dragon lizard? What's the point of spending a few hundred yuan a month on your life?

The manager of Beiguo Bank looked at Jing Fantian in mourning as if his own father had died, and said tremblingly: "Guest, can you rob less? Our bank will close down if we run out of money."

Jing Fantian opened his voice and raised his voice: "Stop talking nonsense! Bankers in the North have great careers, how can they go bankrupt so easily? Hand over all Mora quickly!"


The big rock dragon lizard yelled at the bank manager, and the beastly nature of the monster made the manager urinate, crying for his father and mother to get Maura.

Jing Fantian's ears twitched, and a group of people walked up the stairs in neat steps. Although it was not fast, it was full of military order and neatness.

It was the Qianyan Army who was tracking Jing Fantian.

Jing Fantian was anxious. He couldn't wait for the bank manager to hesitate and opened the dragon lizard's vision. Mora was the power of the heart of the rock god and had a strong rock element. Jing Fantian immediately saw a person hidden behind the bank. A big box, the rock element inside is so gold that it shines brightly.

He anxiously directed the big rock dragon lizard: "Quick, behind that, pick it up and leave!"


The big rock dragon lizard was very fast and reached the position pointed by Jing Fantian in a few steps. It held the Mora treasure box in its two paws and dug holes quickly.

"I got it, it's so damn exciting!"

Jing Fantian was a little excited. He had already accomplished a major case just after he came out of the martial arts world. His future sentence would be unlimited!

He directed the giant rock dragon lizard to escape.

The North Country Bank was built upstairs. Once the big rock dragon lizard emerged, there was a wide space. The Qianyan Army came over with white tassel guns.

The big rock dragon lizard roared, and the ground shook violently. More than a dozen Qianyan troops all fell backwards, and there was a sound of ouch and ouch.

Without the obstruction of the Qianyan Army, the Big Rock Dragon Lizard launched its Earth Dragon Movement and penetrated into the earth.

Jing Fantian did not follow the big rock dragon lizard. He took advantage of the other party to attract Qianyanjun's attention and shuttled through the ancient buildings in Liyue like a lizard.

A Qianyan Army instructor wore the Eye of God, his eyes were very sharp, and he waved his white tassel gun and said: "The little dragon lizard is there, chase after it!"

Jing Fantian shook his tail and taunted: "Insignificant mortals, you are as clumsy as elephants!"

He is short and nimble, and can easily walk on the ground in Liyue buildings where space is limited.

"Damn it, how dare you be so arrogant, catch him!"

The coach of Qianyan Army rushed forward, Jing Fantian patted his butt and left.

Bu Lu.

Baizhu, Changsheng, and the pharmacist Agui were rummaging through the books for something.

Books were scattered all over the place, everyone was in a hurry, and the things they were looking for were from a long time ago.

Suddenly Chang Sheng made some noise: "I found it, it's the tree tail of the little dragon lizard!"

Bai Shu came over and looked at it seriously: "This is the master's note, let me take a look... [The Fulong tree at the foot of Hulao Mountain suppressed the ancient Dragon King. In a thousand years, the sacred tree has been destroyed by the Dragon King's Nourished by the dragon's blood, it turned into a branch of blood jade, an eternal treasure]."

Changsheng was so frightened that he shrank into a ball and trembled a little: "Qiqi! Your Mr. Long is really the reincarnation of Dragon King Ruotuo. I was a little loud to him just now. He...he won't eat me, right?!"

"Cough cough..."

Baizhu coughed a little weakly, and then quickly told Agui: "Go and report to the General Affairs Department, just say——"

"The Dragon King has invaded!!"

Jing Fantian, who was listed as a first-level alert by Bu Bu Lu, was currently posing as an Arhat to dress as a rock statue. He activated petrification and completely transformed into a golden rock statue.

It's just that this posture has no resin. It is the iron mountain support of the legendary Kun Arhat. This move makes everyone who sees it imitate it involuntarily. It is the supreme magical power of Tantric Buddhism.

The rock statue blocked the elemental vision of the holder of the Qianyan Eye of Military God, allowing Jing Fantian to lean against a wall and face the street without anyone noticing.

Jing Fantian's ears twitched and he heard a burst of cheerful footsteps, followed by a girl's song.

"Daqiuqiu is sick? Two Qiuqiu shakes? Three Qiuqiu collects medicine? Four Qiuqiu boils~"

The girl has long brown double ponytail hair, a black Taoist hat on her head, and dark brown clothes. She hums a little tune in an eccentric way.

A yellow dog approached Jing Fantian with its tongue sticking out, and raised its legs to urinate.

Jing Fantian was furious. The dead dog defecated everywhere. Are you talking about resin?

But at this time he was a rock statue and could not speak.

Hutao caught sight of it and stepped forward to kick the yellow dog away: "Go, go, scatter somewhere else, don't dirty the statue."

Hutao liked statues, and his favorite were the two stone lions in front of the General Affairs Department. He regarded them as pets and named them Da Mi and Er Mi. She often takes care of them, and she has different feelings for statues that are lifelike but actually dead.


Just like Qiqi, Hutao discovered the specialness of the dragon lizard statue. Although its size was only one-tenth of the stone lion at the door of the General Affairs Department, the crown of the Dragon King, the branch of blood jade, and the gilded scales were all unique. It is like the miraculous craftsmanship of nature, something that cannot be carved by ordinary people.

Hutao looked around: "Who lost such a precious statue?"

"Hey! Whose precious statue is lost——"

She shouted loudly, and the people around her just looked at her, and then went back to doing their own things.

Hutao picked up the statue and said with a smile on his face: "No one is around, it's mine!"

The girl thought she had gotten a big bargain, and then said: "I will show you to the knowledgeable guest Qing Zhongli later. I feel you must be worth a lot of money."

Hu Tao suddenly felt the dragon lizard statue tremble, and then she shook her head, how could the statue move?

Hutao walked towards the Wanmin Hall while holding the rock lizard statue in her arms, and even named Jing Fantian: "I have a big one and a second one, so you will be a third one!"

Sanmi, what the hell is this name? It's better to call me prosperous, wealth and noble.

Jing Fantian complained in his heart.

"Sanmi! This young hall master will take you to Wanmin Hall for a meal and let Xiangling see my new pet."

Young Hall Master? Jing Fantian suddenly realized that the timeline was three years ago, Hutao's grandfather had not died yet, and she had not succeeded as the leader of the Hall of the Past.

The bumps along the way made Jing Fantian sigh that Hutao was so flat that he could even run out of the airport.

Could it be that I am flat-chested and I am proud, I am saving fabric for Liyue.

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